
Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

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Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"
Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

Zhengzhou is located in the hinterland of China, Kyushu Tongqu, is the capital of Henan Province, north of the Yellow River, west of the Zhongyue Song Mountain, with a long history and splendid culture.

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

Zhengzhou is known as the "City of Braised Noodles", and because of its special name, the "Lamb Braised Noodles" restaurant is spread all over the city's Huajie Cold Lane. When outsiders come to Zhengzhou, the first thing they think of is to taste the authentic "lamb braised noodles". Casually ask a Zhengzhou person, they will introduce you to several delicious lamb braised noodles like several family treasures, what Heji, Flash, Liu Ji, Zhou Ji, what Eight One Eight, The Old Four Fields... Some old Zhengzhou returned from other places, got off the train and did not hurry home, but went straight to the familiar braised noodle restaurant. Zhengzhou people entertain guests from other places, and the first choice is also lamb braised noodles.

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

Lamb braised noodles have become a unique regional culture in Zhengzhou. The streets are lined with lamb braised noodle restaurants of various sizes, always crowded with people and full of guests. Whether it is a beautiful man or a handsome woman, or a high-ranking official, as long as they enter the lamb braised noodle restaurant, they all abandon their former reticence, forget their noble status, and hold the hot lamb braised noodles of the big bowl, feasting, very happy! Especially in winter, holding a large bowl of steaming lamb braised noodles, drinking it in one sip, the chill dissipates, and the warmth is suddenly raw!

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

Lamb braised noodles is a set of meat, vegetarian, soup, vegetables, noodles in a bowl of traditional snacks, there is a kind of integrated charm, reflecting the true meaning of Chinese food culture, with delicious taste, soup lasagna cool, economical, well-known in the Central Plains. Lamb noodles are served in a special sea bowl, and the hot lamb broth is covered with a layer of red chili oil, and the green coriander is dotted on top, and the golden yellow cauliflower, the oily black fungus, the yellow shredded tofu, and the shiny fine vermicelli are stirred in the wide and wide noodles. Flip it over slightly, and there are two crystal clear quail eggs in the soup, as well as tempting lamb cubes. Looking at this five-colored delicacy is breathtaking. First drink a mouthful of soup, thick and mellow, delicious and fragrant, and then eat a bite of the noodles, smooth and soft, elastic, full of bites. In Zhengzhou dialect, it is "soup umami delicious gluten drag".

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

"Singing cavity, braised noodle soup". People in Zhengzhou know that the key to whether the braised noodles are delicious or not is the soup. The braised noodle soup uses tender lamb and goat bones from the alpine region as the main raw materials, and uses the traditional boiling and extraction process to remove the fishy Titian. The sheep bone splits, revealing the middle bone marrow and lamb boiled together for five or six hours, first rolled with a high heat and then boiled with a small fire, and seven or eight flavors of Traditional Chinese medicine, the bone oil boiled out, the soup out of the boil is white and bright, the soup is white and strong, fragrant but not greasy, nutritious.

"Sheep soup is the soul, and the noodles are the base.". Pulling the dough is made of high-quality fine white flour, mixed with an appropriate amount of salt and alkali with warm boiled water and into a dough that is softer than the dumpling noodles, kneading repeatedly, making it tough, leaving it for a period of time, and then rolling it into a dough sheet, smearing it with vegetable oil on the outside, stacking it one by one, and covering it with plastic paper for later use.

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

"Braised noodles, the key is in the braised noodles." Lanzhou ramen is boiled noodles in water after soup, Shanxi knife noodles are also boiled noodles in water after adding cheeks, only Zhengzhou "lamb braised noodles" is to pull the noodles down to the boiling original juice broth boiled, and the authentic old shop adheres to "one bowl and one pot", never sloppy. Braised noodles in broth, soup flavor and noodles are integrated, and the taste is natural and unique.

It is said that there are two theories about the origin of "lamb braised noodles" in Zhengzhou. First, it is said that it was evolved from the "lamb steamed bun" in Xi'an. Henan people don't like to eat steamed buns, and instead use pulled noodles. Second, it is said that zhengzhou people use the "gluten of noodles" of Shanxi knife cutting noodles, the "freshness of soup" of Lanzhou ramen, and the "completeness of vegetables" of Shaanxi steamed buns, which are integrated and unique. There is a method of "introduction, digestion, and innovation" in innovation, which is called "stepping on the wall of another house". The main point of this model is that the innovative subject borrows the understanding of the nature of things in the innovation results of others, and on this basis, continues to climb upwards, like climbing the "wall" or "roof" of others to climb to a higher goal. Because it is "clever borrowing" and not paying, the cost of innovation is relatively low, which can effectively avoid innovation risks. It can be said that this is a kind of "innovation on the basis of innovation", or "perfect innovation", is "re-innovation". The innovative people of Zhengzhou, who have learned from the strengths of all the families, have taken the noodles of Shanxi knife-cut noodles, the soup of Lanzhou ramen noodles, and the dishes of Shaanxi lamb steamed buns, and innovated the "lamb stew noodles" that are well-known throughout the country.

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

Later, I looked up the information and found that neither of the above statements was correct. Henan's noodles, similar to "lamb braised noodles", have a longer history than Xi'an's "lamb steamed buns", Shanxi's "knife-cut noodles" and Lanzhou's "beef noodles". In ancient times, Qinghua County, Huaiqing Province, Henan, is today's Bo'ai County of Jiaozuo City, Henan, there is a Xuliang Town in the west of the city, where the "Xuliang Noodles" has a long history and is famous. It is said that the noodles evolved on the basis of the "courtesy noodles" of the Zhou Dynasty, known as "soup cakes" in the Qin and Han Dynasties, "longevity noodles" in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and "water slippery noodles" in the Song and Yuan dynasties, which is one of the noodles with a long history. In the Qing Dynasty, "Xu liang pulled noodles" developed into "Zhengzhou lamb braised noodles" to the south and "Lanzhou beef ramen" to the west, both of which were based on beef and mutton soup, using the "pulling method" noodle making process. The key to "Xu Liang pulling noodles" is the noodles, the ratio of water and noodles is a key, and the noodles that require the harmony should be soft, generally one pound of noodles six or two more water. The way to make noodles is also very important, you must first beat the noodles into a spike, then knead into a dough, and then mix it with water to soften, and then cover it with a damp cloth. Noodles are also required, and they don't work until half an hour after a good dough. This is in line with the noodles of Zhengzhou lamb stew.

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

Speaking of the innovative spirit of Zhengzhou people, it is impossible not to mention the "red sorghum" fast food restaurant that caused a sensation in Beijing. The "red sorghum" that wants to challenge "McDonald's" sells "lamb braised noodles." The founder of "Red Sorghum" was a young man named Qiao Ying, who had worked as a lecturer in philosophy at the Military Academy and became a deputy general manager of a three-star hotel. In April 1995, "red sorghum" was born in Zhengzhou. The innovative Chinese fast food "lamb braised noodles" has won the favor of the majority of customers, and the business is extremely hot. In order to ensure that the fast food he operates has a special character, Qiao Ying invited two experts. One is Wang Fulin, the "big brother" of Zhengzhou's catering industry, retired former general manager of Zhengzhou Catering Service Company; one is Thehanqing, known as "Braised Noodle Master", she is the owner of Henan lamb braised noodle recipe, has studied mutton braised noodles for more than 30 years, and is the absolute authority of Henan lamb braised noodles. This 61-year-old lady, in order to explore and improve the recipe for lamb braised noodles, has been tirelessly studying the "Compendium of Materia Medica" all her life, and has both insight and love for lamb braised noodles, and has always hoped to carry forward the lamb braised noodles. In February 1996, "red sorghum" entered Beijing. The idea of challenging McDonald's immediately attracted the attention of the capital's media. The Beijing Evening News, titled "Red Sorghum Planted in Wangfujing," was reported on the front page, and "Red Sorghum" became famous overnight.

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

"Red Sorghum" was launched with an unexpected explosion and great success. On the first day of 3 hours of business, sales reached 6600 yuan, an average of 2200 yuan per hour. The turnover in the first month reached 240,000 yuan, and the turnover in the second month soared to 680,000 yuan, with an average daily sales of 23,000 yuan. Originally planned to recover the investment in 8 months, it turned out to be recovered in less than 4 months. The praise and joy of the majority of customers fully illustrate the success of innovative Chinese fast food. Customers are very satisfied with the clean and bright dining environment and convenient and fast service mode of "red sorghum", very satisfied with the name of "red sorghum", and very satisfied with the advertising slogan of "red sorghum" "red bowl, high noodles, delicious soup". Among the customers are workers, businessmen, intellectuals, as well as soldiers and provincial and municipal leaders, they are all admiring, customers unanimously appreciate the "red sorghum" innovative Chinese fast food, unanimously appreciate the "red sorghum" innovative business philosophy.

Hundreds of well-known media across the country took turns to report on "red sorghum". In the United States, 36 media reported on the "red sorghum phenomenon", saying that "red sorghum is trying to beat McDonald's with local tastes". Just when the "lamb braised noodles" battle "hamburger" is about to win, the "red sorghum" is in trouble due to the break of the capital chain. Qiao Ying was arrested for illegal fund-raising, and the popular "red sorghum" left Maicheng.

The success of "red sorghum" shows that "lamb braised noodles" is not only a delicacy in Henan, but also popular in a metropolis like Beijing. As a fast food food, as long as it adapts to the fast pace of modern people's life and meets the requirements of "delicious, fast and hygienic", it can stand firm in the metropolis.

"Red sorghum" will also make a comeback, and Zhengzhou's lamb braised noodles will survive for a long time with its "soup delicious gluten drag".

Gourmet "Zhengzhou Lamb Braised Noodles"

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