
Jia Fan starred in the youth version of the musical Laining, reliving the touching love of the second sister and the fourth class leader

author:Purple Cow News

The love film "The Story of LiuBao", released in 1957, has touched generations, and the simple Li Jin and Tian Xueying (the second sister) played by Tao Yuling have a pair of watery eyes. What kind of story will the fourth class leader and the second sister of the musical version have?

During the exhibition and performance of outstanding stage art works in Jiangsu Province to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, tonight, the Drama Hall of Jiangsu Grand Theater welcomed the musical "Nine Nine Sunny Days" performed by Zhenjiang Art Theater and Zhenjiang Art Creation Research Center. Previously, the play has also been performed in Nanjing, and the difference is that this youth version is performed by Jia Fan, a new generation of baritone singers and opera musical actors, and Gong Lili, Zhu Peng, and Mao Er, who are national first-class actors, attracting many young audiences to get close to the red classic.

Zhang Aijun, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial CPC Committee; Ma Minglong, secretary of the Zhenjiang Municipal CPC Committee, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and secretary of the party leading group; Gong Haibin, deputy secretary of the Zhenjiang Municipal CPC Committee and director of the United Front Work Department; Chen Keke, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhenjiang Municipal CPC Committee, secretary general, and director of the Reform Office; and Tiantao, second-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, attended the viewing.

Jia Fan starred in the youth version of the musical Laining, reliving the touching love of the second sister and the fourth class leader

The Youth Edition empowers red classics to resonate with young people

"Ninety-nine sunny days come yo, eighteen-year-old brother sitting by the river..." "Nine-nine sunny days", a song created more than half a century ago, is still popular today. In 1954, the famous movie "The Story of Liubao Castle" brought this song to the north and south of the river for the first time. "Ninety-Nine Nights" as the theme song of the movie, as the main theme throughout the play.

Today, Zhenjiang Art Theater and national first-class director Lei Guohua, after ten years of meticulous polishing, have put the large-scale original musical "Nine Nine Sunny Days" on the stage, bringing a moving red hymn to the audience. The re-creation and interpretation of red classic IP not only impresses the old audience from that era, but also resonates with more young contemporary audiences and inherits the power of red through the expression and dissemination of the atmosphere of the times.

Jia Fan starred in the youth version of the musical Laining, reliving the touching love of the second sister and the fourth class leader

Jia Fan plays the fourth class leader Li Jin in the play, he graduated from the Juilliard School in the United States with a master's degree, has been interviewed and reported by mainstream Media in the United States such as the New York Times and the Aspen Times, and has been evaluated as a "natural actor and a warm voice like a gift". Of course, more viewers know him, perhaps because of the popular variety show "Sound into People's Hearts", which also attracted many fans to buy tickets to watch the performance in Ningning.

Jia Fan said that when he learned that he was going to participate in the youth version of the musical "Nine Nine Sunny Days", he did some homework. Through the shaping of the heroes' "heart, affection, and hard work", as well as the artistic expression of modern drama and music, this musical drama shows the precious friendship and poignant love between the military and the people in the war, and the passionate praise of pure and eternal love and fearless dedication is really particularly touching.

Jia Fan starred in the youth version of the musical Laining, reliving the touching love of the second sister and the fourth class leader

Folk songs and folk songs are organically integrated with modern musicals

The musical "99 Sunny Days" was included in the 2019 National Arts Fund Key Funding Project by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In 2019, the play was also included in the key support projects of jiangsu provincial stage boutiques by the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. The play has won the Wenhua Grand Prize of the 4th Jiangsu Wenhua Award, the "Excellent Repertoire Award" of the Jiangsu Zijin Culture and Art Festival, the "Five One Project Award" of Jiangsu Province, and has been performed at the Shanghai Grand Theatre and the Jiangsu Grand Theatre, and has toured Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Tianjin and other cities. This year, its youth edition will conduct the first round of tour in 2021 in 12 cities across the country, and this time it will participate in the outstanding drama (festival) exhibition and performance of the province to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Two generations of musicians, Yin Qing, a musician from Zhenjiang with national characteristics, and Tian Mi, a young musician with contemporary popular characteristics, organically integrate modern music with ethnic and folk songs. While retaining the theme song of the film, the musical "Nine Nine Sunny Days" organically integrates the folk songs and folk songs in Jiangsu and Shandong with the popular expressions of modern musicals, highlighting the tension of musical symphony, emphasizing the characteristics of national music, and making the theme of the drama transcend history and enter modernity. What impressed the audience was that in addition to the music, the windmills, broad bean blossoms, weeping willows, wooden bridges, grain piles and other environmental elements on the stage were very local, and multimedia technology reproduced the story mood and rendered the historical poetry.

It is reported that the exhibition is sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Jiangsu Province, and the specific implementation of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the exhibition lasted from May 20, 2021 to July 23, 2021, of which 50 large-scale plays were performed 1 each, 20 small programs formed 3 variety shows were performed 1 time each, and the Yangzhou Yang Opera Research Institute's Yang Opera Modern Drama "ALian Crossing the River" was performed as a specially invited play. 16 large-scale plays were performed in Nanjing, while the remaining 35 large-scale plays and 3 variety shows were staged in other districted cities. These plays are carried out in a combination of theater performances and online live broadcasts, adhering to the principle of culture benefiting the people and culture for the people, and creating a festive and peaceful atmosphere for celebrating the centenary of the party.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Zhang Nan

Proofread su yun

Source: Purple Cow News

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