
How to make it delicious in salty roasted white? Learn this trick, simply steam, salty and tender, fat and not greasy [salty roasted white] [troubleshooting] [cooking tips] [Summary]

author:Food is coming

In the past, when I was young, I heard that there was a famous dish called plum vegetable buckle meat, and I only heard its name and could not eat it. Later, once I went to Guangzhou, and a friend in Guangzhou went to the restaurant, he ordered a plum dish buckle meat, after serving it to the table, I learned, is this not what we Sichuan people say about burning white? From snacks to big, everyone is called roast white, how to change a place into plum button meat? At that time, it was only then that it was clear that the original plum vegetable button meat was our Sichuan roasted white, and it was burned white, salty and white, not sweet white. Plum vegetables are not called so in Sichuan, and everyone calls them sour vegetables (key sour vegetables often default to dried sour vegetables; sour vegetables soaked in the jar are called pickled sauerkraut). As one of the eight bowls on the Sichuan Dam Banquet, the aroma is very strong, and as soon as it is served on the table, it smells the fragrance and drools for a long time, and it is eager to eat a few bites immediately.

How to make it delicious in salty roasted white? Learn this trick, simply steam, salty and tender, fat and not greasy [salty roasted white] [troubleshooting] [cooking tips] [Summary]

In Sichuan, salty roasted white not only often appears on the table of many banquets, but also we ordinary people usually eat it steamed at home. Because we Sichuan people often have a jar of pickled plum vegetables in our homes, which can be eaten as you like. When you want to eat roast white, go buy a piece of pork belly and come back, chop up the dried sour vegetables, and simply steam it, you can steam out the salty roast white with a strong flavor, which is very convenient and delicious. Salty roasted white is mainly salty, fragrant, soft and tender as the main taste, fat but not greasy, salty taste moderate. Although it is a steamed dish, it seems to be a complicated method, but in fact, the method of salty and white is relatively simple. Today, let's talk about the homely practice of salty white!

How to make it delicious in salty roasted white? Learn this trick, simply steam, salty and tender, fat and not greasy [salty roasted white] [troubleshooting] [cooking tips] [Summary]

【Preparation ingredients】: a handful of sour vegetables, a large piece of pork belly with skin (preferably fat and thin, three layers of skinny flowers).

【Seasoning Ingredients】: 1 piece of ginger, 1 green onion, 1 star anise, 1 sand ginger, a little peppercorn noodles, a few dried safflower peppercorns, a few rock sugar, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, a little cooking wine, an appropriate amount of vegetable oil.

【Production Process】:

1, first pluck the pork hair on the pork belly skin with a clip, and then use a small fire to slowly burn the meat skin, and then put the pork belly into the water to soak, and then scrape off the burnt black place and wash it.

2: Wash and cut the ginger and green onion. Star anise, sand ginger, dried safflower peppers rinse with water. Soak the sour vegetables in water, wash and chop.

3: Start the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, put in the washed pork belly, add some ginger slices, a few pieces of green onion, 1 star anise, 1 sand ginger and a few dried safflower peppercorns, boil over high heat, pour a little cooking wine, cook for 10 minutes, add a little salt and cook for another 5 minutes, fish out, let cool.

4: Dry the pot, add a little vegetable oil and pour in the sour and fry the chopped vegetables for a while, stir-fry the sour vegetables dry and stir-fry the aroma.

5: Start the pot again, put in a little vegetable oil, put in a few pieces of rock sugar and fry, pour in the appropriate amount of soy sauce to boil, put in the pork belly skin noodles and fry it, fry it black out of the pan, cut into large thin slices, put it into the basin, pour in a little soy sauce, a little pepper noodles and mix well.

6: Put the pork belly on the plate, the skin is down, spread the chopped plum vegetables on top, and then put a few slices of ginger, a few dried peppercorns, a few dried peppers, put into the steamer, steam on high heat for 10 minutes, turn the heat to low for 1 hour.

7, finally, steam for a few minutes on high heat, open the lid of the pot to remove the old ginger slices, dried peppercorns, dried peppers, cover with a plate, buckle over to the plate, serve.

How to make it delicious in salty roasted white? Learn this trick, simply steam, salty and tender, fat and not greasy [salty roasted white] [troubleshooting] [cooking tips] [Summary]

A plate of fragrant, tender and salty, fat but not greasy salty roasted white is a few simple steps to make. As a famous dish in Sichuan, the elderly and children are suitable for and like to eat, and it is a super fragrant and super rice dish. So what problems are easy to encounter in making this salty roasted white? What techniques do you use when cooking?

How to make it delicious in salty roasted white? Learn this trick, simply steam, salty and tender, fat and not greasy [salty roasted white] [troubleshooting] [cooking tips] [Summary]

Question 1: Why should the pork belly be burned with a small fire first?

Answer: There are more pig hairs on the pork belly, and it is easy to retain the fishy smell of the hairy pig on the skin. We burn the meat skin one is to burn the pig hair in the skin, so when we burn the part of the pig hair for a while, burn the black can be burned, and scraped off when it is fine. The second is to burn the pork belly skin to harden, so that it is convenient to fry in the pan and the taste is more even.

Question 2: Why is pork belly fried after it has been cooked?

A: After the pork belly is cooked, it can not only boil the blood in the pork, but also make the pork belly taste at the bottom. Fry it to make the pork belly skin taste good, absorb some sugar juice, and after eating it, there is a "sweet back" taste. And fry the skin of the meat red and bright, cut into slices, steamed out of the taste will be better, it will not look greasy.

Question 3: Why do you stir-fry after chopping up the vegetables?

A: Sour vegetables are generally salty, let's soak in water, soak the salt and wash off, at this time the sour vegetables will have a lot of water. Let's sauté the sour vegetables in a little oil and fry the sour vegetables dry. This reduces the salt taste and makes the sour dish more salty.

Question 4: Why do you use soy sauce to mix the pork belly into slices?

Answer: Pork belly as a whole is still relatively fat, to eat fat and not greasy, it must be flavored. Therefore, we must let the pork belly absorb sufficient salt flavor before steaming. In addition to mixing well with soy sauce, when we steam, the meat must be on the lower layer, and the sour dish is on the upper layer, so that the salty taste penetrates into the lower layer of meat. The salty roasted white that is steamed in this way will be fragrant, salty, fat and not greasy.

How to make it delicious in salty roasted white? Learn this trick, simply steam, salty and tender, fat and not greasy [salty roasted white] [troubleshooting] [cooking tips] [Summary]

(1): Sour vegetables should be soaked in water, in winter it is best to use warm water to soak, not only can better brew out the salt taste, but also more conducive to cleaning sour vegetables.

(2): Pork belly should be burned first, then boiled meat, then fried, and finally sliced.

(3): Remember to marinate the pork belly with soy sauce and pepper noodles before steaming.

(4): When steaming white, like to eat a little spicy taste, just add some peppercorns, pay attention not to too much.

(5): First use the high heat for violent steaming, generating a large amount of water vapor into the sour vegetables, when steaming slowly, the water vapor will slowly be absorbed by the pork belly. Finally, steaming on high heat will make the dish more flavorful and fragrant.

How to make it delicious in salty roasted white? Learn this trick, simply steam, salty and tender, fat and not greasy [salty roasted white] [troubleshooting] [cooking tips] [Summary]

The practice of salty whitening is simple and easy to master. The salty roasted white aroma is very strong, and it is tender and not greasy to eat. Salty roast white is also a very delicious dish, and everyone rushes to eat it after serving it. After reading our analysis of salty roasted white, is there a better understanding of salted roasted white (plum button meat)? Like friends can try ha.

How to make it delicious in salty roasted white? Learn this trick, simply steam, salty and tender, fat and not greasy [salty roasted white] [troubleshooting] [cooking tips] [Summary]
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