
Commentary 1 of the "History of Liao, Emperor Benji of Liao": Liao Taizu, Liao Taizong, Liao Shizong, Liao Muzong

author:Literary and historical brick family

Text/Comrade Guevara

The History of Liao was compiled by the Yuan Dynasty chancellor, Dai Tu, and consisted of 116 volumes, divided into 30 volumes of Benji, 32 volumes of Zhi, 8 volumes of Table, 45 volumes of Liechuan, and 1 volume of Chinese, of which the part used to record the emperor's deeds was called Benji. Due to the limitation of space, Liao Taizu, Liao Taizong, Liao Shizong, and Liao Muzong commented on this ji, using the form of literary language. The comments are as follows:

Liao Taizu Yelüyi: Taizu began at the end of the Tang Dynasty, when China was troubled, the outside of Guan was empty, and the tribes were annexed, and there was no peaceful day. The emperor rose to the desert land, and was known for his bravery. And its growth, the posture of fighting for strength and martial arts, driving away the brave pawns, conquering the west, destroying the decay, its momentum is great, and finally under the Zen of the Khan, the people of the Eight Ministries, the founding of the country, and the resistance to the Southern Dynasty. Ya Zhong Han Chen, if Han Yanhui and Kang Moji's disciples, rose up from the army, appointed without doubt, said nothing, and the relatives of the emperor such as Yelü Yuelu, internal and external harmony, planning with one heart, establishing a system, and revolutionizing the old and the new.

Commentary 1 of the "History of Liao, Emperor Benji of Liao": Liao Taizu, Liao Taizong, Liao Shizong, Liao Muzong

Liao Taizu film and television stills

Therefore, the building of the board, the construction of the city, the planting of mulberry and hemp, the study of weaving, the study of Confucius, the creation of writing, the establishment of literature and religion, the creation of the canon system, so that the weather is new, like the image of China, with the aspirations of the people of the vast land. After ascending the throne, he put an end to the rebellion of his brothers, and cursed his heart with his death. Civil strife is peaceful, so the northern conquest of Wugu, the southern invasion of Jinji, the east swallowing of the Bohai Sea, the west of the Party, the vast territory, the east from the sea, the west as to the quicksand, the north of the desert, the south to the White Valley, the kingdoms to the dynasty, the trust and prestige, the foundation of two hundred, enjoy the blood of the ninth generation, is not great?

Liao Taizong Yelü Deguang: Emperor Taizong inherited the heroic martial arts of Taizu, and also saw that he loved the shulu, so he was able to succeed to the throne and honor him. At the beginning of the reign, the mother was despotic, and Emperor Yuanmo did nothing for ten years, sending love to fish and hunt leisurely. And the southern dynasty rebellion, Shi Li attacked, Hedong called er, asked for help from the great powers, Emperor Nai drove the division south, helped the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Tang, and the tree was famous in the Central Plains. When paying homage to the Khitans, Zhongyuan looked up to the Khitan and heard the sound of movements, but his horse was the head. And the emperor was proclaimed Sun Buchen, and the war resumed, and Hebei was a ruin. Heavy Wei was disarmed in Zhongdu, and heavy and noble faces were tied to the girder, and within three years, they broke the Southern Dynasty, and they were also obtained by using the momentum of the times.

Commentary 1 of the "History of Liao, Emperor Benji of Liao": Liao Taizu, Liao Taizong, Liao Shizong, Liao Muzong

Liao Taizong film and television stills

Zhongyuan Jieke, the first desire for the long emperor Huaxia, but for the rule of three mistakes, to the Han people of the same, Kyushu war police, the four realms of wolf smoke, the emperor of the emperor to return to the north, the middle way and did not, the merit is interrupted! Emperor Fuding is multi-faceted, far and near. The founding number, the preparation of the canon, as for the Li Shu government, reading the name, recording prisoners, teaching cultivation and weaving, and matching widows. The man who asks for the straight talk, the minister of Jia Zhongyi, the one who quits the tour and the three grams of purity, and the soldier who has mercy gives the order to recuperate. Si can be described as a weide and a hong, a person who sees the company in the middle of the world, and can be called a good lord.

Liao Shizong Yelü Nguyen: The eldest son of Emperor Sejong himself, Emperor Taizong loved as if he were himself, and ren Yan, a member of the Political Standing Committee of the Military State. Filial piety and generosity, with the degree of a monarch, but the nature is lacking and heavy, the government is light-hearted, the knowledge of people is unknown, and the obedience is well-guarded.

Commentary 1 of the "History of Liao, Emperor Benji of Liao": Liao Taizu, Liao Taizong, Liao Shizong, Liao Muzong

Portrait of Emperor Shizong of Liao

Therefore, the Nan tang pill book, that is, the southern expedition; confused Brother treacherous, leaning on the heart, causing the soldiers to cause a series of disasters, treacherous covetousness, and finally make the elbow armpit, the calamity of the Xiao Wall, the death of the life, for the world to laugh, is not mourning?

Liao Muzong Yelü Jing: Muzong was ordered to be in the midst of calamities and rebellions, so he was thick and powerful, but he knew that the witches and demons were vain, and the courtiers indiscriminately tortured and cut advice, not unknown. The throne gradually solidified, but indulged in hunting, drinking freely, sleeping day and night feasting, even at night and at the end of the month, ignoring state affairs, and ignoring all opportunities for a long time.

Commentary 1 of the "History of Liao, Emperor Benji of Liao": Liao Taizu, Liao Taizong, Liao Shizong, Liao Muzong

Portrait of Emperor Muzong of Liao

And sex is violent, murderous, rewarding and punishing disorganized, and worrying inside and outside. Unrighteous self-destruction, extremely evil and condemnation, eventually becoming elbows, dead at the hands of villains, laughed at by the world, sad!

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