
"Hebei Character" Jin opera Su sheng king Ding Guoxian

author:Fang Zhi Hebei

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Jin opera must give birth to the great king Ding Guoxian

"Hebei Character" Jin opera Su sheng king Ding Guoxian
"Hebei Character" Jin opera Su sheng king Ding Guoxian

Ding Guoxian

Ding Guoxian (1909-1972), female, formerly known as Ding Buyun, stage name "Guozihong", a native of Wangkou Town, Xinji City. His original surname was Qian, because his family was poor, he was sold to the Ding family in Taiyuan, Shanxi at the age of 4. At the age of seven or eight, he began to learn the art and chose the bearded profession. At the age of 9, he opened a cappella performance, performed on stage at the age of 13, and became famous in Shanxi and Beijing-Tianjin at the age of 15. Her singing voice is round and clear and strong and bold, which not only plays the characteristics of the high-pitched and gentle female voice but does not have a female voice; the performance is realistic, the action is handsome, and it has a delicate and feminine appearance that is unique to women. "Female actor male without revealing female appearance", "female actor male is better than male", creating a miracle on the stage of Jin opera. Therefore, in the mid-1920s, when The Shanghai Baidai Company produced records for her, she won the title of "King of Jin Opera", which was famous at home and abroad.

"Hebei Character" Jin opera Su sheng king Ding Guoxian

Ding Guoxian's artistic precocious maturity, in addition to her profound basic skills, is also because she is good at absorbing the strengths of all and innovating. In the stage of learning art and the early stage of art, there is no division of the school, the strengths of the families are gathered in one, melted in one furnace, created and cast new, and gradually formed her rigid and soft harmony, voice and emotion, solid and loud pronunciation, wide resonance area, clear and pure bite words, free use of the breath of the singing characteristics and style, and in the long-term artistic practice developed into the original Ding Pai singing art, which has had an epoch-making impact on the singing of the modern Jin opera Beard Sheng.

"Hebei Character" Jin opera Su sheng king Ding Guoxian

Under the fame, Ding Guoxian is still constantly exploring and pursuing a breakthrough in the performing arts of Jin opera. In the early 1930s, she repeatedly went to Beijing and Tianjin to perform, and through extensive contact with Peking Opera performing artists and the comparison of the two genres of Beijing and Jin, she "banned" the serifs such as "which yaha" and vulgar lyrics that often appeared in Jin opera singing, making the style of composition more standardized and the art more exquisite and typical. At the same time, in the role of shaping, Li Bai in "Taibai Drunk" and Zhuge Liang in "Empty City Plan" have been added to the elegant and handsome character image. The most successful stage image she has created can be roughly divided into two categories: one is the white-haired and green-shirted character who is mainly a white-haired and green-shirted character who is insulted and damaged by the old era and has a sense of justice; the other is a palace dress and hat character based on the Qipin County Order, who lives in honesty and has a bumpy career. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, because he was unwilling to bend to the enemy, he was often bullied by the Japanese and the hypocrites, and was forced to suspend his stage career for a long time and live in a mountain village in Xinxian County.

"Hebei Character" Jin opera Su sheng king Ding Guoxian

After the founding of New China, Ding Guoxian led the vast number of Artists of Jin Opera to participate in the democratic reform movement with her exemplary actions, and formed a new art group headed by her, the Taiyuan New New Theater Troupe. Participated in condolence performances on the front lines to North Korea and Fujian. In art, she is unremitting and strives to climb new heights. Her artistic achievements have been appreciated by the people and highly valued by the party and the state. In 1952, he participated in the first opera observation performance in China with plays such as "Hitting the Golden Branch" and "Butterfly Cup"; Won the first prize. In 1955, she starred in "Hitting the Golden Branch" on the screen. In 1956, she was received by Chairman Mao and sang a passage of "Ode to Orange" from the Jin opera transplant play Qu Yuan to Chairman Mao. When the Kunqu opera "Fifteen Guans" was staged in Beijing, Premier Zhou invited her to Zhongnanhai by name to attend a conference, and she listened to Premier Zhou's important speech on literary and artistic issues. After that, she became more active in the jin opera reform activities. In addition to doing a lot of new work on the traditional repertoire of Jin opera, it has also made many useful attempts to perform modern opera. Wang Renhou, an old poor peasant played in "Blood and Tears Vengeance", an old teacher in "Flowers Under the Red Flag", and the ugly Dan Chen Kuail in "Little Son-in-Law", all won the praise of the audience, and in April 1959, she joined the Communist Party of China. He was a deputy to the National People's Congress and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People In 1962, the literary and art circles of Shanxi Province and Taiyuan City solemnly held the "40th Anniversary Commemoration of Ding Guoxian's Stage Career" to commend her artistic achievements. In 1972, he was brutally tortured to death by the "Gang of Four" at the age of 63. After smashing the "Gang of Four", he was rehabilitated.

"Hebei Character" Jin opera Su sheng king Ding Guoxian

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