
Potted cantaloupe, introduction and conservation knowledge

author:Loved the greenery

☞ 【Conservation knowledge】

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✔ Introduction

Cantaloupe is produced in the Hami region of xinjiang Uygur autonomous region

It is an annual creeping or climbing herb with ridged stems and branches, yellow-brown or white rough hairs and warty protrusions, slender tendrils, single, slightly hairy, petioles 8–12 cm long, grooved and short bristles, thick papery leaves, serrated, truncated at the base or with semi-circular curved defects, with palm-like veins

Seeds: stained white or yellowish white, ovate or oblong, pointed apex, blunt at the base, smooth surface, no edges

Fruit: usually spherical or oblong-oval, smooth skin, longitudinal grooves, or markings, without thorn-like protrusions

Flesh: White, yellow or green with a sweet taste

The flowering period is summer

✔ Features, role

1, cantaloupe its varieties of more than 180, the shape of the oval, oval, spindle, long stick and so on

2, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Hami region specialties, he is China's national geographical indication products

3, melon meat is thick, crisp and refreshing, cantaloupe is rich in nutrients, sugar content up to 21%

4, varieties: there are Xizhou honey, East Lake melon, black eyebrows, red heart crisp, yellow eggs, snow red, Jiashi melon and so on

5, cantaloupe contains two or three times more iron than chicken and 17 times higher than milk

6, guati melon seeds can be medicated to treat diseases, melon skin feeding to sheep can promote fattening and fattening

7, cantaloupe seeds can be used to make essential oils, rich in medicinal, beauty, health and so on

8, cantaloupe cold should not eat too much, so as not to cause diarrhea

✔ Origin

Hami's melon became a tribute to the different melon species during the Yongping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and in the Qing Dynasty, it was returned to the king of Hami I, Eberdula, and brought the cantaloupe as a tribute to the capital, and the Kangxi Emperor praised it after tasting it, and was named cantaloupe after being rewarded by Kangxi

Since then, cantaloupe has been famous in Beijing and famous all over the world, and at that time, the streets and alleys of Beijing were rumored to be such a slip of the tongue: the shrimp of the Crab West Sea in the East China Sea were not as good as the grapes of Turpan

✔ Potted plant maintenance

★ Note: Home-grown cantaloupes must be pollinated artificially after entering the flowering period so that it can grow fruit smoothly, because there are no insects indoors to help pollinate

★1. Soil

It is more suitable to prepare sand with a pH of about 6.5

It is also suitable for sandy soils with relatively loose structure, good air permeability and drainage capacity, and certain basic fertility

★2. Fertilize

In the growth period, pay attention to the application of thin fertilizers, with base fertilizers, compound fertilizers, etc

Add some foliar fertilizer at maturity

Add some compound fertilizer during the flowering period

Supplement some phosphorus and potassium fertilizers or calcium fertilizers during the fruiting period

★3. Illumination

Enjoy the light and keep plenty of light for more than 8 hours

★4. Temperature

If you want to emerge, you need to maintain a high temperature of more than 30 degrees during the day and about 18 to 20 degrees at night

After the seedlings grow, they need a temperature of about 28 degrees during the day and about 15 degrees at night

★5. Water

Usually water once a month

At the time it bears fruit, water once every half a month

★6, insect pests

Caddisflies, ground tigers, aphids, thrips, red spiders

It can be controlled by spraying insecticides

★7, reproduction

Sowing and propagation

The best time to sow cantaloupe is usually around April

Note: Soak it in warm water for germination treatment, soak for about 11 hours, let it absorb enough water, then take it out and put it on a wet paper towel, place it in a humid and cool environment, and wait until it is white and budding before it can be used to sow seeds.

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