
"Arirang" is a folk song sung by Koreans, hiding a poignant and humorous love story...

author:The golden armor is in Yanbian

"Arirang" is a well-known Korean folk song, and the gentle tune hides a poignant love story...

"Arirang" is a folk song sung by Koreans, hiding a poignant and humorous love story...

Today we tell that old story.

A long time ago, there was a small village on the Korean Peninsula...

There is a bully landlord in the village named Pei Zuoshou, who employs several long-term workers in his family.

One of the girls was named Chengfu, who was handsome and had a very kind heart, and there was a strong and brave young man named Li Lang.

They suffered and suffered in the landlord's house, and the two of them grew in love with each other day and night.

Under the oppression of the landlord, the two privately decided to live forever...

"Arirang" is a folk song sung by Koreans, hiding a poignant and humorous love story...

The good times did not last long, and the village suffered floods that year.

The crops planted in the landlords' fields were destroyed, and the lives of the tenants and long-term workers were even more miserable.

In the face of the disaster, Pei Zuoshou, a landlord with no humanity, doubled down on squeezing the poor peasants, and aroused the anger of the village.

A peasant riot occurred, and Li Lang and Chengfu also joined the uprising.

After the landlord Pei Zuo Shoucang Emperor escaped, he brought back the imperial court official army and surrounded the rebel army heavily.

After a difficult battle, Li Lang and Chengfu broke out by chance, separated from the others, and hid in the old forest where the water fell.

"Arirang" is a folk song sung by Koreans, hiding a poignant and humorous love story...

This pair of mandarin ducks, living deep in the water and falling into the mountains, and the grass as a hut, finally settled down...

However, Li Lang was sullen and unhappy, he was resentful of the failure of the peasant uprising, and in order to launch another peasant uprising, Li Lang was determined to temporarily leave his wife and go out to develop the peasant army.

Chengfu knew that she could not keep Li Lang's heart, and secretly shed tears and was sad...

On the day of separation, the two clapped their hands as an oath and made a vow to heaven: 100 days apart, meet here! One word is certain, and it will not change until death!

"Arirang" is a folk song sung by Koreans, hiding a poignant and humorous love story...

Chengfu, who bid farewell to her husband, lives alone in the mountains, eating wild vegetables and wild fruits to live a day, hoping that her husband will return home as soon as possible.

One day, the son of the landlord Pei Zuoshou, Pei Xiangdao, came to Shuiluo Mountain with his retinue to hunt, and found Chengfu who came to fetch water at a mountain spring...

All along, Pei Xiangdao has coveted Chengfu's beauty and did not want to find Chengfu here. But he knew that Li Lang was the leader of the rebel army and did not dare to use rape to treat Chengfu.

Since then, he has come to the mountains every day to hunt, holding prey and gifts to win the heart of Chengfu.

But Chengfu was not moved, and did not look at him.

Pei Zuoshou then lied that Li Lang, as the leader of the rebel army, had been killed, and if Chengfu did not follow him, he would go to the official palace to report Chengfu.

Chengfu originally wanted to fight with death, remembering the 100-day covenant with her sweetheart, and calculated that as long as Li Lang's anniversary festival day passed, she could promise to be with him, so as to delay time and wait for Li Lang to return.

Pei Xiangdao couldn't help but be overjoyed, and even more so he came to the mountains in a few days...

"Arirang" is a folk song sung by Koreans, hiding a poignant and humorous love story...

Finally, when it was almost time to meet on the 100th, Li Lang led the rebel army to attack the official palace, killed all the corrupt officials, turned around and killed the village, killing Pei Zuoshou's family, only Pei Xiangdao escaped by chance...

Li Lang remembered the 100-day covenant with Chengfu and hurried back to the mountains to find Chengfu.

On this day, early in the morning, Makoto made a variety of dishes with wild vegetables, changed into ragged but clean dresses, and waited for the return of her sweetheart.

As soon as Li Lang entered the door and saw Chengfu, the two of them cried with joy and hugged each other for a long time...

I don't want the grass to suddenly hear a few dry coughs from men...

The two found out that it was Pei Xiangdao, who had nowhere to go after escaping, so they came and fell.

Li Lang saw that it was Pei Xiangdao, and without saying a word, he killed him with a knife.

He also remembered the rumors circulating in the village that Pei Xiangdao and Chengfu were good friends, and believed that Chengfu had changed his heart!

He said indignantly to Makoto, "Can't you wait for a hundred days!?" ”

"No! Li Lang! Listen to me! Chengfu's heart was sour, and she choked up for a while and couldn't speak.

Yes, how can you clearly explain the various encounters in these hundred days?

But the stubborn Li Lang was already angry and attacked his heart, could not listen to the words, and threw his hands away in sorrow...

At this time, Chengfu had long been unable to cry, and she hated not being able to take out her heart and liver to show her sweetheart, so she threw herself on the ground and cried:

Arirang... Arirang... Alariya...

Arirang... Walked through the high mountain hill...

Lang Jun, you abandoned me... Good heart...

Can't walk ten miles... Sores on the soles of the feet...

"Arirang" is a folk song sung by Koreans, hiding a poignant and humorous love story...

The song of mourning resounded through the water and the mountains, Li Lang listened to the song of his lover, the pain penetrated his heart, and the tears were like beads with broken threads...

Suddenly, the singing stopped, and Li Lang stopped.

He remembered that Makoto had always been simple and kind, virtuous and observant, and was by no means a debaucher, so he turned around and ran back.

But when he saw Makoto again, she had already collapsed in a pool of blood...

It turned out that Chengfu was overwhelmed with grief, picked up the knife left by Li Lang, and cut his wrist and committed suicide.

The blood kept flowing, the song kept wafting...

The blood ran out and the song stopped...

Li Lang regretted it too much, buried Chengfu next to the grass, wiped away his tears, and resolutely went to the road of revenge.

Later, I don't know which literati passed by, named the water falling mountain "Arirang Bitter World", and the song of Chengfu became "Arirang", which has been passed down to this day...

At the same time, "Arirang" is also an anti-Japanese song, which is also an important reason why it has been sung to this day.

During the Japanese invasion of the Korean Peninsula, in 1926, the Korean patriotic director Luo Yunkui made a movie "Arirang", the protagonist Yongjin is an anti-Japanese fighter, persecuted by the Japanese police, and at the end he sang arirang folk songs all the way and was taken away by the Japanese police.

The film caused a sensation on the Korean Peninsula, with everyone singing Arirang against the atrocities of the Japanese invaders.

The Japanese invaders forbade the singing of Arirang, and found that whoever sang Arirang would kill the head, but if one person was killed, ten people would sing, ten people would sing, and if a hundred people were killed, a thousand people would sing...

To this day, wherever Koreans are present, there is arirang's singing.

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