
How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

author:Big Mouth Chef

How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

Hello everyone, thanks for reading the article I shared, this time I want to say to you: 'How to pick cantaloupe?' Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately!'
How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

Cantaloupe is a variety of melon, it is characterized by more juice, sweet taste, mainly produced in Xinjiang Turpan Basin and Hami Basin, melon meat is thick, crisp and refreshing, sugar content of up to 21%, nutrition is very rich.

Why is it called cantaloupe? Is it because it's sweet as honey? Non also.

During the Qing Dynasty, the King of Hami of Xinjiang offered this melon as a tribute to the Kangxi Emperor, and Kangxi loved it very much, so he gave it the name "cantaloupe". Cantaloupe has the reputation of "the king of melons", in addition to high sugar, it also contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc., of which the iron content is 3 times more than chicken, 17 times higher than milk; vitamin content is several times higher than watermelon and apple, with high beauty and health value.

How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

Summer is the season to eat cantaloupe, because of its water, each one has 4 to 5 pounds of weight, and a pound is also about 5 yuan, buy one to more than 20 yuan. If you pick a melon with thick skin and not sweet skin, the money will be spent in vain.

When buying cantaloupe, many people also use their hands to shoot, and this method of picking watermelon is not suitable for cantaloupe. So how to pick a cantaloupe?

How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

When I traveled to Xinjiang, I once went to the melon field to pick cantaloupe, learned from the melon farmers' experience, and originally did not shoot with my hands at all, as long as I looked at "here", I knew that it was not sweet or not, and I would not pick a mistake. According to the method of melon farmers, every time I buy cantaloupe is crisp and sweet, I will share the method with you, like to eat quickly collect it.

Melon farmers teach you to pick cantaloupe

1, look at the melon navel

At both ends of the cantaloupe, like a small tail, is the guati, and the small circle at the other end is the melon navel. The smaller the umbilicus, the higher the ripeness of the cantaloupe, the longer it receives light, the more water it has, and the higher the sugar content.

How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

2, look at the reticulation

Cantaloupe is also called reticulated melon, because its surface has many textures like nets, and you can see whether the melon is sweet or not.

More mature cantaloupe, the reticule is relatively dense, and relatively deep, the feel is very rough, such melon juice is more sweet. If the cantaloupe's reticule is sparse, and it is very shallow, it is not rough to the touch, indicating that the maturity is not high, the water is insufficient, and it is not sweet to eat.

How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

3, look at the shape

Cantaloupes come in a variety of forms, but the most common ones are oval or olive-shaped, and they are more round and full. If the two ends of the cantaloupe are more pointed, it means that the growth environment is not good, the development is stunted, and it is not delicious.

4, look at the feel

Ripe cantaloupe, pinched by hand is hard and soft; if it feels very hard by hand, it means that it is not mature enough and it is not sweet to eat. If the pinch is very soft, it means that it is overcooked, although it is very sweet, but it is not easy to preserve.

How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

5. Smell the smell

Each fruit has its own unique smell, which smells green when not ripe and sweet when ripe, and the same is true for cantaloupe. Ripe cantaloupe can smell from afar; if it is not ripe, even if it is placed in front of the nose, it will only have a green astringency. The aroma is strong, indicating that the cantaloupe is sweet and juicy, and it is certainly not sweet without fragrance.

Follow these 5 steps to buy cantaloupe, to ensure that everyone is fresh and ripe, juicy, crisp and sweet.

How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately

Although cantaloupe is delicious, relieves heat and thirst, but should not be eaten more. One is because the cantaloupe is cold, if it is a cold constitution, it is easy to have diarrhea when eating more; the second is because the sugar content of cantaloupe is high, and it is easy to get on fire when eating too much.

Do not consume more than 300 grams of cantaloupe per day, it is recommended to eat it in three times, 100 grams at a time, the healthiest.

How to pick a cantaloupe? Don't shoot with your hands, just look at "here" to know whether it is sweet or not, pick one accurately
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