
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

author:Fire feasts are commonplace
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

Salty roasted white is a famous Dish of Sichuan cuisine, which is a unique Sichuan meat variety. Because this dish has a variety of production processes and has a certain technical content, this dish is not a home-cooked dish that we Sichuan people often eat, but is often presented as a big dish for guests or a New Year dish on Chinese New Year's Eve rice.

The first word "salty" in salty roast white refers to the flavor type of this dish - salty and umami,

The unique saltiness of this dish is not as simple as adding salt, but is done by blending the saltiness of different flavors in soy sauce, Yibin sprouts, tempeh and pickled pepper

The second word "burn" must be used with fire, but this roast is not placed in the pot to burn meat, but directly with open fire to burn the skin of pork belly, that is, the chef industry said that the skin.

The third word "white" refers to the skin and fat part of the pork belly, and the pink and white pork belly with skin has undergone the baptism of high temperature and open flame, not only the appearance has changed, but the most important thing is to reduce the greasy feeling of the entrance of the dish.


1500g of fresh pork belly with skin, rapeseed oil to taste

Boiled meats:

10g of old yellow ginger, a little peppercorns, 5g of green onion, 20g of cooking wine,

Leather making:

Brown sugar water 100g

Meat mixture:

Soy sauce to taste, 6g of white wine

Seasoning accessories:

Yibin sprouts 400g, ginger slices 8g, tempeh 8g, pickled chili pepper 16g, peppercorns 2g

Enjoy the process:

1 Scorch the skin of the pork belly over an open flame

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

2 Scrape off the burnt paste and wash it

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

3 Pork belly with Hanyuan peppercorns, sliced ginger, green onions and cooking wine cooked thoroughly

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

4 After the pork belly is fished out, wipe the water vapor dry while it is hot and poke a hole in the skin surface

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

5 Brush with brown sugar water and let cool

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

6 After cooling, the pork belly is added to the oil pot at 60% oil temperature to make the skin

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

7 Remove the fried pork belly and soak in warm water for 1 hour

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

8 Whole pieces of pork belly remove the trimmings, cut into 5mm thick slices of meat, add soy sauce and white wine and mix well to color

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

9 After coloring, the meat slices are plated in a bowl (the salted white plate is generally 8, 10, 12 pieces)

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

10 Wash and wring out the whole sprouts and chop finely

11 Sauté the finely chopped sprouts in a pot, add tempeh and continue sautéing until fragrant, then place on a meat bowl

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

12 Add ginger slices and pickled chili peppers

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

13 Steam for an hour on high heat (if you prefer soft points, you can add a long time)

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

14 Salty white steamed

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

15 Buckle bowls are plated and ready to serve

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan
More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

These are two of my best-selling food books, available in major bookstores online and offline. Hope you enjoy it

More than twenty processes have achieved the perfect New Year dish salty and white, and Brother Huo tells you about the famous dishes of Sichuan

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Fire feasts are commonplace


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