
To prepare cucumber cantaloupe juice

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
To prepare cucumber cantaloupe juice

This vegetable juice has the effect of clearing heat, whitening and moisturizing the skin.

by tgcyy 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】

1 cucumber

Half a cantaloupe

Half a pear

Milk 50 g

1 tablespoon of honey

Cool boiled water to taste

To prepare cucumber cantaloupe juice

1. Ingredients.

To prepare cucumber cantaloupe juice

2: Peel and cut the cantaloupe into pieces and put them into the wall breaker.

To prepare cucumber cantaloupe juice

3: Put the pear pieces.

To prepare cucumber cantaloupe juice

4: Put the cucumber segments.

To prepare cucumber cantaloupe juice

5: Put milk, honey, cold boiled water and start the juice program.

To prepare cucumber cantaloupe juice

6. Stop the program and drink it.

This freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice should be drunk as soon as possible.


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