
Play with human nature, all kinds of routines just for money

author:Overseas network

Source: Rule of Law Daily - Legal Network

□ Wang Chun, all-media reporter of the Rule of Law Daily

□ Correspondent Zhong Fa

In the gray and black field, gambling and pornography are the leading industries, both of which are very profitable and hidden illegal industries. They study human nature, play with human nature, create different baits according to different needs, and induce victims to obediently hand over the money in their pockets step by step.

Online gambling, beauty nude chat, lottery arbitrage... In many cases heard by the court system of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, there are such victims who have fallen into the routine of fraudsters. To this end, the judge reminded that it is necessary to go online green and stay away from bad behavior on the Internet; do not accept invitations and chats from strange netizens at will, do not easily click on unfamiliar links or download Apps, and do not transfer money to strangers at will. Once you find that you have been deceived, you should call the police as soon as possible.

Behind a good deck of cards is a fraud trap

Three "A's", such a big card, must be able to win, continue to bet... After 10 consecutive rounds of betting, the opponent opened a bigger card, and 100,000 yuan disappeared in just a few minutes.

Yu usually likes to play cards and often watches live broadcasts. Once he went into a network live broadcast platform called "Eggplant Live" and saw that someone was broadcasting Golden Flower and added the other party's WeChat. As long as 10 yuan can bet, wait for the 8 player anchors to start playing cards. Yu saw that his cards were actually three "A", felt that good luck came and began to raise continuously, from 400 to 1000 to 3000 to 5000 yuan, the bet was getting bigger and bigger, WeChat transfer was restricted to add Alipay, bank cards, until 10 rounds of betting were completed, and only Yu and another player were left in the live broadcast room.

When the last card competition was held, he did not expect that the other party's card was bigger, and the dumbfounded Yu realized that he had been "killed by a pig", looking at the 100,000 yuan that had been transferred, Yu, who wanted to cry without tears, reported to the police.

This method of fraud is actually very old-fashioned, that is, to first give the victim a big card, induce the confident victim to continue to raise the bet, until the 10 rounds of betting are completed, and the anchor will open an unexpected big card to completely swallow the victim's bet.

Recently, Peng Mou, the anchor of the golden flower, was sentenced to 10 years and nine months in prison and fined 110,000 yuan by the Chun'an court for fraud.

According to the judge handling the case, nine out of ten gambles will lose, and long bets will be lost. Online gambling scams are often set up by so-called bookmakers, and gambling is gambling on websites or apps provided by online gambling gangs. Overseas gambling groups use means such as black chains, group text messages, WeChat groups, QQ groups and other means of publicity and promotion on regular websites, and lure gamblers to register and recharge gambling with gimmicks such as high odds, fast withdrawals, and large wins, and gambling funds are usually circulated through online banking or third-party payment platforms. All the data is in the hands of the scammers, at the beginning let the gambling participants feel that winning money is so simple, thinking that it is "good luck", and then a large number of bets, deeper and deeper, and then wait for the beginning of the "sweetness" to pass after the discovery that they have long been lost.

Pornography services are actually "phishing" scams in the name

Wang Mou, an unemployed man after 70, came to the Wenhui police station to report to the police, saying that he had been defrauded of 12,008 yuan.

It turned out that when Wang Mou went online a few days ago, he suddenly saw a "dating in the same city" web page jumped out of the website, which had a lot of pornographic photos on it, and also wrote "live online video nude chat", and clicked on it without pressing the curiosity for a while. After registering an account and recharging 10 yuan according to the prompts, Wang entered the "anchor" chat interface.

The "anchor" first chatted with Wang Mou with text for a while, and then sent a 15-second video, and the bullet screen above the video kept flashing: "Recharge 298 VIP will be delivered to the door once!" For event details, please consult the current anchor. "In this way, a VIP member of 298 yuan, a rich member of 888 yuan, a deposit of 1,000 yuan... Wang Mou fell deeper and deeper in the routine of the "dating" website, and charged the website with 12,008 yuan before and after, only to find out that he was deceived and rushed to the police.

After trial in accordance with law, the Xiacheng Court held that the defendants Zhao Jia, Qian Yi, Zhao Bing, and Zhao Ding, for the purpose of illegal possession, used telecommunications network technology to defraud others of property by fabricating facts or concealing the truth, and the amount involved in the case amounted to more than 440,000 yuan, and their acts constituted the crime of fraud and were joint crimes, and the four people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 10 to 5 years, and fined between 100,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan.

The judge handling the case suggested that most of the online pornography scams used beautiful women's heads, pornographic words, etc. to lure victims to add friends, falsely claimed to provide pornographic service resources, tricked victims into paying for transactions, including deposits, room fees, membership fees and other additional fees, and demanded to pay again and multiple times on the grounds of failed transfers, incorrect remarks, service upgrades, etc., until they were discovered.

"Beauty netizens" recommend buying lottery tickets as a trap

Zhuang received a screenshot of a lottery winning ticket from a beautiful netizen named "Charm Blue", saying that he wanted to take Zhuang to buy lottery tickets together to make money. Zhuang clicked into the website link, registered the account after the first recharge of 500 yuan, earned two or three hundred yuan.

Subsequently, "Charm Blue" proposed to increase the recharge amount, Zhuang recharged thousands of yuan before and after the request of "Charm Blue", and the account balance reached more than 9,000 yuan on the same day, so Zhuang launched a request to withdraw 1,000 yuan, but the website showed that "withdrawal failed". Zhuang asked the website customer service, customer service said that its binding bank card number is wrong, the withdrawal amount is frozen, and it needs to recharge 5888 yuan to return the frozen amount to the account. Unwilling to let the money in the account not be taken out, Zhuang "withdrew" again and again, "failed to withdraw", and then was persuaded by the customer service to "the amount purchased by the lottery ticket on the same day did not reach 30% of the recharge amount, and vip seats needed to be opened", and transferred 5888 yuan, 7777 yuan, 8888 yuan, 9999 yuan to different Alipay, WeChat, and bank cards one after another. In just half a month, Zhuang was defrauded of more than 150,000 yuan in total.

The police finally found out that Zhuang mou encountered an 8-person fraud gang.

The Yuhang court held that the defendant Chen Mourong and 8 others, for the purpose of illegal possession, ganged up to use telecommunications network technology to fabricate facts and defraud others of property and property, all of which constituted the crime of fraud, and finally sentenced the 8 defendants to fixed-term imprisonment of three years and suspended sentences ranging from three years to ten years and two months of imprisonment, and fined them ranging from 30,000 yuan to 105,000 yuan.

The judge handling the case reminded that online gambling is to take advantage of the fluke psychology of some people, and once addicted, it is very easy to lose their minds and then produce the consequences of high debts. In the face of the temptation of high returns, stay sober, do not add strangers at will, and do not be deceived by the so-called "friends" in the WeChat group to recharge to fake websites.

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