
Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn


Braised pork skin

Ingredients: pork skin appropriate amount Shiitake mushroom appropriate amount Sesame oil appropriate amount Salt appropriate amount Water starch appropriate amount White sugar appropriate amount Of ice sugar Appropriate amount of soy sauce Appropriate amount of pepper

Method: 1. Put the pork skin into the water, pour a small amount of white wine, cover the pot, cook for 10 minutes, and fish out the pork skin. 2. Then scrape off the fat oil, cut into strips, remove the stalks of the shiitake mushrooms and slice them with a diagonal knife. 3. Add oil to the pan, pour in the skin of the meat, stir-fry for a while, pour in the soy sauce, stir-fry to color, pour in water that is equal to the skin of the pork. Add a little rock sugar to a boil in the water and mix well. 4. Cook for 20 minutes, cook until the skin of the pork is soft, add shiitake mushrooms, half a spoonful of salt, and continue to cook for five minutes. Add a little water starch, pepper, a little sesame oil, stir-fry to collect the juice, and you can do it

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

Honey stew lotus root

Ingredients: Lotus root 2 sections Oil appropriate amount 4 spoons soy sauce 1 spoon sugar 1 spoon honey 1 spoon glutinous rice wine 1 spoon sesame oil appropriate amount cooked white sesame seeds to taste

Directions: 1. Peel the lotus root, wash the inside and outside, slice it, and soak it in water for a while. Boil a pot of boiling water in a pot, blanch the lotus root, remove the cold water, and wash off the mucus on the surface. 2. Put 4 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp honey 1 tbsp glutinous rice wine 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp stock Put an appropriate amount into a pot and bring to a boil over high heat. 3. Add the blanched lotus root. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat, and keep pouring the juice on the lotus root. 4. Simmer slowly until the lotus root completely absorbs the broth and the color turns brown. Turn the heat to high, collect the juice until the soup is thick, and sprinkle with cooked white sesame seeds.

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

Four hi fish rolls

Ingredients: Flounder 750 g. 30 grams of lean pork, 20 grams of minced yellow cake, 20 grams of minced shiitake mushrooms, 15 grams of minced ham, 15 grams of minced greens. 5 grams of refined salt, 15 grams of rice wine, 15 grams of minced green onion, 3 grams of pepper noodles, 50 grams of starch, 10 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of clear soup, 5 grams of cooked chicken fat.

Directions: Wash and chop the meat into eight strips 10 cm long, 2.6 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick. Then split from the two ends to the middle (the middle is connected), remove the fine salt, rice wine, dirty into the taste. Minced pork into fine purees, mix with chopped shallots, pepper noodles, salt, sake, eggs, wet starch and sesame oil. The stirred fillings are rolled in the fish fillets (four rolls per fillet). In the four small fish rolls, press the minced cake, shiitake mushrooms, minced ham, minced green vegetables, and then steam them in a steamer basket and place them neatly on the plate. Add clear soup, salt, sake, boil to remove the foam, pour the squirrel on the fish rolls, and drizzle with cooked chicken fat.

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

Oil stewed white

Ingredients: 300 g of russet white, a pinch of chives. 750 g oil (about 50 g), 1/2 tbsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/3 tsp MSG, 1 tsp sugar, starch to taste.

Method: 1, peel the white, wash, cut into "hob pieces", soak in 50% hot oil and fry thoroughly, pour into a colander, control the oil, set aside. 2, the original pot left a little bottom oil, with green onion pot, add soup to boil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar and white, turn the heat down to simmer until into the taste, transfer the heat to collect the juice, use water starch to hook, drizzle sesame oil, out of the pot and plate.

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

Smoked bamboo shoots sautéed with peppers

Ingredients: 2 peppercorns, 50 g pork belly, 1 piece of smoked dried, 3 small spring shoots, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a little Italian spices

Directions: 1. Remove the seeds and cut the pepper into diamond-shaped slices for later. Bamboo shoots and smoked slices set aside. Slice the pork belly, put in a little cooking wine and grab it well 2.Heat the pan with cold oil, pour the right amount of olive oil into the pot 3.Add the cut pork belly and simmer, turn over the noodles after changing color and continue to simmer until the meat slices are rolled 4.Add the cut pepper, stir-fry to make the spicy flavor, drizzle with a little soy sauce 5.Then add the smoked and bamboo shoots and stir-fry a few times, add the oyster sauce 6. After frying well, sprinkle with a little grinding Italian comprehensive flavor spices, you can get out of the pot

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

Pepper chicken

Ingredients: chicken thighs, a few, a little chopped green onion, a moderate amount of watercress sauce, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, a little sugar, a little sesame oil, a little pepper, a little pepper, 3 small red peppers, a small amount of minced garlic, 1 green pepper, a moderate amount of vegetable oil, a little salt, a little starch, a little Shaoxing wine

Method: 1. Chop the chicken thighs into small pieces, add watercress sauce, soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, pepper, minced garlic, a little salt, dry starch, a little cooking wine and mix well and marinate for 15 to 20 minutes; 2. When the frying pan is 80% hot, put the minced garlic and chopped green onion into the incense, then put the small red chaotian pepper cut into small pieces and then put the pickled chicken thigh pieces in, turn the heat and fry for 3 minutes, then add the chicken essence and add the chicken essence to the plate!

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

Tofu braised five-colored shrimp

Ingredients: Japanese tofu, shrimp, small tomatoes, sweet corn, cucumber, carrots, fungus

Directions: 1. Slice the Japanese tofu, place on a plate, heat in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, remove water and set aside. 2. Then, we start to do the top pouring juice. Cook the shrimp, carrots, cucumbers, and corn in hot water until 7 minutes. Blanched vegetables in cool water can maintain the taste. 3. Then, start the pot, put a little oil, put the ginger flat sauté, add carrots cucumber corn, add tomato sauce, a little sugar, salt, add shrimp, fungus. Add a little chicken essence and sesame oil. 4. Finally, pour these sauces over the hot Japanese tofu.

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

Refreshing small fresh mushrooms

Ingredients: 300g fresh shiitake mushrooms 100g pork puree appropriate amount of garlic leaves Appropriate amount of onion Appropriate amount of ginger Appropriate amount of soy sauce Appropriate amount of salt Appropriate amount of sugar Appropriate amount of pepper Appropriate amount of shiitake mushrooms Appropriate amount of soy sauce Appropriate amount of cooking wine Appropriate amount of sesame oil

Directions: 1. First, cut the shiitake mushrooms into pieces, slice the garlic leaves with a knife, cut the green onion white, and chop the ginger. 2. Prepare the pork puree, add the minced ginger and green onion, pour in the appropriate amount of soy sauce, add a little salt, sugar, sprinkle with pepper and mix well. 3. Add oil to the pan, pour in the pork filling, stir-fry until discolored, drain the oil. 4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the shiitake mushrooms, add garlic leaves and sauté for a few seconds, add a spoonful of salt to taste, pour in the fried minced meat, pour in the appropriate amount of soy sauce, cooking wine, drop in the appropriate amount of sesame oil, lift the umami flavor, and put it on the plate.

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn


Semi-fatty lean meat with skin, soybeans, bean paste, sugar, ginger, garlic, dried chili peppers, grass fruits, cinnamon, soy sauce, salt


1: Wash the semi-fat and lean meat with skin and cut into cubes, and soak the soybeans with water.

2: Put a little oil in the wok, sauté the sugar until brown, then stir-fry the meat pieces to color.

3: Add the appropriate amount of watercress sauce and stir-fry well, add an appropriate amount of water, soy sauce, salt, garlic, ginger, dried chili pepper, grass fruit, cinnamon, a little sugar (can also not add), boil the water and turn to medium heat and simmer until the meat is rotten.

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

Stir-fried beef with beans

Ingredients: 500 g of beans, 250 g of beef, 2 cloves of garlic, oil to taste, salt to taste, sugar to taste

Method: 1. Put oil in the pot, heat it, pour in the beef, try to spread the beef, fry until it changes color 2. Turn over the noodles, spread out the same way, fry until it changes color and then put it up for later 3.Wash the pot, reheat the oil, put down the garlic and stir-fry 4.Put in the drained beans, fry on high heat 5.Sprinkle water while frying, sauté the beans until all turn blue-green, add 3 tablespoons of water, cover the pot and cook for 3 minutes 6.Add beef, stir-fry evenly, put an appropriate amount of salt (beef marinated, salt should be appropriate), put a little sugar to freshen 7.Stir-fry until salt, Sugar melt 8. Serve on a plate

Ten kinds of soybean braised pork with a mellow taste and easy to learn

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