
Lamb braised noodles do this! The lamb is crispy, the noodles are strong, the soup is delicious...

author:Five colors of sunlight

Braised noodles is a kind of meat, vegetarian, soup, vegetables, rice and henan traditional cuisine, with high-quality high gluten flour as raw materials, supplemented by broth and a variety of side dishes, similar to lasagna, with delicious taste, good soup gluten, economical, nutritious, well-known in the Central Plains, throughout the country. There are many types of lamb braised noodles, three fresh braised noodles, five fresh braised noodles, etc., which is one of the three major snacks in Henan. Today, let's take a look at the specific method of lamb braised noodles:

Lamb braised noodles do this! The lamb is crispy, the noodles are strong, the soup is delicious...


Lamb, lamb backbone, flour;


Coriander, garlic seedlings, kelp, chili oil, cooking wine, balsamic vinegar, chicken essence, sesame oil, ginger, green onion, salt, mutton oil, etc.;

Packet: 5 grams of peppercorns, 10 grams of star anise, 2 grams of yamana, 2 grams of cinnamon, 2 grams of cumin, 2 grams of grass fruits, 2 grams of cloves;

Lamb braised noodles do this! The lamb is crispy, the noodles are strong, the soup is delicious...


1, put flour in the basin, put a little salt, while slowly pouring water, while slowly stirring, stirring until flocculent, kneading into a soft and hard suitable dough, kneading the dough and then covering the pot to wake up the noodles; repeatedly knead the dough 2 times, and then knead the dough into 5 cm long strips, and finally divide into a small agent to spread the oil and cover the plastic wrap for later;

Lamb braised noodles do this! The lamb is crispy, the noodles are strong, the soup is delicious...

2, prepare the soaked kelp shredded for later, parsley and garlic seedlings washed and chopped for later;

3. Lamb and sheep spinal cord are soaked in water in advance to wash and control water for backup;

Lamb braised noodles do this! The lamb is crispy, the noodles are strong, the soup is delicious...

4, boil water in a pot, put the sheep spinal cord, high heat to open the skimming foam, put in the mutton oil, ginger, green onion, cooking wine turn to medium heat and simmer for about 1 hour, put in the spice package to continue simmering for 1 hour until the aroma comes out, put in the lamb to low heat and simmer for 2 hours, put in salt and simmer for 30 minutes, the lamb is cooled and cut into large pieces for later;

Lamb braised noodles do this! The lamb is crispy, the noodles are strong, the soup is delicious...

5: Add chicken essence, salt, garlic seedlings, coriander and sesame oil in a large bowl and set aside;

6: Roll out the braised noodles, put them in a pot of boiling water, put them in the kelp and fish them out, pour them into the bowl, pour the boiling lamb soup, and then add the chili oil to the table. (Like to eat balsamic vinegar, you can put a little balsamic vinegar to enhance the taste)

Lamb braised noodles do this! The lamb is crispy, the noodles are strong, the soup is delicious...


1, when the lamb is hot, it is easy to cut loose, so let it cool and then cut it.

2, cook noodles in water, not in sheep soup.

Lamb braised noodles do this! The lamb is crispy, the noodles are strong, the soup is delicious...

3, after the lamb braised noodles are ready, eat as soon as possible, so as not to soak the noodles in the soup for a long time.

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