
【Centennial Xiangxian】 Jin Opera Susheng Taidou - Ding Guoxian (Part 2) 《2》

author:Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

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Critics believe that after years of stage practice, the art of "Fruit Red" has gradually matured: her voice is high and dignified, her voice is solid and bright, and she is good at using the power of Dantian, so her breath is sufficient and durable, and her priorities are free to control. Her singing is strong but not hard, gorgeous but not floating, gentle and not tacky. Simple and generous in the gorgeous, easy in nature out of novelty, with a unique artistic style and artistic charm, not only play the female voice high-pitched and graceful characteristics but without a female tone. Her performance, handsome movements, has a delicate and thoughtful unique female style, but does not show a feminine appearance.

This is indeed a remarkable miracle of the "fruit red" Fu Dengjin opera stage.

Changing plays with Ma Lianliang

In 1936, Ding Guoxian led the delegation into Beijing. The performance venue was first the GuangdeLou Theater, and then moved to the North China Theater.

Ding Guoxian was 28 years old, just when he was flourishing. Shanxi compatriots in Beijing heard the wind and moved, bought tickets to watch the drama, and feasted their ears to relieve their homesickness. Colleagues in the Peking Opera circle have long heard of Ding Guoxian's great name, and many of them also attended the observation, and even alarmed the famous Ma Lianliang.

Ma Lianliang paid great attention to Ding Guoxian in these plays: Cao Fu of "Walking on the Snow Mountain", Zhang Yuanxiu of "Qingfeng Pavilion", Zhuge Liang of "Empty City Plan", and Tang Dynasty Emperor of "Hitting the Golden Branch". In addition, he likes a play "Anti-Xuzhou" the most, ding guoxian plays Xu Da. The play not only has a strong national consciousness, but also has a fascinating plot. Ma Lianliang saw this play and thought of exchanging scripts.

【Centennial Xiangxian】 Jin Opera Susheng Taidou - Ding Guoxian (Part 2) 《2》

(Stills of the Jin opera "Qu Yuan" from left: Song Yu (played by Guo Fengying), Qu Yuan (played by Ding Guoxian), Chan Juan (played by Niu Guiying))

Ma Lianliang invited Ding Guoxian to see his "Four Soldiers", which is a representative work of his equal emphasis on singing and doing. After Ding Guoxian looked at it, he naturally said that it was good. Two days later, Ma Lianliang delivered a hand-copied script of "Four Soldiers" to Ding Guoxian. At the same time, Ding Guoxian was happy with the appearance, and felt that it was not rude to come and go, so he asked Mr. Ma what he liked about her play. Mr. Ma then said the title of "Anti-Xuzhou". Ding Guoxian was a bold person, and immediately arranged for the troupe to perform two more performances of "Anti-Xuzhou", and invited Ma Lianliang and the four beams and eight pillars of the Fufeng Society to watch it together. Then, a well-hand-copied script of "Anti-Xuzhou" was placed on Ma Lianliang's bookcase.

In another performance in Beijing, Ding Guoxian hung up the water sign of "Four Soldiers". What is the face of the Ding version of "Four Soldiers" will naturally arouse the interest of Mr. Ma Lianliang, so he asked Tan Fuying to sit quietly into the theater. The play is performed to the 11th scene, the plot is that Song Shijie, played by Ding Guoxian, rushes to meet with The Class Head Ding Dan in order to inquire about the trial of the unjust case of His daughter Yang Suzhen, and according to the prescribed lines, Song Tujie should call "Ding Dan" at this time. As soon as Ding Guoxian appeared, he inadvertently aimed at this special audience under the stage, panicked, and called "Ding Dan" another role in the play, "Liu Erchao"! The "Ding Dan" on the stage was stupid: I am obviously Ding Dan, you call me "Liu Erchao", how should I deal with it? Ding Guoxian is Ding Guoxian, is the "Great King of Susheng" a vain name? At this critical juncture, Ding Guoxian was not helpless, but was in a hurry and wisdom, and inspiration suddenly appeared. Only to see her approaching Ding Dan, rubbing her eyes, surprisingly and reasonably saying such an impromptu line: "Yo, the old man is dizzy, walking in a hurry, recognizing people is not true, it turned out to be Ding Dan dolls!" In this way, a stage crisis was resolved safely.

After the end of the play, Ma Tan and the two went on stage to work hard, and praised the change here one after another. Ding Guoxian explained the truth, and the three famous Students laughed.

Although this is an accident that will be wrong, because of Ding Guoxian's temporary changes, it is in line with the drama and drama, and it is not interesting. In the future, everyone performed this play, and every time they went here, they actually grabbed the medicine according to the prescription.

(Transferred from: Culture Hebei Editorial Department)

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