
Home version of taro balls made, super Q bullet

author:The clouds were happy

Today to share with you is the purple potato taro balls, a dessert, delicious and delicious, the method is also very simple and convenient! Let's try it with your favorite friends!

1. 【Preparation materials】

Purple potato 500g, sweet potato 500g, pumpkin 500g, Inpu taro 500g, tapioca starch 2509 each, a total of 1000g, water (appropriate amount) powdered sugar (a little or no addition)

2. 【Preparation method of purple potato taro round】

1: Peel the purple potatoes and taro and cut well.

Home version of taro balls made, super Q bullet

2, steamed separately, do not mix together, will string color, I am wrapped in tin foil steamed, a pot to get it done.

3, with chopsticks poke down to confirm the ripe, take out the fruit language and shake into puree, the three things are cooked at different speeds, the first to cook the first shake.

4, shake while hot mixed with sugar, shake the same first mix the same, sweet potatoes add 25 grams of sugar, purple potatoes also add 25 grams, taro plus 30 grams, you can also add or subtract sugar according to your own taste.

Then pour 120-150 grams of tapioca flour into each of the three types. The more tapioca flour, the more q taro balls, of course, the more tapioca flour the taste of raw materials will be lighter, I added the amount is about 135 grams.

5, after adding tapioca flour will definitely be too dry to make a ball, while kneading while pouring the appropriate amount of hot boiling water, into a ball. You can try a bunch, you can easily manipulate the ball and non-stick hand to explain that you can, if it will be scattered to explain that the water is less, after doing a good job, wrap it with a fuse film.

6, the right amount of dough slowly rolled into slender strips, this should be patient, slowly kneaded. Cut into granules with a knife. Place the chopped taro balls on a plate and sprinkle with tapioca flour to make sure each one is powdered.

Home version of taro balls made, super Q bullet

7, the water open in the pot to cook, put out the ice water will be more q bomb.

8, fish out, put in the milk and your favorite diced fruit, etc., you can eat.

Home version of taro balls made, super Q bullet

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