
Gastronomic skills teach you turnip fish, pot collapsed yellow fish and cabbage fish rolls

author:Yun Mo pin food

Radish fish

Gastronomic skills teach you turnip fish, pot collapsed yellow fish and cabbage fish rolls

【Dish name】


Lu cuisine


The color is golden, the shape is realistic, and the outside is crisp and the inside is tender.

【Raw Materials】

Flounder 450 g. 25 grams of pork fat, 30 grams of bread crumbs. 3 grams of refined salt, 5 grams of pepper noodles, 15 grams of rice wine, 6 grams of green onion, 10 grams of minced ginger, 200 grams of peanut oil, 10 grams of coriander leaves, 15 grams of egg white.

【Production process】

Wash the flounder and split it into 5 cm long, 0.3 cm thick, 3 cm wide at one end) and 1.5 cm wide at one end, for a total of 12 slices. Place flat on a plate and sprinkle with salt, pepper noodles and sake to taste. Then chop the remaining fish together with the pork fat into a fine puree into a bowl, add egg white, shao wine, minced green onion, ginger, pepper noodles, water, fine salt and stir into the filling, evenly rolled into the fish fillets, making a thick, thin as a radish-shaped fish roll, the egg into the bowl and stir well, the fish roll around the body evenly dipped in dry flour, hang the egg liquid, dip evenly, soak the fine slag, and insert a bamboo stick into the thick end of each fish roll. When peanut oil is placed in a frying pan and heated to 70% heat (about 175 ° C), add the fish rolls and fry them until golden brown. Take out the bamboo skewer, put a sterilized coriander leaf in the small hole of the bamboo skewer, and place it neatly on the plate.

Pot collapsed yellow croaker

Gastronomic skills teach you turnip fish, pot collapsed yellow fish and cabbage fish rolls

The color is golden, the fresh flavor is strong, and it is soft and soft.

Yellow croaker 750 g. 20 grams of fungus, 15 grams of ham, 20 grams of magnolia slices, 20 grams of vegetables. 5 grams of refined salt, 15 grams of rice wine, 200 grams of peanut oil, 30 grams of starch, 10 grams of green onion, 15 grams of ginger, 5 grams of garlic, 20 grams of sugar, 20 grams of vinegar, 100 grams of clear soup.

The yellow fish is cleaned of scales, gills and internal organs with clean water, the fish head is cut off from the lower mouth of the fish, split into two pieces, the fish body removes the girder bone spurs from the back, splits to the fish belly, the tail is connected in a hinge shape, and then the skin is carved on the fish flesh face down, and the fish head is sprinkled with fine salt. Sake and marinate. Beat the eggs into a bowl and stir well. Wood ear fungus, ham, magnolia slices, and green vegetables are cut into 25 cm long shreds, put peanut oil in a frying pan, and simmer over medium heat until 40% heat (about 100 ° C). Dip the fish head and meat into the dried flour, drag it through the egg mixture and fry until golden brown. Pour a colander with internal control for oil purification. Put peanut oil in the wok, simmer over medium heat to 60% heat (about 150 ° C), stir-fry with shredded onion and ginger, sliced garlic, add shredded fungus, shredded ham, shredded magnolia slices, shredded green vegetables and stir-fry slightly, add clear soup, yellow fish, rice wine, salt, sugar and vinegar to boil over high heat, simmer over low heat until the soup is about to dry, put the fish in a bowl to form a whole fish, and pour the soup on the fish.

Fish rolls with cabbage

Gastronomic skills teach you turnip fish, pot collapsed yellow fish and cabbage fish rolls

The outside is tender on the inside, the fish is delicious, and the water chestnut is fragrant.

Yellow croaker 750 g. 20 grams of vegetables, 25 grams of leather, 30 grams of shredded pork fat. 10 grams of green onion, 15 grams of ginger, 15 grams of egg white, 15 grams of rice wine, 10 grams of sesame oil, 50 grams of starch, 200 grams of peanut oil, 10 grams of peppercorns, 5 grams of refined salt.

Yellow croaker meat and pork fat are cut into 3.5 cm long and 0.3 cm thick silk. Peel the water chestnut and cut it into fine strips: wash the watercress, put it in boiling water, then put it in cold water to cool, then take out the squeezed water and cut it into the end. Put the above ingredients into a container, add minced green onion, minced ginger, egg white, rice wine, sesame oil, wet starch, fine salt, and stir with chopsticks to form the filling. Egg white humidified starch mixed into egg white paste and set aside. The oil skin is peeled into two pieces, laid flat on the board, added to the filling roll into a roll with a diameter of 1.6 cm, glued to the edge of the oil skin roll with egg whites, and then cut the fish into 3.3 cm segments. Mix with flour, baking powder and water to form a paste. Add peanut oil in a wok over medium heat to 70% heat (about 175 °C), then dip the fish rolls in the batter and fry them in the oil one by one until golden brown. Bring a pepper salt and pepper plate to serve.

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