
"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

author:Zi Qian said

Yi Lijing really dared to say it.

Recently watched an issue of "Spit Conference" and was circled by her fans.

She bluntly expressed her attitude towards marriage, revealing that she once participated in the show with Da Zhang Wei, who asked her on stage: "You don't talk about love, don't get married, have you not experienced what it feels like to be really in love?" ”

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

Yi Lijing asked rhetorically, "What is that feeling like?" Did you take mine and send it back to me, or did you spit it out of me after eating mine, or did you eat me? ”

Da Zhang Wei covered his face and begged for forgiveness, Yi Lijing's spit, with her usual interview style, calm and sharp, she turned her face and spit on "aunt" Li Ruotong: "As a middle-aged woman, why should you pursue girlishness, so what do you let young girls pursue?" Middle-aged wealthy businessman? ”

Li Ruotong laughed loudly, Yi Lijing turned the painting style, said that he admired Li Ruotong's words, someone on the Internet had asked her "why not get married", Li Ruotong replied directly: "I want you to manage!" ”

She also used this sentence to scare Zhang Wei: "I am not married, I want you to take care of it!" ”

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

Yi Lijing's sharpness and integrity are many people's impression of her, and the "interrogation-style spit" has also been on the hot search, but she has not been easy along the way.


Yi Lijing was born in a small town on the border of China and Russia, and since she was a child, she has experienced the magnificent scenery of mountains and rivers, and her personality is also very straightforward.

In the 1990s, she came to Beijing to study and became a journalist, enjoying wandering the streets of the capital, capturing interesting events that happen at any time and recording them.

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

In 2003, she came to work at Southern People Weekly, interviewed Zhao Wei, Sun Honglei, Ge You, Deng Chao and others, and one after another articles with depth and characteristics were born.

Among them, the more famous is the interview with Cui Yongyuan, she showed this report to Zhao Benshan, Zhao Benshan read the full report, said: "It is a competition, this child, I want to find an opportunity to persuade him well." ”

That year, in the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Xiao Cui Says Things", Zhao Benshan said straight to the point: "Xiao Cui, I haven't seen you for 6 years, I heard that you are depressed? ”

This sentence made Cui Yongyuan smile, maybe the greeting of an old friend would make him have a complete relaxation, and the sketch was very well performed.

Watching Yi Lijing's interview will make people have a sense of strength that directly hits the soul.

When she interviewed Yi Nengjing, when Yi Nengjing participated in the "Sister Lang" program, she took her husband and mother-in-law to participate in the variety show, so that people could see the harmony and warmth of her family.

Perhaps a little proud, she was interviewed and talked, not only complaining about the poor level of her teammates, but also pulling the topic to Mei Yanfang, saying that she had been looking for love all her life, which quickly caused spit.

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

In the interview, Yi Lijing was already able to realize that her words were too much, and she knew that if she continued to ask questions, it would bring more topics, but she stopped and did not ask any more questions, which was also the warm side of Yi Lijing.

In the years of interviews, Yi Lijing has mastered the privacy of many celebrities, but if it is agreed that what cannot be said, she will keep her mouth shut and resolutely not disclose the privacy of the other party.

She has always insisted that there should be dignity in interviewing and being interviewed.


Yi Lijing's interview is also full of controversy.

Some people think she is too sharp and digs out the unknown side of the star.

In this regard, Yi Lijing said: "The wound in the heart, don't cover it, we have to give it a chance to heal." ”

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

Before interviewing each character, she will make full preparations, turn the other party's information from the beginning to the end, and do not let go of any of them, so that she can have a better understanding of the interviewee.

This has her calm and self-confidence in the interview, although there are not many words, but you can control the rhythm steadily, understand the bottom line of the other party and the inner worries, and let the other party relax and speak freely.

In interviewing Li Yapeng, the man who was angry at the reporter who pointed the camera at his daughter unloaded his defenses in front of her and told the past experience of love and family in detail.

When interviewing Zhao Benshan, she spent half a month in the Zhao Benshan crew, deeply contacted each other's work and life, and also understood the changes before and after a person became famous, and there was one thing in common, that is, they were quite bitter.

"The pressure may be even greater than it was then, because when you haven't seen so much, sleeping in the dark, planting the land during the day, and not thinking about anything, now you see more, you know more, and you are more bitter." 」

Yi Lijing sat next to him, listened to him, and also understood the original nature of human nature, everyone may have different identities and different statuses, but they all have the pursuit of beautiful things in their hearts, they can be content and happy when they don't know, and when they don't get it, they are unwilling in their hearts, and when the responsibility is more and more, the feeling of involuntariness also comes with it.

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

Her interviews, comprehensive and true, will not only record the bright side of the star, but also explore the true thoughts of the other party's heart, from point to point, to give readers some inspiration for thinking.


But not every interview will go well.

Yi Lijing also encountered difficulties when he went out to interview.

Once, she went to Henan to interview an AIDS patient, and in a vigilant state, she brought candy and a dagger.

Candy is used to coax children, and daggers are used for self-defense.

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

Late that day, she found a car back to the city, who knew that the other party stopped the car in the middle of the road and asked her to add money, otherwise she would be left in the wilderness.

She was afraid, but her face was calm, and she quietly dialed 110 with her mobile phone in her pocket, and then asked the other party how much money she wanted to add, and the other party said: "Add 10 yuan." ”

This made her a false alarm, but also understood that a person's pattern and vision, really related to their own insights, if this driver has a little more ability to earn money, how can he do such a thing for 10 yuan.

Interviewed by many people, Yi Lijing is also very accurate in his life positioning, be a real self, do not cater to others, do not follow the tide.

She was also asked a topic by many people: "You are so old, why don't you get married?" ”

To this, her answer is: "Marriage is a life choice, not a necessity." ”

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

Being able to be true to yourself, a life that is not affected by the outside world, is really too few.

At a certain age, we will be urged to marry by our parents and asked by the souls of relatives: "When will you get married?" When to have children? ”

Some people laughed awkwardly, some people obeyed their parents' arrangements, and the most painful answer I heard was the sentence: "You want to take care of it!" ”

"What does true love feel like?" Yi Lijing spat at Zhang Wei: I want you to manage

People in this life is a one-way street, meeting the person you love is lucky, no encounter and do not have to worry, according to their own rhythm of life, live their own life, there is really no need to be affected by the words and deeds of others.

In Yi Lijing, I saw that she was gentle and firm, she had no expression on the surface, but she had the wisdom of insight into people's hearts in her heart, and also gave us some thoughts on life.

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