
He was Deng Xiaoping's predecessor, arrested by the Japanese army, and his stomach was filled with water! After his death, Chairman Mao carried a coffin for him

author:Peek into history
He was Deng Xiaoping's predecessor, arrested by the Japanese army, and his stomach was filled with water! After his death, Chairman Mao carried a coffin for him

(Lin Yunan)

The Lin family has produced 3 unusual figures in modern Chinese history: Lin Yunan, Lin Yuying (also known as Zhang Hao) and Lin Biao (formerly known as Lin Yurong). All three were cousins and had all held important positions in the party.

Lin Yunan was the first of the three brothers to join the revolution and guided Lin Yuying and Lin Biao to embark on the revolutionary road. He was an outstanding leader of the labor movement, on a par with Yun Daiying, and served as an alternate member of the CPC Central Committee, a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and an acting secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee. In 1931, he was secretly killed by Kuomintang reactionaries in Longhua, Shanghai.

Lin Yuying is 10 years older than Lin Biao. The feelings between their brothers are very good, Lin Yuying ranks eighth in the Lin family, and Lin Biao and others call him "Starling".

He was Deng Xiaoping's predecessor, arrested by the Japanese army, and his stomach was filled with water! After his death, Chairman Mao carried a coffin for him

(Lin Biao)

Lin Yuying was born in 1897 in Huanggang City, Hubei Province. In 1909, at the age of 13, Lin Yuying entered the school, and soon dropped out of school due to family poverty, and followed his father to run the ancestral handmade dyeing and weaving industry.

In 1919, Lin Yuying participated in the popular lecture club founded by his brother Lin Yunan in his hometown, and under the influence of Marxism-Leninism, he carried out patriotic activities in his hometown.

Three years later, Lin Yunan and Lin Yuying initiated the establishment of the "Coexistence Society" with a communist nature—which was the origin of the Hubei "Communist Group" before the official establishment of the CCP. In February 1922, Lin Yuying was introduced by Yun Daiying and Lin Yunan in Wuchang and joined the Communist Party of China.

During Lin's revolutionary career, he was injured three times and arrested twice. In 1930, he was sent to the northeast to serve as the secretary of the Manchurian Provincial Party Committee Working Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, and after the Manchurian Provincial Committee was destroyed by the Japanese, he was ordered to reorganize the Manchurian Provincial Party Committee and serve as the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. In 1932, he was arrested by the Japanese army for informing traitors. Riko tortured him to the fullest, tied his hands and feet to the tiger stool, pried open his mouth with a stick, poured water into his stomach, filled it with water, and stepped on his stomach, cold water and blood flowing from his nose and mouth. Although he was later rescued from prison, he suffered serious physical injuries.

He was Deng Xiaoping's predecessor, arrested by the Japanese army, and his stomach was filled with water! After his death, Chairman Mao carried a coffin for him

In January of the following year, Lin Yuying went to Moscow to serve as the international representative of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in red and the international representative of the CPC Central Committee to communism. At that time, the Comintern had long since lost telecommunications telecommunications with the CPC Central Committee, and in order to establish ties with the CPC Central Committee as soon as possible, the Comintern assigned him to return to China to establish relations with the CPC Central Committee. So, under the pseudonym Zhang Hao, he embarked on a journey back to China with Zhao Yuzhen, who was trained in the Soviet Union.

They entered from Outer Mongolia, waded through mountains and rivers, endured hunger, ate and slept in the wind, and lasted more than a month, and finally arrived at Wayao Fort, the seat of the CPC Central Committee. He met with Zhang Wentian, Mao Zedong, and other leaders of the Central Committee, and reunited with his younger brother Lin Biao. Thus, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was able to restore contact with the Comintern.

When the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in full swing, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, with three divisions under its jurisdiction, with Lin Biao as the commander of the 115th Division and Lin Yuying as the political commissar of the 129th Division. Mao Zedong said to them without ridicule: "If Lin Yunan is still here, simply the three divisions of the Eighth Route Army will be covered by your Lin family." ”

He was Deng Xiaoping's predecessor, arrested by the Japanese army, and his stomach was filled with water! After his death, Chairman Mao carried a coffin for him

(From left: Lin Biao, Lin Yuying, Mao Zedong)

During the formation of the 129th Division, Lin Yuying did a lot of ideological and political work. However, due to the variety of diseases that lurked while working in the white areas, he could not take on the arduous military work. When the division commander Liu Bocheng saw the painful situation when he fell ill, his mood was extremely uncomfortable, so he had to truthfully report his illness to the central authorities, request that he go to Yan'an for medical treatment, and send another comrade to take over the post of political commissar. In the spring of 1938, he was transferred back to the Central Committee, replaced by Deng Xiaoping, deputy director of the Political Department of the Eighth Route Army.

On April 30, 1940, Lin Yuying, Mao Zedong, Zhu De and other central leaders were invited to Yan'an Youth Culture Ditch to attend the May Day Celebration International Labor Day Conference. After the meeting began, there was a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and although his life was not dangerous, he was unable to stand up.

In August 1941, Japanese warplanes flew over Yan'an and bombed the CENTRAL Committee of the Communist Party of China and the residences of the CCP leaders, and Lin Yuying's condition deteriorated sharply. After the central hospital made every effort to rescue, the disease improved slightly. In February 1942, after Lin Biao recovered from his injuries in the Soviet Union, he returned to China via Xinjiang, just arrived in Yan'an, and after receiving the information that Lin Yuying was critically ill and hospitalized, he rushed to the hospital, and the two brothers met in the ward.

He was Deng Xiaoping's predecessor, arrested by the Japanese army, and his stomach was filled with water! After his death, Chairman Mao carried a coffin for him

(Lin Yuying's Former Residence)

In late February 1942, Lin Yuying's condition deteriorated. On March 5, Lin Yuying called the guards, secretaries, and his wife to his side in a weak voice and said: "I am no longer able to do it, the revolution has been like a day for 20 years, and I am deeply sorry that I have not been able to see the victory of the revolution." After I die, please bury me on the Peach Blossom Ridge opposite Yangjialing, so that I can look at the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao every day!"

On March 6, Lin Yuying died at Yan'an Central Hospital.

He was Deng Xiaoping's predecessor, arrested by the Japanese army, and his stomach was filled with water! After his death, Chairman Mao carried a coffin for him

(Mao Zedong carries a coffin for Lin Yuying)

CPC Central Committee leaders Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Ren Bishi, Chen Yun, Ye Jianying, and others took turns to guard Lin Yuying's spirit. From 4:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on March 8, more than 10,000 people from all walks of life in Yan'an attended the farewell ceremony for Lin Yuying's body. At the end of the ceremony, more than 10,000 people participated in the funeral. Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Yang Shangkun, Xu Teli and other central leaders personally carried the coffin to Taohualing for burial. This was the only time in Mao Zedong's life that he carried the coffin. Mao Zedong also inscribed "Comrade Zhang Hao's Tomb" for his tombstone.

He was Deng Xiaoping's predecessor, arrested by the Japanese army, and his stomach was filled with water! After his death, Chairman Mao carried a coffin for him

(Chairman Mao and other CCP leaders carry Lin Yuying's coffin to send off)

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