
"Jin opera Must sheng taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (ultimate part one) is revealed

author:Brother Yue Rong

Ding Guoxian's life can be described as extremely bumpy. In her childhood, she went through the old society of poverty and hunger; when she was a teenager, she experienced hardships and hardships; she experienced the turbulent war in the Republic of China in her youth; she survived the 14 years of suffering of the War of Resistance in middle age; and she finally did not carry the last hurdle of the Cultural Revolution turmoil when she adapted to her old age. In 1972, he left this world with regret. Ding Guoxian used his life's efforts to push the performing arts of Jin opera Xusheng to a new stage. The art of the Jin opera Ding school created by her and her artistic achievements will forever be recorded in the annals of history. She is known as the "King of Shanxi Zizi" as the "Jin Opera Xusheng Taidou - Ding Guoxian".

"Jin opera Must sheng taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (ultimate part one) is revealed

Jin opera Su Sheng Tai Dou Ding Guo Xian

According to many sources, Ding Guoxian was born in 1909 in Shulu County, Hebei Province (now the old city northeast of Xinji City, Hebei Province). As for the townships, villages, homes, and households, she could not inquire clearly when she was alive. After Ding Guoxian died in 1972, no one knew about it. But there was a person, whose family lived in Wenshui at that time, when he was 8 years old, he followed his mother to his sister's house in the Taigang Electric Power Plant to live temporarily, only because of a chance, he watched a play by Ding Guoxian and Niu Guiying's "Hitting the Golden Branch", and he fell in love with Jin opera at once, especially Ding Guoxian's Jin opera art and her personality charm. Until later, he searched for the birth traces of Ding Guoxian and collected information about Ding Guoxian. He ran all the places he could visit, and even went to Taiwan at his own expense to visit Ding Guoxian's relatives before he died, and did not let go of any clues. After many studies and unremitting efforts, the mystery of Ding Guoxian's life was finally unveiled. This person is the famous Ding Fan Duan Xingwang.

"Jin opera Must sheng taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (ultimate part one) is revealed

Duan flourished

Time went back to the tenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar in 1912, a woman with two women and a man and three children begged for food to Dingjiazhuang Village, Xiaoxinzhuang Township, Xinji City, Hebei Province, when suddenly there was a heavy rainstorm, and the mother and son were drenched by the heavy rain, and it was difficult to walk. The mother tried to protect her three children as much as possible until she was exhausted and fainted in the rain. When the mother woke up, she saw an old lady shouting for help from the surrounding crowd. Then the old woman and her son Ding Fengming rescued their fainting mother to their home. The mother cried and begged, "Save the child." At this time, Ding Fengming's cousin Ding Fengzhang happened to collect rent and rent in his hometown, and Ding Fengzhang opened a shop in Taiyuan and operated a fur business. Ding Fengzhang meant to buy a big girl, which could be sold to a brothel, and gave thirty copper coins. Unexpectedly, the big girl hugged her mother's leg and did not let go. The old lady tricked the second lady into another room, and the second lady's mother took the money to lead the big girl and her son out of the door and turned back to hug the second lady and cry bitterly, telling the old lady that the second lady was born on the fifth day of March and belonged to the chicken. After that, it was gone. This is also the only little memory of Ding Guoxian, the cry of tearing his heart and lungs, and the word "money", and a few fruits.

Ding Guoxian, who had never seen his biological mother since, sent letters to Shulu County many times to inquire after he became famous, and there was no news. The old lady of Dingjiazhuang only knew that it was a begging woman who sold her daughter. After er's mother left, the old lady asked her son Ding Fengming to buy Eryi and not let Ding Fengzhang take her away. Only because Ding Fengming had two sons, Ding Chengyu and Ding Chengkai, the old lady said that she would buy the second concubine and give Cheng Yu as a daughter-in-law in the future. In this way, Ding Fengming gave the money to Ding Fengzhang, which was considered to have bought the second lady. Ding Fengming's eldest daughter was called Ding Guohong, because the second lady ate fresh fruit at that time, the old lady named the second lady Ding Guoxian (fresh).

Since then, Ding Guoxian has begun another life path.

In 1913, Ding Fengming's wife died, so Ding Fengming took Ding Guoxian to Taiyuan and said that he could not feed him. Ding Fengzhang opened a grocery store for Ding Fengming, and Ding Guoxian worked as a trot in the grocery store. Coincidentally, within a few days, the old lady also died. Ding Fengming gave Ding Guoxian to Ding Fengzhang and then went home. Ding Guoxian also became Ding Fengzhang's adopted daughter and named her Ding Buyun. Later, Ding Fengzhang picked up a child who was a few years older than Ding Guoxian and became Ding Guoxian's sister, named Ding Qiaoyun.

Later, Ding Fengzhang found Liu Xize, who could sing opera at that time and lived in embarrassment, and asked him to teach the two sisters to sing. Sister Ding Guoxian learned drama with Liu Xize and began a formal apprenticeship.

After a few years of apprenticeship, he then sold art on the streets, and singing was very popular at the time. Ding Fengzhang saw that the two sisters sang well, so he wanted to choose another high master to let the Ding Guoxian sisters go further in order to earn more money for him. So Ding Fengzhang invited Sun Zhulin, an artist named Taipinghong, who was more famous at that time, to teach Ding Guoxian at home, so Ding Guoxian worshiped Sun Zhulin as a teacher.

"Jin opera Must sheng taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (ultimate part one) is revealed

Ding Guoxian Sun Zhulin Ding Qiaoyun

In 1916, while studying with Sun Zhulin, Ding Guoxian secretly learned the singing methods of many old artists, singing while learning. During this period, she has been running temple fairs in the drama class, and the team has been acting everywhere. He has accumulated both acting and singing experience and contacts.

In 1922, Ding Guoxian entered the Zhongli garden drama class of Sanguangzi in Zhao Village, Qi County. He often went to Taigu to set up a stage to sing, and then met Ji Wuzhai in Taigu. At that time, Ji Wuzhai was in charge of taxation in Taigu, because the three light children knew Ji Wuzhai and the Ji Wuzhai people were very proper, steady in their work, able to suppress the position, and as soon as they sang a play, Ji Wuzhai would let his subordinates patrol the stage under the stage, so that no one dared to make trouble. After a long period of performance, ding guoxian and Ji Wuzhai had feelings.

In the winter of 1925, in the courtyard of Maliantanyuan No. 11 (now the dormitory of the Public Security Bureau) in Taigu County, Ding Guoxian married Ji Wuzhai .

Ji Wuzhai's family was in Xiaohu Village, Pingyao, and at this time he had married Duan Zhenying in his hometown, and the two had four sons, Ji Xin, Ji Sen, Ji Miao, and Ji Yan, and the sons were named according to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. In 1926, seeing that Ding Guoxian was pregnant, he took Ding Guoxian back to Xiaohu Village in Pingyao. Rented the south kiln in the courtyard of Ludong Lei Jichang for Ding Guoxian to live. When eating, let the 7-year-old Ji Xin go to the Ludong Courtyard to call his aunt to eat, and Ding Guoxian will make a drama action for Ji Xin every time, which makes Ji Xin very happy.

"Jin opera Must sheng taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (ultimate part one) is revealed

Ji Noon Fast

In October 1926, Ding Guoxian gave birth to a boy and prepared to name him Ji Yao. In this way, the gold, wood, water, fire and soil are complete. But the child was born and died. Ding Guoxian also fell ill with the inability to have children for life.

Later, Duan Xingwang found out that Ji Wuzhai's grandson, the son of the second son Ji Sen, was living in the Taiyuan Dongji Tiger Camp, and after finding out, Ji Husheng said that although his father was gone, his uncle Ji Xin was still there, but the uncle was in Taiwan. There is a connection between the two. So the two people got their passports, and the two went to Taiwan in 2013 to meet Ji Xin and learned about some relevant situations.

"Jin opera Must sheng taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (ultimate part one) is revealed

Duan Xingwang Ji Xin

In the winter of 1927, Ji Wuzhai established the Jinyiyuan Class Society for Ding Guoxian, which was set up in Taigu County South Street Road West Kong Xiangxi Road East Mengxing Rang No. 3 Courtyard and Chema No. 5 Courtyard, two courtyards, the class leader is Ji Wuzhai .

In 1934, when Ji Xin was preparing to get married, the person in charge of taxation at the Xugou Taxation Bureau was arrested and imprisoned, and Ji Wuzhai ran to the prison to say that this person was his subordinate, weak, and willing to replace the prison. Ji Wuzhai was deeply tortured in prison, and when he was seriously ill, the prison informed Ji Wuzhai's family, and the third brother took Ji Wuzhai back to Xiaohu Village and died that night.

After Ji Wuzhai died, Ding Guoxian returned to Taigu Jinyi Garden and became the class master. Ji Xin and Ding Guoxian have eaten on the stove of a drama class for 9 years, and they still have feelings. He also once asked Ding Guoxian: Auntie, where are you? Ding Guoxian cried, she only knew that she was from Shulu County, Hebei Province, she didn't know which village it was, she was sold to Taiyuan, she was only three years old at the time, and she vaguely remembered her mother's appearance.

"Jin opera Must sheng taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (ultimate part one) is revealed

Ding Guoxian

Duan Xingwang believed that Ding Guoxian did not know where he was in his life. He vowed to find his hometown for the master.

After returning from Taiwan, Duan Xingwang embarked on a journey to find Ding Guoxian's family, first to Shijiazhuang and then by car to Xinji. When I arrived in Xinji, I found the local public security bureau and inquired about the range in which the surname Qian was. Because at that time, Ding Guoxian told Ji Xin that when she was sold, she heard her mother and people say the word "money". Whether it is surname money or selling money, I don't know. Duan Xingwang wanted to start from here. From the Public Security Bureau, it was learned that the surname Qian was probably in Wangkou Town, especially in Hanlinzhuang Village, and there were more people with the surname Qian.

Duan Xingwang went to the Hanlinzhuang Village Committee, and the village party secretary promised to help him, so he summoned all the people in the village who were over 70 years old with the surname Qian to the village. Among them was a man named Qian Riliang, who said that his uncle was called Qian Liufeng and his eldest wife was called Liu Ni. At that time, the eldest bride led three children out to beg for food, did not come back, heard that the second son was sold, and then there was a carriage in the village, and saw a boy in Gaocheng, Hebei Province, who looked very much like the Qian family, and when he asked sure it was, he brought the child back and put it in Qian Riliang's house and named it Qian Rishui. Qian Rishui grew up in Qian Riliang's parents, that is to say, Qian Rishui and Qian Riliang are uncles and brothers.

"Jin opera Must sheng taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (ultimate part one) is revealed

Qian Riliang was prosperous

Duan Xingwang felt that what this family said was like Ding Guoxian, because Ding Guoxian knew that he was the second eldest, and he was also sold when begging for food. But these clues alone are not certain. At this time, I suddenly remembered that Qian Rishui's daughter Qian Qiuling had said that at that time, her grandmother begged for food to meet the sun. That is, to go out in the morning, to go east, to go back in the afternoon is to go west. Duan Xingwang held the mentality of trying, and went east in the morning to greet the sun, walked four villages in two days, and suddenly saw a village with the sign "Dingjiazhuang". Duan Xingwang thought of Ding Guoxian's surname, so he went inside and found the village branch secretary of Ding Jiazhuang, the old father of the village branch secretary, Ding Junhai, was still there, and the old man said that Ding Guoxian was bought by his family. That's good. Explaining these situations, the people of Dingjiazhuang asked to meet with the people of Hanlinzhuang Village. So under the recommendation of Duan Xingwang, the people of the two villages met, and through mutual inquiry and confirmation, they basically determined Ding Guoxian's hometown, and Hanlin Zhuang showed written materials for this purpose. As soon as the two villages converged, Ding Guoxian's early experience was complete.

After many confirmations by Duan Xingwang's elderly, it was basically determined that Ding Guoxian's hometown was Hanlinzhuang Village, Wangkou Town, Shulu County (now Xinji City) in Hebei Province. His father Qian Liufeng and mother Liu Ni gave birth to Qian Dayu in 1906, Qian Erfei (Ding Guoxian) on the fifth day of March 1909, and Qian Rishui in 1911. After giving birth to his youngest son, Qian Liufeng died. The next year the mother and son began begging for a living. At this point, Ding Guoxian's birthplace and the relevant information of his parents can be basically determined.

Duan Xingwang, with a love for Jin opera and his admiration for Master Ding Guoxian, interviewed hundreds of people, collected thousands of materials related to Ding Guoxian, and supplemented and improved Ding Guoxian's life. After these wishes were fulfilled, Duan Xingwang would go to the Twin Pagoda Temple every year to pay tribute to Master Ding Guoxian.

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