
Cognition, become a little adult!

Cognition, become a little adult!

The mist outside the window is clear, and you lean on the cable car—

Looking at the green onions under your feet in a daze, I haven't seen you so quiet for a long time.

You're a little adult who's willing to help—

Helping with laundry, mopping the floor, cooking;

Like to stand on your little bench and help dad stir eggs and spread bread;

When Dad stir-frys, you run far away, watching the pan stir-fry out of the fire, you shout happily, "Exploded, Daddy, are you a chef" (you must think daddy stir-frying is very bad);

You like to help your grandmother wash clothes, and then accidentally wet your clothes and shoes, in fact, you just want to play with bubbles in the water;

You like to help Grandpa repair and repair, take a screwdriver to pretend to repair his car, climb the ladder under our protection to change the light bulb but dare not, once you also dismantled your own small bench to pieces, Grandpa had a hard time fixing it;

You like to help your mother "work", your mother is particularly busy at work, at home on weekends are still working on the computer, you always naughtily interrupt, say "Mom, I come to work", and then type on the keyboard, causing your mother to explode.

When everyone is free on the weekend, we will take you out to play, naughty castle, zoo, aquarium, outdoor and so on.

As you grow up, we'll be more willing to take you outdoors, and once you said you wanted to see monkeys, and your grandmother got motion sickness, and your parents and grandpa took you to Mount Ya'an.

When you are about to arrive, there are many monkeys on the side of the road, and you are overjoyed and very excited.

We stopped the car, a monkey suddenly jumped into our car, I took a cherry and let you pass it through the gap in the window, you were scared again, but you wanted to see it, curled up in the back row and said, "Daddy, you hand it."

This time outing, is your first time to take the cable car, you lie by the cable car window, not usually active, but quietly enjoy the scenery outside the window.

It's rare to see you quiet, and it's only when you're sitting alone in Daddy's car that sometimes you'll be quiet and look out the window at the flowers and trees that are speeding by.

And once someone sits in the back seat of the car with you, you tend to eat constantly, from getting in the car to getting out of the car.

Speaking of eating, your little belly is really quite able to fit, mom said that you eat more than she did, eat the staple food but also eat fruit, yogurt, milk, you like sugar cane, apples, cantaloupe, eat cantaloupe, you always eat only the sweetest part, bite it and put it aside.

We rarely give you candy, but despite this, you still have tooth decay, so much so that you have your first tooth when you are more than three years old.

Although you are very able to eat, but only a few times you do eat too much, resulting in indigestion and stomach pain, most of the time, you are actually good, may be that you are usually too active.

You are not only active, but also competitive, and you have to win every time you race with your mother;

Playing football with your father, every time you have to play farther, the scooter to make you faster, the ball to shoot higher...

But we can't indulge you like this, Dad told you, the game will be won or lost, this time lost, the next time you try to win back, you wipe the remaining tears every time, seemingly aggrieved to say, "Good"!

Children, in the long river of life, we need to have the perseverance and momentum to compete for the championship and the protagonist, but it does not mean that the protagonist belongs to only one person, you may fail, but if you are not angry, you can work hard to come back and be worthy of recognition.

When you were a child, you were our baby, and everyone in the family had to say that it was their own birthday, and you had to bring your birthday hat and blow out the candles yourself.

But when you grow up, you have to put away your willfulness, learn to hide your sharp edges, start from small things, accumulate bit by bit, and constantly plump your wings, and when the opportunity comes, you will feel unprecedented confidence.

2021.12.20 17:00 pen


We moved, and on the first day of today, we moved from SanshengXiang to the health care center and then to Tianfu Liuyou.

Due to the restriction on Mondays, Dad called you up early in the morning and ate breakfast in the car.

Today's vaccination, you repeatedly stressed that you will not cry, said that last time did not cry. When it was your turn, you started to retreat, but in the end you plucked up the courage to take a shot. Didn't cry!

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