
Martyrdom is not terrible, what is terrible is that the way of death is too terrible

Ancient people died as if they were alive, believing that the dead were as important as the living, and this psychology gave birth to the birth of the burial system.

During the Shang Dynasty, it was believed that after the deceased passed away, they would go to another world to continue living. In another world, the grave is the new dwelling place of the dead. For the upper class at that time, it was not enough to have a place to live, but also to have wealth and servants, so as to maintain a decent life before they were born.

Therefore, the slave owners at that time not only had to use a large amount of gold and silver treasures to accompany the burial, but also let the slaves be buried.

Martyrdom is not terrible, what is terrible is that the way of death is too terrible

In the Shang Dynasty ancient tomb group in the Anyang area of Henan, almost every tomb has several or even dozens of martyrs. In some of the larger Shang Dynasty tombs, there have even been hundreds of people buried.

From the attire of these martyrs, we can see the occupations they engaged in during their lifetime, such as:

Some of the martyrs with weapons placed around them, who lived or served as the guards of the tomb owner;

Some of the martyrs buried next to the carriage and horse should be the drivers of the tomb owners;

Those whose heads were in different places and whose heads were discarded at will were the slaves of the tomb owners.

From the situation where some of the martyrs were tied with their hands tied behind their backs, we can see the horror of "life martyrdom". Since the Shang Dynasty, the system of burial has become more and more prevalent. Whether it is the historical materials of the Western Zhou or the Eastern Zhou, you can find texts about martyrdom. "Mozi" records: "The Son of Heaven killed and martyred, hundreds of many, dozens of widows; the general doctor killed martyrdom, the many dozens, the widows numbered." ”

Obviously, Mozi's era was the Eastern Zhou. After Zhou Tianzi died, dozens or even hundreds of martyrs would be martyred. After the death of an ordinary scholar, several or even dozens of martyrs will be martyred.

Martyrdom is not terrible, what is terrible is that the way of death is too terrible

In the "Miscellaneous Records of Xijing", there is such a record: "The tomb of the King of You is very tall and strong, and the envy door is open, and it is all chalk." Remove the remnants of Zhang, but the mica, the deep ruler, see more than a hundred corpses, and sleep in all directions, all immortal. The only man, the rest of the women, sit or lie down, are also standing, dressed in all kinds, not alien. ”

From here, it can be seen that the identity of the martyr is not necessarily a slave, but may also be the concubine of the tomb owner. From the four words "only man", it can be seen that King Zhou You, unlike other tomb owners, chose the martyrs who were all women, which also indirectly reflected his lustful nature.

The earliest burial system of the Qin Dynasty can be traced back to the Qin State in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the earliest qin monarch who used the burial of the living in the historical records was qin Wugong: "Wu Gong 卒, buried Yongyang." In the beginning, there were sixty-six people from the dead. ”

Since The Duke of Wu, successive Qin monarchs have been like a competition, increasing the number of martyrs. "Miao Gong 卒, buried Yong, from the dead one hundred and seventy-seven people. Qin Zhiliang's courtiers, Che Shi, were also dying, Zhongxing, and Needle Tiger. The Qin people mourned, for the song "Yellow Bird" poem. In addition, according to modern archaeological findings, more than a hundred martyrs have also appeared in the tombs of Qin Jinggong.

During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the martyrdom system of the Qin state was temporarily suspended by the Qin Xiangong, but it was only temporarily abolished, because the burial system was restored after the death of Yingzheng.

Martyrdom is not terrible, what is terrible is that the way of death is too terrible

So, how many people did Qin Shi Huang use to be martyred?

Not to mention the harem women's relatives who "are not children, it is not appropriate to go out, all are ordered to die", only those craftsmen who were buried alive because of the repair of the tomb are a terrible number.

Why do modern people praise the three dynasties of Han, Tang and Song? It was because the rulers of these three dynasties abolished the system of martyrdom. During this period, only some emperors used live martyrdom, and most other emperors kept funeral tombs next to the imperial tombs for the princes and ministers to accompany them after their deaths.

Zhu Yuanzhang was decisive in his life, and in his life deeds we can see a lot of situations in which people's lives are taken seriously. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang gave the Ming Emperor a bad start, and he re-implemented the martyrdom system that had been abolished for a thousand years.

The Twenty-Second Chronicle of History records: "Taizu Beng, the palace people were mostly from the dead, Jianwen and Yongle, successively, such as Zhang Feng, Li Heng, Zhao Fu, Zhang Bi, Wang Bin and other families, all hereditary Jinyi Wei thousands of households, known as chaotian female households, all chengzu, Renzong, Xuanzong all of them." ”

A simple sentence of "all are the same" summarizes the three emperors after Zhu Yuanzhang who followed the martyrdom system after their deaths. History is so cruel, just a few words, has already emitted a strong smell of blood.

During the reign of Emperor Yingzong of Ming, Zhu You, the King of Zhou, passed away. Emperor Yingzong was kind and kind, and specially decreed that female relatives below the concubine lady should not be martyred. Unfortunately, the Holy Will was one step too late, and when the King of Zhou was buried, seven female relatives had already "died".

This incident made Ming Yingzong firm in his determination to abolish the martyrdom system. Before he died, he made a special will: "I can't bear to use people to be buried, and this matter stops on its own." This phrase "stops with itself" does not know how many lives have been saved.

Martyrdom is not terrible, what is terrible is that the way of death is too terrible

After the establishment of Nurhaci, when the Jin and even the Manchus entered the customs, the Manchu rulers used the living to be martyred.

When Nurhaci passed away: "First, after the death of Empress Xiaoci, the daughter of Belman of the Kingdom of Wula was made a concubine. Xin Haichen carved the concubine to be martyred, and there were seven Chinese New Year's Eve, so he was buried at the same time... Another two concubines were martyred. ”

After the death of Emperor Taiji, he said: "Tundari was raised by his childhood and did not want to leave forever, so he was martyred." King Belle of the Qing Dynasty and other righteous people, with Tundari zhi not forgetting the king, loyal and sufficient, giving jia La Zhangjing, descendants forever free from military service, serious transgressions, pardons are pardoned and exonerated, those who should not be pardoned should be reduced, and the officials and knights should not be replaced. Andari, the Yehe people, when they returned, the first emperor took pity on him, and was given an official position by Mu Shu'en, and also martyred. ”

After Kangxi ascended to the throne, he saw the blood and cruelty behind the martyrdom system, and finally decided to let this system bid farewell to history forever: "And good life and evil death, the common sentiment of people, sacrificing one's life and light life, is not suitable for the prosperous world." ”

Martyrdom is not terrible, what is terrible is that the way of death is too terrible

After talking about the continuation of the burial system, let's talk about the specific form of martyrdom.

The reason why feudalism is resentful is not only the land system of "feudal statehood and statehood and one person dominating", but also the ugly and maladious system of this period, and the martyrdom system is one of the most difficult to accept.

The history of martyrdom expounded by the author in the previous article, although there are only a few lines, carry countless unjust souls who have died in vain. It is obviously inhumane to take so many innocent lives for the sake of one deceased.

Why was there such a form of burial as martyrdom in ancient times?

The author believes that in addition to superstitious ideas, part of the reason is also due to the possessiveness of the aristocratic class. Taking the ruler as an example, the emperor was rich all over the world, and there were countless attendants and women around him before his death, which were the "private property" of the emperor himself.

In the eyes of the emperor, these people were no different from objects. So in the emperor's view, if these objects can be buried, why can't these people become martyrs?

Martyrdom is not terrible, what is terrible is that the way of death is too terrible

To be buried means to kill. Ancient forms of burial are varied, and to put it bluntly, they are nothing more than a variety of ways to kill people. The simplest way is to poison the martyrs directly with wine or poisoned food.

Usually, people who are poisoned in this way have no idea that they are going to be buried for the dead. The person in charge of the funeral will gather all those who are about to be buried together according to the wishes of the deceased, and then prepare several tables and wait for these unsuspecting people to be poisoned to death. After the death of these people, the person who presided over the funeral would ask someone to carry the martyrs into the tomb.

Obviously, this form of burial is already very "gentle" compared to the next few burial methods. At the very least, people who are poisoned can die violently when the poison is on, and they don't have to suffer too much.

Ordering a martyr to hang is also a common form of martyrdom, and in costume film and television dramas, we can often see such a bridge: a eunuch or a palace maid holding a bench and a white aya, sending her to the female relatives who are about to be martyred, staring at her on the last journey of her life.

Of course, before forcing the martyrs to hang themselves, the palace people will also do enough "ideological work", which is to make the martyrs "walk with peace of mind". The palace people will inform the martyrs in advance that their families have been properly cared for, and the martyrs themselves will receive the titles given by the imperial court.

Generally speaking, while doing "ideological work", the palace people will also be soft and hard, and if the martyr refuses to be buried, he will be executed in a more cruel way, and his family will be punished. Under threat, the martyrs knew that they had no hope of surviving, and for the sake of their posthumous honor and the future of their families, they could only grit their teeth and welcome death. For some women who refused to take the initiative to hang themselves, the eunuchs would forcibly hang them on the white aya and then kick off the bench under their feet.

A more brutal form of burial than hanging is burial alive, and after the deceased is buried, the person who presides over the funeral will "drive" the martyr to the mausoleum. In order to make these people obedient, the martyrs are usually given some nerve-numbing drugs or alcohol during the funeral. After the martyrs enter the mausoleum, they are placed in various "shapes", some lying on the side of the coffin or kneeling next to the owner of the tomb, some sitting on the ground next to the coffin, etc. In some tombs with "burial pits", the martyrs are buried alive directly from the earth.

Martyrdom is not terrible, what is terrible is that the way of death is too terrible

Of all the burial methods, the most heinous is "mercury irrigation". Some psychopathic tomb owners want the martyr to maintain his appearance after death, so he will make a request in the will and let the descendants feed the martyr mercury, so that the martyr can retain his voice and smile.

Before the mercury is poured, a small opening is made on the top of the martyr's head, and then someone pours the mercury into the small mouth with a spoon. Due to the high density of mercury, mercury can easily burrow into the human body. When the human body was infused with enough mercury, the martyr cried out for his life. After sealing the small opening on the top of the martyr's head, they are placed in the grave of the deceased and sealed. In some tombs, there have also been martyrs who swallow mercury.

Because of the bactericidal effect of mercury, the remains of these mercury-infused martyrs tend to remain incorruptible for thousands of years. Until the archaeologists opened the mausoleum, they remained in a tragic state of death.


【Mozi", "Xijing Miscellaneous Records", "Twenty-two Historical Notes"】

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