
Can cats eat human food? Lecithin efficacy is greatly analyzed

author:Miaomiao mao

"Love to eat" is the nature of animals, do you have the experience of being "grabbed" by your master when you keep a cat? Once the cat is genuinely watched, the shoveler always can't help but surrender to feed. Human food seems to have a great attraction to cats, so can cats eat human food?

Can cats eat human food? Lecithin efficacy is greatly analyzed

First of all, we need to know that cats are pure carnivores that have evolved very successfully, and their eating habits require sufficient meat. This means they get their nutrients from meat, and protein from meat helps cats have a healthy heart and reproductive system. Humans and cats have different essential nutrients and different digestive functions, and some foods that cats love and crave are likely to cause serious damage to the digestive system of small hairballs.

For example, onions, garlic, kelp, grapes, sweets, chocolates, and alcoholic or caffeinated beverages cannot be given to cats, even if not at all. But there are also some foods that are safe for cats, but only if they are eaten in small amounts. According to common sense, the proportion of human food in the cat's diet should not exceed 15%.

So, today I will take stock of the human food that cats can and cannot eat.

Foods that cats must not eat include: shallots / onions / leeks, chocolate, grapes and grapes, beer, liquor, wine, alcoholic foods, milk products, most cats are lactose intolerant. Their digestive system cannot handle dairy products. Therefore, drinking milk directly or eating milk products may lead to indigestion and diarrhea in cats. In addition, there are fungi, mushroom foods, called cause damage to the liver and kidneys of cats, destroying nerves.

After looking at the foods that cats can't eat, let's take a look at what foods cats can eat.

Chicken breast, rich in nutrients, high in protein, easy to absorb; salmon contains Ω-3, which is very helpful to the heart and immune system of cats, and is also rich in oil and has a hair-beautifying effect; cod is rich in protein, but the fat content is low, and cats are not easy to cause obesity after eating. In addition, there is beef, which is rich in protein trace elements such as creatine, which helps male cats to blush. Then you can also give the cat egg yolk, eggs are a good source of protein, cats and cats have a bad appetite or can feed eggs to supplement energy and nutrition when they are sick. But remember to cook your eggs and avoid overdose so that your cholesterol is too high. The egg yolk is rich in lecithin, which is a good thing for cats.

The trace elements contained in lecithin have the effect of promoting skin blood circulation to increase hair and replenish root nutrition, but the effect will not be immediate, if the shovelers insist on feeding lecithin to the cat for a long time, it can reduce the cat's hair loss. For the shoveler who has a busy life and does not have time to boil egg yolks for the cat, you can try to supplement the cat with lecithin tablets, such as Weishi lecithin because it is very palatable, so it is usually fed to the cat as a snack. Cat lecithin is highly active, easy to absorb, makes the hair thick and shiny, can promote the growth of healthy hair, prevent hair loss, and lecithin makes the growth of hair normal, thick and beautiful.

After reading the above content, the shovelers should have some understanding of the diet of the cat, in addition to the daily staple food and canned staple food, other complementary foods can be given appropriately, so that the nutrition balance can maintain the health of the cat owner.

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