
Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

author:Xi Han
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Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

"Cantaloupe" in the summer is the most commonly eaten melon fruit in my family besides watermelon, compared to watermelon, it is less sweet, more fragrant. Cantaloupe has the reputation of "the king of melons", and being able to get this laurel, in addition to its own good taste, also has a lot to do with its nutritional value. Cantaloupe is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients, and has high medicinal value, especially the vitamin content, which is 4 to 7 times higher than watermelon. It is also a natural antioxidant that promotes collagen formation and gives the skin elasticity.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

In addition to eating cantaloupe raw, in fact, it can also be eaten into a variety of delicacies, such as a drink or a dessert. Today, I will make a filling with cantaloupe to bake a "cantaloupe stuffed shortbread". The filling made of cantaloupe is more sweet and delicate than raw cantaloupe, and together with the crispy crust, the two are cleverly integrated, and the taste is good. Cantaloupe stuffing has always been used for mooncake filling, but that kind of mooncake I have not dared to compliment, is too sweet, after eating it feels uncomfortable in the throat, you can imagine how much sugar, you can control the amount of sugar you can do, the filling is the fragrance of cantaloupe. Cantaloupe is made into a filling, baked into a small shortbread, the filling is sweet and fragrant, and the outer skin is crispy and dregs. In addition to making shortbread, this filling can also be made into mooncakes or wrapped in rice balls, as long as you like.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

【Cantaloupe stuffed shortbread】

Oil skin: 100 grams of ordinary flour, 8 grams of sugar, 25 grams of corn oil, 45 grams of water.

Puff pastry: 80 g of low gluten flour, 40 g of corn oil.

Filling: 300 g cantaloupe, 5 g sugar, 15 g glutinous rice flour, 6 g starch.

Production steps

1. First of all, prepare the required ingredients: according to the above proportions, the oil crust and puff pastry can bake 8 small shortbreads, if you want to make more, you can increase this basic ratio. Corn oil can be exchanged for lard of the same number of grams, or a different type of vegetable oil with a smaller odor.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

2, first come and oil noodles, 100 grams of ordinary flour add 8 grams of sugar, 25 grams of corn oil stir well, and then add about 45 grams of water in parts, knead into a soft point of the dough. Then with the puff pastry, 80 grams of low gluten flour add 40 grams of corn oil, knead the flour and oil thoroughly, knead for a while, and knead until the flour is a ball. If you don't have low flour at home, you can also choose ordinary powder to make, but the finished product will be a little softer. Cover all the dough with plastic wrap and let the dough rise for 20 minutes.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

3, make cantaloupe filling, 300 grams of cantaloupe peeled and de-eaten, and then cut into small pieces, put into a non-stick pan, add an appropriate amount of water, the amount of water is half of the cantaloupe. Boil on high heat until the water boils, turn to medium heat and simmer, simmer until the cantaloupe is soft and rotten, turn to low heat, add sugar to continue boiling, when the water is almost boiled dry, add 15 grams of glutinous rice flour and 6 grams of starch to mix the batter, the ratio of batter powder to water is 1:1, pour in the batter and then quickly stir, until the filling is viscous, you can turn off the heat and put it out.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

4: Take out the awakened oil crust and puff pastry, without kneading directly into long strips, and divide into 8 areas of the same size. Take a piece of oil noodles and gently round them into a circle with a rolling pin, wrap a piece of oil puff pastry, slowly seal the tiger mouth with your hand, roll it up and down into a beef tongue shape, roll it out and slowly roll up the long strip from one side, and wrap all the dough in turn. After all the doughs are done, start with the first dough, repeat the action just now, gently flatten the dough with your hands, roll out the long tongue again, and cover all the dough with a plastic bag to prevent air drying.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

5, take the first piece of dough, flatten the two ends of the folding reunion in the middle, roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a round cake, wrap in an appropriate amount of cantaloupe filling, use the bun technique to pinch the mouth and reunite, and then gently flatten it with your hands, and the small cake blank is made.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

6, make a small cake raw blank, put into the baking pan covered with oil paper into the oven, bake at 180 degrees above and below the heat for 20 minutes, bake for ten minutes and then take out the baking pan to turn over, so that the pancakes on both sides of the color is even. Until the pancakes bulge and the surface is slightly yellow, they can come out of the oven.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

After a little cold, you can eat it, homemade cantaloupe stuffed small shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate. Accustomed to eating raw cantaloupe, it is better to try this method, I believe that you will learn as soon as you are smart. Although the method is a little troublesome, but enjoy the process of making food, when a self-made food in front of you, it is also a very fulfilling ah!

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate

Cooking Tips:

1, when making oil skin, the amount of water to the degree of water absorption of flour should prevail, generally about 45-50 grams is appropriate, try to make the dough and soft, rolling is not easy to leak crisp.

2, add 5 grams of glutinous rice flour and 2 grams of starch to every 100 grams of cantaloupe, and if you want to make more, you can increase this ratio.

3, I make any shortbread like to use the small package crisp technique, if you are troublesome you can use the large package of puff pastry, so it is slightly simpler.

4, this small cake does not have the strict requirements of cake bread, so the oven does not need to be preheated in advance, just put in. However, it is still necessary to adjust the time and temperature according to the temperature of your oven, and the maturity is the standard.

Homemade cantaloupe stuffed shortbread, the filling is fragrant, the outer skin is soft, and it is not greasy to eat on a plate
I love to eat food, love to make food Xihan, thank you for reading this food article! If you like it, please click "Favorite, Follow", in the future ~ Let's unlock more food together!

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