
The Revelation of matthew in the Bible: It is the mind that determines whether a person can be materially abundant01 The spiritual that determines whether a person can be materially abundant is the mind 02 The source of abundance is within you 03 Your desires are beautiful, you deserve all the best things 04 The universe is abundant, and life can also be abundant

author:See a beam of light

Wen Shu saw a beam of light

The Revelation of matthew in the Bible: It is the mind that determines whether a person can be materially abundant01 The spiritual that determines whether a person can be materially abundant is the mind 02 The source of abundance is within you 03 Your desires are beautiful, you deserve all the best things 04 The universe is abundant, and life can also be abundant

The term "Matthew effect" in economics refers to the phenomenon of "the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer". The term "Matthew Effect" comes from the Bible and comes from Matthew 25. It tells a story like this:

A rich man was going out, and he gave three servants money of varying amounts: the first gave 5,000 silver, the second gave 2,000 silver, and the third gave 1,000 silver for them all to run.

Later, the servant who received 5,000 silver earned another 5,000 silver, and the master said that the 10,000 silver belonged to him. The second servant earned 2,000 silver for 2,000 silver, and the master said that the 4,000 silver was also his. The third servant got 1,000 silver, and felt very unfair in his heart, why did he give those two people 5,000, 2,000, and only 1,000 for himself?

In addition to holding a grudge against his master, he even suspected that this was the trap set by the master, so he buried the 1,000 silver he got in the ground, and when the master returned, he said to the master: "This is the 1,000 silver you gave me, and I know that the last thing you gave me will definitely go back, so I buried it in the ground and now I will return it to you." ”

The master heard that he was a resentful man, so he gave the 1,000 silver that his third servant had returned to the first servant, the one who had already earned 5,000 silver.

Finally the master said, "Whatever he has, he shall give him more than he has; if there is none, he shall take away all that he has." ”

In this biblical story, the three servants are initially given two silvers of varying amounts from their masters, which may hint at the different circumstances that each of us face when we come to the world, and the revelation of the story's subsequent development is that when we complain about the injustice of the world and the bad life we live, this unfair force will in turn be added to ourselves.

So, if you want to be "lucky", first erase the restrictive beliefs that are written in your head!

For if a person has any thoughts in his mind, he will see something, and this thought will eventually become his reality.

The Revelation of matthew in the Bible: It is the mind that determines whether a person can be materially abundant01 The spiritual that determines whether a person can be materially abundant is the mind 02 The source of abundance is within you 03 Your desires are beautiful, you deserve all the best things 04 The universe is abundant, and life can also be abundant

A person's inner sense of lack is often gradually cultivated from the growth experience of childhood. Maybe the nurturer was very harsh on him as a child, or often failed to fulfill his wishes in time, so the child formed a negative impression of others and the world, a restrictive belief that good things will not come to me, and the world will treat me badly. And his confidence in life may also be diminished little by little.

In fact, his initial sense of lack may have been created by incompetent parents, but later, the inner sense of lack will gradually become a black hole in his subconscious.

Therefore, most people who continue to be "unlucky" in adulthood follow the path of the third servant in the story: first there is a restrictive belief, then they use reality to prove it, and finally they "take it for granted" as truth.

In many cases, "unluckiness" is caused by our subconscious. How much wealth a person can have depends on how much wealth he subconsciously thinks he deserves.

Many times, "hard work" itself is not necessary for success, but just to give myself a consolation: I have worked hard enough that I finally deserve the money. In fact, much of our hard work is just to "convince" the subconscious mind that it can finally be rich. But what's worse is that some people subconsciously always feel that hard work is deserved, and lack is the norm.

Observe your various feelings about wealth to see if there are such restrictive beliefs as "I don't deserve it" or "what must I do to get it?"

If you can perceive the underlying "lack" programs that have been running in your head for a long time, they are likely to gradually dissolve.

The Revelation of matthew in the Bible: It is the mind that determines whether a person can be materially abundant01 The spiritual that determines whether a person can be materially abundant is the mind 02 The source of abundance is within you 03 Your desires are beautiful, you deserve all the best things 04 The universe is abundant, and life can also be abundant

Abundance and lack are your inner states and will manifest as your reality. The source of all abundance is not outside of you, it is part of your true identity.

If you are stingy to give, it is because you are convinced in your heart that you are small and that you have nothing to give. But beauty and abundance are always all around us, but we often turn off our senses and hearts and turn a blind eye to them.

When we are no longer nourished by the good things around us, our hearts become withered and people become numb and dull. As a result, we can only rely on information, entertainment, endless stimuli, and the more we stimulate the centrifugal awakening, the farther away we are, falling into boredom and ignorance day after day.

But look at the consummation around you, the warm sunshine that shines on your skin, the beautiful flowers in front of the florist, the juicy fruit that bites, or the abundant rain that falls from the sky, we can see beauty and abundance everywhere at all times.

Thank all the abundances around you that will awaken the sleeping abundance within you and then let it flow out.

The Revelation of matthew in the Bible: It is the mind that determines whether a person can be materially abundant01 The spiritual that determines whether a person can be materially abundant is the mind 02 The source of abundance is within you 03 Your desires are beautiful, you deserve all the best things 04 The universe is abundant, and life can also be abundant

When the belief that we keep playing in our subconscious is that my desires are beautiful and I deserve the best, then we will naturally be materially rich and not attached to luxury.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is well known, and it is only natural that after human beings are satisfied on a hierarchy of needs, they will naturally advance to a higher level. Therefore, when a person is fully satisfied materially and emotionally, he will naturally move to a higher level and do things that are beneficial to himself and others.

Therefore, the best state of a person is not to "install" any beliefs for himself, not to be constrained by any beliefs, not to create conflicts to limit himself, but to maintain a simple desire. When you no longer have a restrictive belief in money and in everything, you can live truthfully in the truth of the world, with true wisdom and wealth.

The Revelation of matthew in the Bible: It is the mind that determines whether a person can be materially abundant01 The spiritual that determines whether a person can be materially abundant is the mind 02 The source of abundance is within you 03 Your desires are beautiful, you deserve all the best things 04 The universe is abundant, and life can also be abundant

There are many beautiful people and things in the world, and if we want to experience the beauty of the world, we need resources and tools. Money is just a tool with which we can create abundant experiences of life.

The meaning of life is to get rid of the shackles and experience a rich, free life experience, and when one can follow one's heart to create the experience one really wants, money as a tool and resource will follow you.

Whenever we exert too much force, we are opposing ourselves to the world and losing our center. Please allow yourself to be a pure passage, the universe has its own abundant arrangement.

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