
Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

author:Famous private chef

Salty roasted white is a very famous Sichuan dish, the method is similar to the button meat, the choice of pork belly as much fat as possible, so that it will be more fragrant to eat. The memory of salty roasted white and sweet roasted white is generally at the wedding banquet, many times there will be this dish, the "nine bucket bowls" in the countryside, stacked up in the Tuba bowl is heavy, heavy and proper various steamed vegetables, and it is called a grain and a Wishing you prosperity between cups.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:


500 grams of pork belly with skin, 100 grams of sprouts


20 ml of red soy sauce, 5 ml of cooking wine, 3 g of sugar, 5 g of salt, 3 g of peppercorns, 10 g of green onion, edible oil to taste

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

1, pour water into the pot, put in cooking wine, peppercorns, green onions and boil over high heat, put the whole piece of pork belly into the water, cook for about 10 minutes on medium heat, when the pork belly is cooked for 5 years, fish out the control of dry water and set aside.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

2. Brush the pork belly skin with a layer of red soy sauce while it is hot.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

3, more than a little cooking oil, the cooked pork belly skin down into the pan fried until the skin is brownish red, the meat skin should be fried brown red slightly blistered.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

4: After the pork belly skin is fried and colored, cool it slightly, and cut the pork belly into large pieces about 4 mm wide.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

5. Find an empty bowl and pour in red soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar and 5 ml of oil to mix into the sauce.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

6: Soak the sliced meat in the sauce and place the skin neatly in a large bowl with the skin facing down.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

7. Spread the sprouts on top of the sliced meat and compact.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:

8: Put the laid meat slices into the steamer and steam for 40-60 minutes, when eating, use a large plate to buckle on the bowl of steamed meat, flip over, and remove the bowl.

Sichuan cuisine chef teaches everyone to make authentic "salty roast white", not greasy at all, especially fragrant ingredients salty roast white method:


1, the meat slices can be written thicker, so that when steamed, it will not be steamed.

2, red soy sauce is a kind of compound soy sauce in Sichuan, is made of soybean sauce embryo with brown sugar, caramel, salt, spices, koji, etc., Sichuan cuisine is generally used for cold dishes and pasta seasoning, but also for some raw materials to color, if not can be used soy sauce with brown sugar, spices and other boiling, can also be replaced by dark soy sauce.

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