
Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer

author:Han tofu

Entering the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, at this time many people are not willing to go out, just want to stay at home to sleep and play games, this time is more idle anyway, it is better to do some summer essential delicious snacks bar.

Guangdong is a very famous food province, in addition to a lot of delicious food, there are also a lot of summer snacks, such as the famous sugar water. Guangdong sugar water is very many types, such as double skin milk, mung bean paste, black cool powder, etc., Guangdong people often eat more than 10 kinds of sugar water in the summer, and the practice of these sugar water is relatively simple, in the summer, Guangdong people often make sugar water at home to eat.

Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer

Today I will share with you a very simple home-cooked sugar water method in Guangdong, this is a fragrant and delicious papaya milk, which is a very strong aroma, great taste, the method is also very simple food, the average person can learn, very suitable for the family to eat Oh, and girls can eat a little more. In the summer, I made a pot and put it in the refrigerator to ice it, and it was cool and delicious to eat, which was really a must-have food at home. If you like it, you may wish to collect it first, and you can try it when you have time.

Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer

【Papaya milk】

Ingredients: papaya, pure milk, coconut milk (can not be used)

Seasoning: Sugar

【Detailed method】

1. Buy a big papaya in the supermarket back, this papaya is also cheaper, this one is only 5-6 yuan, if the family has a kind, it is better. Peel off the papaya, then wash it, cut it into small pieces, you can cut it a little smaller, so that it is easier to cook.

Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer
Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer
Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer

2. Prepare a casserole, put the cut papaya into the casserole, and then add the appropriate amount of water, the water is not over the papaya, if there is no casserole at home, you can use an ordinary iron pot. Finally, place the casserole dish on the stove and bring it to a boil over high heat.

Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer
Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer
Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer

3. After boiling, beat the foam off, and then put in 3 spoonfuls of sugar, if you want to eat a little sweeter can put a little more, and finally pour a box of pure milk into it, if there is coconut milk, add a little coconut milk, the taste will be better, the aroma will be stronger. After pouring the milk, gently flip it with chopsticks to prevent the paste, turn it on high heat and bring it to a boil.

Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer
Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer

4. After boiling again, you can turn off the heat and come out of the pot, and this fragrant and delicious papaya milk is ready. At this time, you can directly eat it while it is hot, or you can put it in the refrigerator after cooling it, and then eat it again, and the taste and taste will be better when you ice it. Summer weather is relatively hot, make this delicious sugar water, cool and simple, like to try it.

Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer
Papaya milk, a fragrant and delicious dish of sugar water, simple and delicious, drink a little more in the summer

I am tofu, specially to share with you detailed home-cooked recipes, Cantonese cuisine, home-cooked snacks, etc., there are deficiencies, welcome to give you more advice! If you like it, you may wish to pay attention to it.

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