
"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

author:Brother Yue Rong

  "After I die, I put around the scripts I have acted in the past, like "Playing The Golden Branch", "Sun and Moon Chart", "Empty City Plan", "Double Luo Shirt", "Lu Hua" and so on, and so on. I've been singing here all my life, and I'm going to keep singing over there! ......”

The enlarged politburo meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in May 1966 and the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee held in August marked the full launch of the Cultural Revolution. The "Circular of the CPC Central Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "May 16 Circular") and the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" (hereinafter referred to as the "Sixteen Articles"), which were successively adopted by the two sessions, as well as the reorganization of the central leading organs, have made the "Left" policy dominant. The original intent of the decade-long Cultural Revolution and its end remains a mystery to this day. It is still being studied by some political scientists and sociologists.

In this "great revolution", Ding Guoxian suffered a devastating blow.

At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Ding Guoxian was already ill and weak due to long-term emphysema, and could not adhere to normal work. However, as a law-abiding artist, she still insisted on going to the unit to study and listen to reports.

The weather in Taiyuan in the north is getting hotter and hotter day by day, and the Cultural Revolution is also setting off a climax day by day. Ding Guoxian seemed to have a premonition of something, and sure enough, the next day a group of rebels gathered at home. These rebels wore red armbands, their faces were full of seriousness, they were full of righteous indignation, and everyone was firm and serious. But this is another familiar face, they are all comrades in the literary and art circles, many of them are still students taught by Ding Guoxian. Just at this moment, the leader of the rebel faction shouted loudly and said, "Ding Guoxian, you are an authentic cow ghost snake god!" It is a big gangster in Shanxi's literary and art circles! You can only honestly bow your head to the people and confess your sins! We are now beginning to raid the house, to copy out the seals, materials, and repairs, and to smash them completely. ”

The rebels began to raid homes. They copied ding guoxian's stills, books and newspapers related to the play, and what Ren Xiufeng had written. Before leaving, the leader of the rebel faction asked Ding Guoxian loudly, "I heard that you still have an old theater box at home, where did you hide it?" Ding Guoxian replied, "Wasn't it not just a few years after liberation that I donated the drama box to run a drama school?" The answer is firm, and those who listen to it are firmly convinced. Because many of them have experienced this first-hand.

This night Ding Guoxian and her husband stayed up all night. On this sleepless night, what Ding Guoxian was suffering from was not that the rebels had raided her home. Nor is it because among these raiders are their own theater peers and their own students. Ren Xiufeng comforted his wife and said, "This is in motion, it is temporary. In the past, didn't you also sing about Zhongliang's suffering in the drama text, but it was good to have passed this tribulation. ”

However, this ordeal lasted too long, and Ding Guoxian did not survive in the end.

Since then, Ding Guoxian's home has not only been copied by the rebels in the literary and art circles, but also by the rebels in society. Later, it was not only to copy the literary and artistic aspects, but to take away all the valuable things.

During the day, he was dragged out by the rebels to participate in the struggle meeting, and at night, he returned to the empty home with a tired and sick body, and suffered painful physical and mental injuries. Ding Guoxian was pained and confused, and whenever she slept in the middle of the night, she could only silently ask Tianwendi: I am an innocent play, why do you want to mutilate me like this?

In the hot summer, Ding Guoxian sat in an empty home with physical and mental trauma, her emphysema disease was getting worse and worse, and it was difficult to support the "storm of the revolution". Just then, a group of people broke into the house. The leader threw a costume in front of Ding Guoxian and angrily said, "Put it on! Put on and make amends to the masses of the people, and today our revolutionary rebels will fight you. Ding Guoxian asked with a glaring look in his eyes, "What vendetta do I have with you as an innocent and unintentional actor?" What's the hate? Are you trying to humiliate and torture people in this way? Ding Guoxian refused to wear a costume. Several of the villains rushed up and forcibly dressed her in costumes, wearing a black gauze hat and a beard, looking like a non-human, like a ghost and not a ghost.

The rebels pushed Ding Guoxian onto a large truck parked on the street, with a pile of signs in front of him, and Ding Guoxian demanded that he hang the biggest one hanging on his chest: to bring down all cattle, ghosts, snakes, and gods

Summer is hot, the temperature is as high as thirty-seven degrees. Ding Guoxian's sick and weak body was wearing thick costumes and hats, and he had reached a state of semi-coma. Her face was covered with beads of sweat, she was panting, but her head was held high. The streets were crowded with people. And most of the eyes in the crowd are expressing deep sympathy for this outstanding Jin opera performance artist. Some of Ding Guoxian's fans watched this plot and were all sad and tearful, so they had no choice but to walk away quickly. The scene in the movie "Farewell to the King" truly reflects the scene at that time.

Ding Guoxian burst into tears: "I don't want to see this world anymore." No matter how turbid the water in the sea is, it will be cleaner in my eyes than the world. It didn't take long for Ren Xiufeng to be criticized. Ding Guoxian's heart was actually calmer. Because she knew that this was a problem of the whole society, and it was not just her ding guoxian who was like this. She also understood that there were many people who were being wronged, and it was not that she herself was wronged.

Feeling a little calmer, she recuperated at home every day, waiting for the rebels to come and beat her to fight.

Liu Baojun, Wu Zhong, Yan Huizhen, etc. are all the best students of Ding Guoxian and the best heirs of Ding Pai art. Although Ding Guoxian was later transferred to the Provincial Jin Theater, Wu Zhong and his wife often came to Ding Guoxian's house to see his teacher, and Liu Baojun often went to Ding Guoxian's home to visit his master, and from time to time sent the children to send some old tofu and dumplings to her grandmother. And Ding Guoxian often remembered these students of hers in her heart.

After a period of social turmoil, the Cultural Revolution turned into a struggle between the open and the dark in various units. Probably because Ding Guoxian's body was too weak, since he had been out on the streets and criticized for several months, the rebels had never patronized Ding Guoxian's home. For Ding Guoxian and Ren Xiufeng, they really lived like years, they no longer had any hope, only hoped that the government could give an explanation, and also hoped to return their innocence.

In the winter of 1971, when Ding Guoxian was suffering from his illness, Niu Guiying, who was far away in Jinzhong Taigu to participate in the "Qing Team" study class, heard that Ding Guoxian's illness had worsened and rushed back from Taigu. Decades of stage sisters meet each other, as close as blood and bones, love and brotherhood. Niu Guiying just cried out "Old Ding", the two were already tears in their eyes, and how many words in their hearts could not be spoken. Niu Guiying has also been in the middle of fighting and censorship in recent years, and is still under review in the "Qing Team" study class. In the Jin opera, it is commonly known as the four major artists of "Ding, Niu, Guo, and Ji", Ding is the old shengxing, the cow is the Qingyi xing, and they have the most supporting plays between them, and they are also the best partners, with decades of stage love. Niu Guiying squeezed Sister Ding's hands tightly and burst into tears. Do you know that this meeting between Ding and Niu sisters has become a farewell to the best pair of stage arts.

Before the Spring Festival in 1972, Ding Guoxian's illness became more and more serious. In the social background at that time, after many ways to dredge Ding Guoxian, he was admitted to the Second Courtyard of Shanda University. On the simple wooden bed in the hospital, Ding Guoxian spent the last few days of her life. She pressed her chest with one of her own hands, and she let out a loud breath, and the cold sweat on her forehead was dense.

The young doctors and nurses regarded Ding Guoxian as a problematic patient who had not yet been rehabilitated. During the rescue, the doctors and nurses all seemed slow and rational: "Ding Guoxian, unite with us, make up your mind not to be afraid of sacrifice, and overcome all difficulties to win." At this time, she had difficulty eating and only relied on liquids to maintain her life. Chinese New Year's Eve, his son Ren Jiliang brought dumplings from home, Ding Guoxian struggled to sit up from the hospital bed, but still could not sit up, had to lie down and eat a dumpling can no longer eat.

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Son of Ding Guoxian and Ren Xiufeng

  After surviving the first day of the Chinese New Year, at four o'clock in the morning of the second day of the first year, Ding Guoxian went to another world! He was sixty-three years old. On the morning of the second day of the first year, relatives and friends pulled Ding Guoxian's body back to the courtyard of No. 45 West Street of Taiyuan City Hall in a flat tricycle. This small courtyard was bought by Ding Guoxian in the 1940s with the money she earned from singing, and she has lived here since her death. In the quiet and cold street, Ren Xiufeng followed the tricycle while looking at his wife on the car and chanting: "Guo Xian, you are good to go!" ......

Hearing the news of Ding Guoxian's death, her students Liu Baojun, Wu Zhong, Yan Huizhen and others rushed to the house at the first time, and they helped their families put on the dark blue Zhongshan suit and change into socks for the teacher. At that time, there was no mourning ceremony, but the relevant leaders of the provincial cultural department rushed to the news, as well as Niu Guiying, Guo Fengying and other pear garden friends before they died, they all wanted to see Ding Guoxian for the last time, and quickly set up a funeral committee, and issued an obituary to all sectors of society at the first time.

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Ding Guoxian obituary

After Ding Guoxian left the world, Ren Xiufeng felt lonely and desolate, and since then he has not been able to afford to fall ill, and after four years, he followed Ding Guoxian away.

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Ren Xiufeng Ding Guoxian and his wife

Ding Guoxian went to another world, but this world still did not forget her.

In December 1979, the literary and art circles in the provincial city held a symposium to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Ding Guoxian's birth. Niu Guiying, Guo Fengying and other contemporaries reminisced about the past, recalling the scene and deep affection of the stage art cooperation with Master Ding Guoxian. Ding Guoxian's successor performed a special performance of Ding Pai art.

Once the earth is revived, will it still be sad that a hundred flowers will bloom?

On January 14, 1981, the People's Government of Shanxi Province held a grand ceremony to place the ashes of Ding Guoxian at the Martyrs' Cemetery of the Twin Pagoda Temple in Taiyuan. Ding Guoxian's urn was placed in a kaleidoscope of flowers, and people seemed to see Ding Guoxian lying there peacefully, with a happy smile on his face. More than 1,000 people from the literary and art circles of the provincial city gathered in the hall of the Martyrs' Cemetery and solemnly respected. Famous people from the literary circles to the art circles in Shanxi Province have arrived, including writers Ma Feng, Li Shuwei, Xi Rong, Sun Qian, Hu Zheng, Liu Jiang, and Zheng Du, dramatists Jia Ke, Zhang Huan, Deng Yan, Zhang Wanyi, painter Liqun and musician Xia Hongfei, and so on.

Ding Guoxian's character and exquisite art have been shining brightly, and this light will illuminate generation after generation. At present, in addition to the disciples such as Liu Baojun, Wu Zhong, Yan Huizhen, Liu Hanyin, and other disciples who ding Guoxian personally taught are still shining on the stage, the third and fourth generations of Ding Pai art have occupied the stage of contemporary Jin opera art and are also deeply loved by the vast audience.

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

In 2012, Taiyuan City Twin Towers Martyrs Cemetery

  On March 31, 2006, the Ding Guoxian Cemetery expired, and his ashes were re-buried, and people from the literary and art circles in the provincial city, drama colleagues and opera lovers participated in this activity. The base of Ding Guoxian's tombstone is 3.3 meters square of black marble, the stele is 1.9 meters high Han white jade, and the front is inlaid with the remains of Ding Guoxian. The author also had the honor to participate in this activity, and the whole process was filmed to record the live video of the burial at that time. In the evening, a special performance was held in Jinpai to commemorate Ding Guoxian's 97th birthday.

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Ding Guoxian tombstone

  In 2020, in accordance with the unified planning of Taiyuan City's urban construction and the requirements for the construction of the Twin Towers Scenic Area, the Shanxi Jin Theater received the "Notice of the Taiyuan Municipal Government on the Upgrading and Transformation of the Twin Towers Martyrs Cemetery" forwarded by the Taiyuan Twin Towers Martyrs Cemetery, and cooperated with the Taiyuan Municipal Government to relocate the tomb of Ding Guoxian, a Jin opera master buried in the Twin Towers Martyrs Cemetery, to the newly built Taiyuan Twin Towers Revolutionary Cemetery Meritorious Area. On April 22, the Shanxi Jin Theater held a ceremony for the relocation of the tomb of Jin opera master Ding Guoxian at the Taiyuan New Twin Towers Revolutionary Cemetery. The ceremony was short and solemn, and everyone presented flowers to Master Ding Guoxian one after another, expressing the memory and respect of Jin opera workers for Mr. Ding Guoxian. Mr. Ding Guoxian's descendants and disciples, relevant units, some Jin opera artists and responsible comrades of Shanxi Jin Theater attended the event.

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Jin opera master Ding Guoxian tomb relocation ceremony

  On the morning of March 26, 2021, on the occasion of "World Drama Day", the "Fanghua Yongzai - Jin Opera Master Ding Guoxian Historical Image Exhibition" hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Taiyuan Daily, Taiyuan Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau, Shanxi Jin Theater, Shanxi Provincial Art Research Institute, Taiyuan Jin Opera Art Research Institute, Taiyuan Culture and Art School, Taiyuan Daily All-Media Command Center, Shanxi Fashion Echo Cultural Exchange Center, Taiyuan Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau Guandi Temple Cultural Management Office, VIVO Shanxi" The Grand Opening of the Guandi Temple in Nanxiao Wall was carried out simultaneously and broadcast live on multiple new media platforms. Master Ding Guoxian's apprentices, students, and friends who love opera gathered together to look back at the master's footprints.

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Jin opera master Ding Guoxian historical video exhibition

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Jin opera master Ding Guoxian historical video exhibition Group photo of the opening ceremony of the exhibition

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Jin opera master Ding Guoxian historical video exhibition "Guan Gong" Wu Lingyun

"Jinju Susheng Taidou" Ding Guoxian's bumpy life (6) Superstar fall

Ding Guoxian will always live in the hearts of the people!

It is: Sixty-three years of wind and rain, a body of fine art shines, if the heavens are affectionate and the sky is old, the right way on earth is vicissitudes

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