
In 1962, before the outbreak of the Sino-Indian War, Mao Zedong was worried, and Zhang Guohua's words dispelled doubts about why India was waging war against China

author:The king of Qin does not have the surname Qin

On June 15, 2020, in the Galwan Valley area on the China-India border, the Indian army launched a provocation against our People's Liberation Army and crossed the line despite dissuasion. When our side went to negotiate, the Indian side took the initiative to launch a physical assault on our side, and the People's Liberation Army and the Indian army engaged in a small-to-many defensive battle, and finally successfully drove the Indian army out of China's territory.

In fact, this is not the first time that the Indian army has created friction and conflict on the border line. In 1962, the Indian side took the initiative to invade China's Tibetan territory, but at the critical moment when the war between the two sides was about to erupt, Mao Zedong fell into thought.

Then, under Zhang Guohua's explanation, Mao Zedong finally made up his mind and officially sent an army to launch a self-defense counterattack against India. So, what was Mao Zedong worried about at that time? And what did Zhang Guohua say to Mao Zedong that made Mao Zedong make up his mind to formally send troops to attack India?

After World War II, due to the cold war hegemony of the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union, other countries had to unite and unite for their own survival and security. Therefore, after the founding of New China, India, which is also a developing country, established diplomatic relations with China at the first time.

Moreover, when Premier Zhou put forward the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence", India was also the first to openly express its support. Therefore, for friends, China has always been friendly.

In 1951, a large-scale famine broke out in India, although the new China had just been born at that time, and it was in a difficult moment of waiting for a hundred wastes, but for the sake of friends, he still gritted his teeth and gave full assistance to the famine in India, and finally raised grain for India and gave India the greatest help.

After this incident, almost everyone in India will say: "China is a good brother of India."

But before long, India forgot all about China's kindness to them, and not only began to be hostile to China, but also frequently created friction on the Sino-Indian border. So why did a good friend from the past become so ungrateful? In fact, the main reason is that the British colonialists casually drew a boundary line when they ruled India- the McMahon Line!

In 1962, before the outbreak of the Sino-Indian War, Mao Zedong was worried, and Zhang Guohua's words dispelled doubts about why India was waging war against China

Originally, this line was not recognized at the time, but after India gained independence, it was taken seriously. Not only does China want to recognize the legitimacy of the McMahon Line, but it also demands that China return the occupied Indian territory to India. However, my country has never recognized the legitimacy of the McMahon Line, so it ignores India's unreasonable demands.

Therefore, in 1951, the Indian army invaded and occupied 90,000 square kilometers of China's land across the customary border without our permission. However, because China was engaged in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea at that time, it had no time to take care of the harassment of the Indian side for a while, which encouraged the arrogance of the Indian side.

A few years later, India moved the issue internationally in order to carry out its own conspiracy. Because Sino-Soviet relations broke down at that time, the Soviet side not only clearly had words and deeds in favor of India on the Sino-Indian border issue, but then openly declared that it recognized India's occupation of Chinese territory as legitimate.

This move has undoubtedly greatly enhanced the rationality of India's shameless behavior, and at the same time given India the confidence to continue to resist China. Moreover, after seeing that the Soviet Union had been mixed in, the United States could not sit still. The United States, which has always been unaccustomed to China, has not only helped India, but also provided it with a large amount of weapons and equipment.

In this way, with the support of the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union, coupled with the vigorous praise of the Indian government's invasion of Chinese territory by various media and newspapers in India at that time, the Indian government became more and more unable to recognize its own strength and became more and more inflated.

Finally, in 1960, the Indian government proposed the so-called "forward policy". They increased the number of territories encroached upon from China from 90,000 square kilometers to 122,000 square kilometers, and also set up 43 military positions on these Chinese territories.

All kinds of behaviors show india's wolf ambitions. It now appears that India's actions at that time were nothing more than acts of aggression. But China has always been peace-oriented, so although the problem has worsened to this extent, China has never given up hope of a peaceful solution.

In order to resolve the territorial dispute, Premier Zhou Enlai even personally went to India and proposed that the contradictions between the two sides could be resolved in a peaceful way. But as soon as this friendly proposal was proposed, it was immediately rejected with great arrogance by the then Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

In 1962, before the outbreak of the Sino-Indian War, Mao Zedong was worried, and Zhang Guohua's words dispelled doubts about why India was waging war against China


Since there is no possibility of a peaceful solution, it can only be won or lost by two armies against each other and by force! However, just when the war against India was put on the agenda, Mao Zedong, who had always been fierce, fell into deep thought.

So what exactly are the great leaders thinking about? Is there anything wrong with fighting India?

At that time, after learning the news of India's shelling of our army, Mao Zedong helplessly said: He thought about it for ten days and ten nights and did not understand why India wanted to engage us. But it is India that is ungrateful, and we are forced to defend. At present, India is pressing forward step by step, and the fight is to be fought, but Mao Zedong still has many concerns about this war.

You must know that At that time, China was in a state of extreme instability, first of all, relations with the Soviet Union broke down, which not only caused the Soviet side to withdraw a large amount of aid, but also forced our country to repay the loan; in addition, a group of Western countries led by the United States also imposed all-round sanctions on our country, and even declared that "nothing that any soldier may use can be transported to a socialist country."

External troubles are so tricky, and there are many problems at home. Due to three years of natural disasters and serious political turmoil, China's agricultural development and industrial production are in a difficult state. At that time, the country's per capita GDP was even less than 80% of India's.

Moreover, the country's food reserves are not enough to support the consumption of PLA soldiers on the front line. You must know that in the border wars at that time, on the surface, they were fighting weapons and equipment, but in fact, they were still fundamentally competing for national strength. Therefore, mao Zedong, as the leader of the country at that time, had this worry in his heart.

In addition to macro considerations, Mao was also concerned about the details. At that time, the focus of the Sino-Indian border dispute was on the plateau, where conditions were harsh and the climate was cold. Whether our fighters can adapt to the battlefield environment, whether we have enough backup troops, etc.

The well-thought-out Mao Zedong was even prepared for the worst outcome of the war against India. But even so, Mao Zedong was unable to make up his mind. So he asked Zhang Guohua, then commander of the Tibet Military Region, two questions. The first is "Can we win this war?" The second is, "If we lose this war, what should we do next?" ”

Zhang Guohua said something after listening to these two questions. And it was these words that made Mao Zedong make up his mind to send troops to India. So, what exactly did Zhang Guohua say to Mao Zedong?

In 1962, before the outbreak of the Sino-Indian War, Mao Zedong was worried, and Zhang Guohua's words dispelled doubts about why India was waging war against China

Zhang Guohua

In the face of These Two Questions of Mao Zedong, Zhang Guohua said unhurriedly: "Our country's grain reserves in Tibet alone have reached more than 200 million catties. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the issue of food reserves, and it is completely fine to support us in fighting this war. ”

In fact, Zhang Guohua did not answer Mao Zedong's question positively. But in his words, we can all see that in Zhang Guohua's eyes, the Indian army in this battle is bound to lose. Although just a few years after the end of World War II, the Indian army was also called "ace" in the war, but the PLA soldiers at that time were all for the rest of their lives, and the entire unit was also at the peak of its combat effectiveness, so in Zhang Guohua's mind, there was no suspense in winning the war.

Therefore, as soon as Zhang Guohua spoke, Mao Zedong knew what he meant. Therefore, the second question, Zhang Guohua, before he could speak, Mao Zedong said for him: "If we can't win the fight, then there is no way to do it, we can only say that our own strength is not enough, even if we lose, the occupied areas, we will one day still fight back." ”

So on October 20 of the same year, China officially launched a self-defense counterattack against India. In the first phase, the main opponent of the PLA was the Indian Seventh Brigade, known as the Indian ace force. Although this unit did gain fame in World War II, the former "trump card" was vulnerable to the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

At that time, the leaders of our troops led the operations analyzed the combat tactics of the Indian Seventh Brigade and found that the Indian army adopted the characteristics of the British troops in the operation, and the main force was too concentrated in the central part when the troops were deployed, which led to weak defenses on both sides. Therefore, as long as the Indian army is quickly attacked on both sides, then the Indian army is the turtle in the urn.

In 1962, before the outbreak of the Sino-Indian War, Mao Zedong was worried, and Zhang Guohua's words dispelled doubts about why India was waging war against China

Therefore, under this correct strategic guidance, less than 24 hours after the start of the war, the Seventh Brigade of the Indian Army was completely defeated by the Platon Army.

On 24 October, in order not to increase casualties on both sides, our side, proceeding from the principle of implementing the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes, expressed to India its desire to return to the negotiating table and resolve the issue peacefully. But India has rejected China's good intentions. They believe that the failure of the first stage is only a strategic mistake, and as long as the strategy is adjusted, victory can still be achieved.

Thus, in mid-November, India mobilized 30,000 troops to the Sino-Indian border, hoping to achieve a decisive victory with strong firepower and sufficient troops.

In 1962, before the outbreak of the Sino-Indian War, Mao Zedong was worried, and Zhang Guohua's words dispelled doubts about why India was waging war against China

However, the result of repeating the same technique can only be a repetition of the same mistakes. Two days later, India's painstakingly organized powerful offensive was once again completely dismantled by the Platon Army. At this point, the Indian army was no longer able to stop the large-scale counterattack, and the Sino-Indian border war was over.

In this war, our army completely annihilated the Indian Seventh Brigade at the cost of 1419 casualties and defeated its follow-up troops. Let India understand the power of China, but also let it pay a heavy price for its arrogance. After the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union learned the news of India's total rout, they could only helplessly lament the indestructibility of the Chinese army.

Through this war, the People's Liberation Army has once again demonstrated to the world our determination and ability to safeguard the territorial integrity and unity of the country!

In 1962, before the outbreak of the Sino-Indian War, Mao Zedong was worried, and Zhang Guohua's words dispelled doubts about why India was waging war against China

Although the Sino-Indian border war ended in China's total victory, it should be known that Mao Zedong, as China's leader, was justified in his pre-war fears.

Although the Chinese nation loves peace, it is more willing to make efforts for peace. However, if anyone thinks that the Chinese nation will tolerate peace without a bottom line, then he has miscalculated.

Because we will not take the initiative to provoke war, but we will never fear war and ignore provocation. But if anyone dares to be unruly and dishonest in front of China, then he will be greeted with the fiercest counterattack!

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