
Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

author:Taiwanese mushroom farmer A jun

Have you ever heard of a dish called taro rice noodle soup? It is a special Taiwanese snack that is loved by people! You imagine: a rich soup stewed from the original flavor of the ingredients, rice noodles full of soup, paired with soft glutinous taro, taro half melted in the soup, every bite of rice noodles can eat the sweetness of taro, delicious to burst! It's okay not to imagine, Lubi will share with you the secret of this delicious dish right away, let's get started.

* Ingredients:

Taro - 1 piece, dried shiitake mushroom - 6 flowers, Xiuzhen mushroom - 30g, dried tofu - 2 pieces, ginger - 20g, carrot - 1/2,

Cabbage - 100g, bean skin - 6 pieces, celery - 1 handful, coriander - 1 handful, rice flour - 2 servings, water - 1000ml

* Seasoning:

Sesame oil - 6 tbsp, soy sauce - 3 tbsp, soy sauce paste - 2 tbsp, pepper - 1 tsp, allspice powder - a little


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps
Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

First, cut the mushrooms into strips with the dried shiitake mushrooms soaked in water


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Cut the dried beans into slices


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps
Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps
Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Then cut the ginger, carrot and cabbage into strips


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps
Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Cut the celery into small pieces with coriander


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Peel the taro and cut it into chunks


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps
Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Take a soup pot, pour in the appropriate amount of sesame oil, add taro and dried beans and fry until golden brown


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Pour in sesame oil in the original pot and add dried shiitake mushrooms and ginger and simmer until browned


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Stir-fry the cabbage and carrots


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

After softening, add soy sauce, soy sauce paste, pepper and allspice and sauté together


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps
Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Sauté until fragrant, pour 1000ml of water, add taro and dried tofu and simmer for 20 minutes


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Add rice noodles and bean skin and cook until soft


Vegetarian Taro Rice Noodle Soup: Traditional ancient and early flavor of the dense taro with Q bomb rice noodles, delicious to the topping table cooking steps

Finally, sprinkle with celery and coriander and enjoy

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