
Yellow-faced face upgraded version of the formula to share, only because it is too easy to use, it has been "banned" by the boss of the black pit

author:Outdoor Lambovan

People who often fish for black pits are certainly no strangers to yellow noodles! It was born from the black pit, and the carp fishing effect is good! Of course in the fishing circle, there is nothing that has always been easy to use! Why, because the fish situation is changing, so if you want to catch a good fish, you have to do everything you can to change and deal with it, in order to catch a good fish in the black pit!

Yellow-faced face upgraded version of the formula to share, only because it is too easy to use, it has been "banned" by the boss of the black pit

Black pit

And the nature of the black pit also determines the difficulty of fishing! After all, to open a black pit, the ultimate purpose of the boss is to make money, and it is certainly not okay to easily fish away, after all, people have invested a lot of energy and financial resources in the early stage! Therefore, black pit fishing is the "fighting method" between the angler and the fish and the fish pond owner.

I'm a fisherman and a visitor, so I know what everyone needs! Hereby, today we present you with a set of bait recipes, the original yellow noodles have been upgraded. I gave this formula to more than a dozen fishing friends, they used it very well, several times won the pit crown, it is because it is too good to use, so it was "banned" by some fish pond owners.

Yellow-faced face upgraded version of the formula to share, only because it is too easy to use, it has been "banned" by the boss of the black pit


Maybe everyone thinks it's a bit exaggerated, the owner of the fish pond knows who you are, he wants you to fish well to give publicity, so that more people will come, of course, in theory, this is the case, but in fact it is not so! Once or twice ok, but you can catch a lot every time, the boss naturally remembers you! Because most people can't catch any fish at all!

As the saying goes, it is gold that shines, you have caught fish here many times, and you have caught a lot of fish, the boss will certainly not spare you! Of course, someone will definitely say, even if he knows you, how can he use it and not let you use bait! Of course, this is not, and people adjust the water to make your bait "ineffective".

Yellow-faced face upgraded version of the formula to share, only because it is too easy to use, it has been "banned" by the boss of the black pit


I dare to say that there is a basis for this, from the mouth of the angler who has given the recipe, they have fished well for a while, and they have not gone twice empty, but they have given it to others, and the effect is so good, when they go again, once they have fished well. The next day to go again will not work, there is no mouth, change who to use it can not work! In fact, in the black pit is like this, everyone knows how to change to continue!

Although the effect is not very good on our side now, it is not necessarily bad on the side of the angler! Of course, after using it a few times, everyone remembers to slow down, so it is not good for people to remember you, so fishing should still be low-key! Having said all this, don't go away, the recipe for the bait is below, you must look at it with your heart!

Yellow-faced face upgraded version of the formula to share, only because it is too easy to use, it has been "banned" by the boss of the black pit

Mixed bait

Ratio: 1 part of yellow noodles, 1 part of yellow sand flavor, 1 part of snowflake powder, 1 part of fishing rice, 3-5 drops of carp in a bottle.

Rice is best to choose a solid color of rice, such as black or red, so that you can improve the bait to stimulate the fish better! As for the taste, this one is up to everyone, according to the preferences of local fish! Medicinal liquor or sweet potatoes are ok. There is also this to get the carp, to add according to the season.

Yellow-faced face upgraded version of the formula to share, only because it is too easy to use, it has been "banned" by the boss of the black pit

Bait mixing

If the temperature is high, this ratio, if it is a low temperature, double the addition, only in this way can better stimulate the fish. As for the water ratio, it is controlled at about 0.9, of course, if you do scattered artillery, then this is up to you. Usually when I fish, I like to rub the bait half of the open bait.

This saves a lot of trouble, mainly to prevent the cannon and the bait from tasteing differently, stimulating the fish in the nest, and then shutting down and not eating! This is not nonsense, there are still more such fish in the black pit, otherwise they are called slippery fish! Well, that's all I've shared in this issue, and I hope this recipe and what I'm talking about will help us anglers!

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