
Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

Hello, hello everyone, did you go out to play on National Day, anyway, I am at home to see the traffic jam. By the way also to the children to do their favorite food, today to share a wood ear fried meat, is my child name to eat, said the starting point name, just think of sometimes out to eat, the two children in the family like to eat meat, out to order will ask the waiter, that dish meat more, many times the recommended dishes are this wood ear fried meat, children also like this dish, but the outside restaurant of the fungus fried meat is not spicy, go home to study the study of pepper, the finished product super next meal, the child is a must order a dish every week.

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

Speaking of fungus, everyone often eats, such as cold mix, hot stir-fry, shabu-shabu, are very delicious, fungus is a good ingredient that is easy to eat and easy to store. Fungus is a fungus that is rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. In particular, the iron content is very high. Wood ear fungus has several very good effects

1. Tonify qi and blood, the iron content of black fungus is very high, and iron is an essential element in the human body, with hematopoietic function. This can make the popularity blood better.

2. Clean the stomach and intestines, black fungus is rich in dietary fiber, can absorb intestinal water, promote the discharge of intestinal waste, reduce the damage caused by toxins to the body, so there is a "vascular scavenger" reputation, often eat black fungus can also play a role in preventing constipation.

3. Drop three highs, black fungus is a type of food that is very suitable for people with three highs, black fungus has the effect of lowering blood sugar, lowering blood lipids and lowering blood pressure, which can prevent three high diseases. Eating fungus often is still very effective for lowering three highs.


Note that when the fungus is eaten, the time of the fungus bubble can not exceed eight hours, the longer the fungus bubble, the easier it is to breed bacteria, if you can't eat more than once, you can freeze it.

There are also fungus that cannot be eaten with turnips, both of which are cold foods. Consuming together can easily cause dermatitis

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

Dosage and method of ingredients for stir-fried meat with fungus


15 grams of fungus, 90 grams of lettuce, 150 grams of pork, garlic, 1 pepper, a small amount of ginger, a moderate amount of peppercorns, a small amount of salt, a small amount of soy sauce, a small amount of starch, a small amount of chicken essence, a small amount of monosodium glutamate, an appropriate amount of cooking oil, a little bit of bean paste, and a moderate amount of spring onions


1. Prepare the required ingredients, the fungus is more than a bubble, and the dosage can be adjusted according to the number of people in the house

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

2. Wood ear fungus with warm water first, pork washed and sliced, size at will, add ginger, garlic, peppercorn grains, soy sauce, starch grasping and pinching evenly marinate for ten minutes

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

3. Peel the lettuce and cut it in half, in the slices, the pepper is also cut well and set aside, note that if you do not eat spicy at home, the pepper can be ignored

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

4. The side dishes are ready, and the fungus is almost soaked

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

5. First pick out the bad, large pieces of hand tear a little smaller, rinse several times more

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

6. Rinse the fungus and remember to control the dry water

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

7. Heat cooking oil in a pot

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

8. Stir-fry the marinated pork slices

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

9. Add the bean paste to the color of the meat slices, pay attention to a little bit, and stir-fry

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

10. Add fungus, lettuce, pepper and stir-fry non-stop, about five minutes

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

11. Then add salt according to your own taste, each taste is different, how much salt to add according to their own taste to adjust the dosage

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

12. Stir-fry for about two or three minutes, the fungus should be cooked, add the green onion, and the chicken essence MSG can be stir-fried evenly to get out of the pot

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

13. Delicious and rice-filled wood ear stir-fried meat is ready.

Home-style wood ear fried meat slices, the more you eat the more you want to eat, the method is super simple

Condiments are adjusted according to their own taste

Stir-fried fungus must be fried, fungus can not be eaten raw, after all, it is a fungal food, even if it is cold mixed fungus, it must be cooked and dried before use

Chili peppers can be adjusted according to their own likes, like special spicy, you can also add two millet peppers, the taste is more delicious.

I am Ping'er, today's food is shared here, welcome to leave me a message, share the fun of food together, if you also like this dish remember to collect and forward to share with more friends Oh. Your support is my motivation! Thank you for every bit of a thumbs up and attention. No theft and removal without the author's permission! @Toutiao Food Alliance@Toutiao Food@Toutiao

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