
Whale platform interview with Jia Fan: To believe in the power of culture, musical theater has more room for development in the future

author:Whale platform

"Who won the last guess?"

"Eh? Who won? It's Zhang Ze, the last game should be Zhang Ze. ”

"So zhang ze challenged that high note?"

"Haha, yes."

Audiences who have watched "Rock and Roll Faust" know that when returning to the scene, the four lead actors guessed who to challenge the high notes, which is a "traditional preservation project", and even some people have done the actors' victory and defeat statistics, and we also used this guess boxing terrier to open this dialogue with Jia Fan.

Whale platform interview with Jia Fan: To believe in the power of culture, musical theater has more room for development in the future

("Rock Faust" Shenzhen finale film, source: Shenzhen Esplanade Art Center Weibo)

Growth: From seizing the opportunity to being able to pick a character you like

Because he graduated from the Juilliard School of Music with a master's degree, Jia Fan was jokingly called "Jia Quan A" by fans. "Opera is not only an imported product, it is not yet a popular art, mainly concentrated in the national theater troupe, there are not many performance opportunities, and when I was a child, I also liked to watch musicals, like to sing, and the opportunity behind it was to return to China, and then participated in a variety show, which was known to everyone." Born in bel canto, the opportunity to enter the musical theater industry is "Sound into People's Hearts", which is also a landmark variety show that is well known to more people in the musical theater industry.

"At the beginning of the industry, as an actor, I didn't have any qualifications to pick, or I had to seize the opportunity first, as long as the music was controllable and the book was OK, then I tried my best to use my own means to shape the role." Now I'm going to think about the book, the characters, and so on. ”

"Rock 'n' Roll Faust" is the fifth play he has taken over in more than two years since he entered the industry. "If you count 'Heartbeat in the Eggshell', this is the fifth part, this character is what I like, the music is also very popular, I will have some of my own ideas and designs, and the second set of clothes in it is also my own." 」 Although the role of x-guangming is not a lot of roles in the play, being able to pick a favorite role to play is a growth witness of his step by step after entering the industry.

"Musical theater has been a popular topic in the past two years, and these two years have indeed been a blowout explosion, and this market is developing rapidly, and it will catch up with the process of the past decade in two or three years." Jia Fan felt that it may be that everyone understands such an art, and then there is demand, and the production company also sees the gap in the market, so it began to introduce a large number of plays adapted into Chinese versions to the market. "Original dramas take more time, and now the original foreign dramas of the epidemic cannot come in, so (the Chinese version of the introduction of the repertoire) is the fastest way."

"Is the hottest thing in the stage drama now the musical?"

"I don't think the hottest thing right now is musicals, I think dance dramas and dramas are also very popular." Maybe the musical is more lively. “

Whale platform interview with Jia Fan: To believe in the power of culture, musical theater has more room for development in the future

(Stills of "Beethoven", Source: Internet)

Think: This industry needs more fresh blood

"Will I get more books now?"

"Me? I don't have a lot because it's a two-way street. Jia Fan told us that there are many plays on the market now, but the cost of each play is different, the producer will choose the right actor according to their own cost, but for the rising trend of the number of plays on the market, he also gave a positive answer: "That (repertoire) is a very big change in the amount, this year we are still talking about how so many musicals, Shanghai audiences can see it, haha, almost a geometric multiple of the rise." “

The rapid development of the musical theater market has also made the number of actors "tight". Many viewers have a feeling in recent years, and stage actors have begun to "roll the play". "There are many dramas, but after the comprehensive factors are measured, there are so many actors who can meet the needs of all parties, and everyone is in a state of wanting rapid progress and rapid development," Jia Fan looked at this sensitive topic very objectively, "The trend is definitely good, there is no such prosperous trend and everything else is in vain, always have to be recognized by the market to develop later, so you can't say that he is wrong, but we do need fresh blood, the plate is big, and the industry has greater development." ”

Attendance is undoubtedly an important indicator of market dynamics.

"If the factors of epidemic prevention and control policies are excluded, has the attendance rate of theaters increased significantly in the past two years?"

"I've been exposed to some things behind the scenes because of my work, so my sensitivity to the box office is still relatively high. The attendance rate in these two years is definitely much better than before, of course, this is related to the market feedback of each drama, and it is relatively rare for the tickets of the early years of the show to be sold out, but you see that if there are star cards now, they may be sold out, which is also a lot. “

"So now the show is being brought by the star cast?"

"Of course, at the beginning, there may be star cards to bring, need some topics, some traffic, ah, so that the work is well known to everyone," for the topic of "with tickets", Jia Fan did not reject, but he also "sober in the world" repeatedly emphasized that the quality of content is the "king", "but can you keep these audiences after attracting them to the theater?" That depends on the reputation of your work. ”

Whale platform interview with Jia Fan: To believe in the power of culture, musical theater has more room for development in the future

(Stills from Rachmaninoff, Source: Internet)

The future: The industry is far from reaching its peak

"This thing (the sustainable development of the industry) requires everyone to work together."

For the future development of the industry, he feels that capital, team and content are indispensable. "No money team can't stick up, but just having a star card division without content is not a long-term solution, in the final analysis, it is still necessary to have good enough content." He feels that the good content is that the story should be clear enough, the music is easy to shake and catchy, and only when it is recognized by the audience, the work is complete.

"The actors on the camera can't feel the satisfaction of the stage actors, that is, the timely feedback given to you by the audience at the end of the curtain." In Jia Fan's view, this sense of accomplishment is very attractive, and he does not know whether this is the reason for attracting more film and television actors to the stage, but it is his "source of happiness".

This "sense of presence" may also be the reason why many audiences come to the theater, of course, this is the last word.

"The earliest time was when I got good grades in school and it would make me feel very accomplished, when I first made money, I might go out and buy a bag and buy a dress, which would make me feel accomplished, and now what makes me happy is to be able to perform a play well, to be recognized by everyone, and to be happy to act well." 」

When it comes to future planning, Jia Fan said that he will definitely not leave the stage, but will also consider trying another way to exist on the stage, "I feel that I have a lot of ideas, insights and creations on content, I think I have so much inspiration and enthusiasm, why not put it into my own project, this may also be my next direction, I hope to do more behind-the-scenes work." 」 "Perhaps, behind the scenes, it is also a way to add fresh blood to the industry."

"This market is definitely good." Jia Fan is very optimistic about the prospects of the market, "Some capital may feel that this volume is relatively small, but the power of culture is very large, we are now trying to do a good job of marking, otherwise the capital even if it wants to invest money, there is no place to invest." In his view, the development of the industry is a process, compared with the development path of Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea, at present, China is still far from reaching the peak of the industry, and the future can be expected.

In the interview, Jia Fan will specifically mention the word "balance", he said that it may also be related to his personality, like to promote a thing steadily, so it is more "practical". "How to achieve a balanced state between art and the audience's preferences and market recognition, and slowly explore, I think this is still quite interesting."

"Originally we were going back to Beijing after the Shenzhen performance, but now the epidemic situation is not very clear and we have to stop, this year is over, but in January we will go to Suzhou and Ningbo, and maybe we will return to Shanghai to do the end." Although the Beijing station of "Rachmaninoff" had to be suspended due to the epidemic, Jia Fan said that when the epidemic passed, it would continue to patrol in the future.

The impact of the epidemic on the stage drama is self-evident, but the tenacity of this niche industry is also unexpected by many people.

"Then when I get back to Shanghai, I'll go see it again."

This is an agreement between us and Jia Fan, and perhaps this is also an agreement between the audience and the theater.

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