
A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

author:A gourmet kitchen with soybeans
A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

Toast is often made, generally using secondary fermentation to make, this time in order to save time, directly made a fermented milk toast, did not expect the organization and taste are particularly good, milk flavor is particularly strong, soft and brushed, tearing with your hands to eat can not stop at all. Friends who like baking or love toast are highly recommended for collection.

Reference weight: 450g of 2 toasts

Baking temperature: 180 degrees

Baking time: 40 minutes

Ingredients to prepare:

540g of high gluten flour, 50g of milk powder, 280g of milk, 2 eggs (100g after hulling), 60g of sugar, 6g of salt, 6g of yeast, 60g of butter

Preparation Method:

1, the high gluten flour, milk powder, milk, eggs, white sugar in the order of first liquid and then powder into the chef barrel (yeast, salt and butter temporarily do not put), turn on the power of the cook machine, low speed to mix all the ingredients into a dough, and then turn off the power and then sprinkle yeast on the surface of the dough, cover with plastic wrap, and finally put it in the refrigerator together with the chef barrel for 30 minutes to 1 hour;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

2. After 30 minutes, take out the refrigerated dough from the refrigerator, turn on the power of the cook machine, knead the dough at medium speed to the expansion stage, and then add salt and softened butter in advance;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

3, after adding salt and butter, first stir at low speed, and then knead at high speed until the dough can completely pull out the state of uniform glove film, do toast dough must be kneaded until completely out of the film, otherwise the finished tissue is not delicate enough after toast baking;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

4, in the process of making toast kneading, we must pay attention to the temperature of the dough, the general temperature is about 26 degrees is the most appropriate, it is best not to exceed 28 degrees. If the temperature of the dough is too high, it will affect the organization and taste of the bread, so why should the dough be put into the refrigerator when making this toast, refrigeration on the one hand is to cool the dough, on the other hand, the dough is placed for a period of time and then kneaded, which helps the formation of gluten, can quickly shoot the film, the method of refrigerating the dough is also called the instant noodle method;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

5. After kneading the dough, take it out and put it on the silicone pad;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

6, equally divided into 6 parts, roll separately, do not rub excessively, just gently roll, excessive force will affect the drawing effect of toast. Cover with plastic wrap and relax for about 15 minutes;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

7. Take one of the doughs and use a rolling pin to roll out the long tongue from the middle to the front and back ends, and the length is about the same as the palm of the hand;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

8. Roll up from top to bottom or roll up from bottom to top after turning over, and the other five also use the same operation method to do a good job;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

9, after all the operation is completed, take one of them, first press flat with the palm of your hand, and then use the rolling pin to roll out the long tongue from the middle forward and backward, and the rolling process should be thin and uniform, with a length of about 30cm;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

10, roll up from top to bottom, roll the process as tight as possible, do not leave a gap, roll to the final finish, with your fingers or rolling pin to thin, so that the finish is better adhesion;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

11. Make the dough;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

12, after doing a good job, put it into the toast box, the other five also use the same operation method to do, cover with plastic wrap, put it in the oven, set the oven fermentation temperature to 30 degrees, and then put in a bowl of hot water at the bottom of the oven, close the oven door for fermentation. This dough has not undergone a single fermentation, the fermentation time is slightly longer, about 1.5 hours or so, may be longer, requires patience;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

Sannoya Noza Toast Mould 450g Gold Corrugated Non-Stick Bread Toast Box sn2054 ¥101.4 Purchase

13: Wait for the dough to ferment until it is 7 or 8 minutes full and remove from the oven. When fermenting, we must pay attention to the state, do not over-ferment, otherwise it will affect the taste of toast, if it is fermented with a toast cover, the dough may be squeezed out;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

14. Gently brush a layer of egg liquid on the surface with a brush;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

15: Put in the lower layer of the preheated oven, 180 degrees, heat up and down, bake for 40 minutes. Halfway according to the surface color situation to cover the tin foil, there is a toast box lid, into the oven before baking can be covered with a lid;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed

16. Put on thermal insulation gloves to take out the baked toast, shake the toast box, and immediately fold it upside down on the net rack to dry until there is a slight residual temperature. If you can't finish eating the recommended refrigeration in the refrigerator, warm up before eating or put the oven to bake it, remember to put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, refrigeration is easy to accelerate the aging of bread, thereby affecting the taste of bread;

A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed
A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed
A fermented mellow milk toast that is not only easy to make, but also soft and brushed


1, the amount of milk in the formula is recommended to be flexibly adjusted according to the water absorption of the flour, do not add it at one time, reserve 10g ~ 20g, and then increase or decrease according to the state of the dough in the process of kneading;

2, this toast is made by the method of refrigerated instant noodles, the dough can be soaked faster out of the film, so that the toast tissue becomes more perfect;

3. In the process of operating the dough, the plastic wrap should be covered at any time to prevent the loss of moisture on the surface of the dough;

4. The baking time and temperature are for reference only, and the specific oven is adjusted according to the actual situation;

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