
#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

When rattan pepper sesame seeds and garlic yellow collide, what a magical taste will be produced. Friends who like to eat rattan pepper flavor do not miss it.

by gao

A handful of noodles

A handful of garlic yellow

2 eggs

Salt to taste

Cane pepper sesame seeds to taste

#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

1. Prepare ingredients (all common in the market)

#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

2: Beat two eggs and add a little salt to the eggs.

#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

3: Pour into the pot without stirring.

#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

4: Fold the spread eggs and add the garlic yellow.

#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

5: Remove the eggs from the pan. Add a small amount of tofu juice to the garlic (you can change to a small amount of water)

#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

6: Sprinkle with rattan pepper tahini

#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

7, egg q bomb, the entrance is satisfied.

#Exquisite one-person food #rattan pepper sesame garlic yellow noodles

8, do a good job. Go give it a try~

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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