
Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

Summer is perfect for eating sandwiches, but it's simple to do, no skills required, just a little touch of hands-on, delicious finish.

by Happy Life 12 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】

One meal packet or bag

One cucumber

1 avocado

1 scoop of cupp egg yolk flavored salad dressing

Lunch meat 3 slices

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

1. Ingredients: whole wheat bread, avocado, cucumber, salad dressing, lunch meat ready.

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

2. Pitt the avocado and slush it

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

3: Squeeze in 1 spoonful of salad dressing and mix well

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

4: Peel the cucumber and cut into thin slices

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

5: Slice the bread

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

6: Fry the crispy surface over low heat

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

7: Cut the lunch meat into smaller slices than bread

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

8: Place the bread slices on a plate

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

9, coat with guacamole, put on the lunch meat, cucumber slices, just fine

Eat the lunch cucumber sandwich that you won't forget once

10. Want to get a copy?

Cucumbers are not planed, just cut into thin slices or change to tomatoes or other vegetables.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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