
Fuzhou, Fujian: 1 batch of lychee meat saccharin sodium exceeded the standard

author:Nine factions view the world

China Consumer News Fuzhou News (reporter Zhang article) On October 29, the Market Supervision Bureau of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, issued the 38th Issue of Food Safety Supervision and Sampling Information Notice in 2021. The food safety supervision and sampling information released this time involves 7 major categories of food such as catering food and edible agricultural products, and a total of 179 batches are sampled, of which 176 batches are qualified and 3 batches are unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 1.68%.

The measured value of sodium saccharin (in terms of saccharin) for lychee meat (batch number 2021-08-05) sold by Linjinguo Brine Store in Taijiang District, Fuzhou City, is 0.0918g/kg, while the standard is specified as ≤0.0238g/kg. Sodium saccharin is a synthetic sweetener commonly used in the food industry. Sodium saccharin has no nutritional value for the human body, eating more sodium saccharin will affect the normal secretion of gastrointestinal digestive enzymes, reduce the absorption capacity of the small intestine, and reduce appetite. The "National Standard for Food Safety And The Standard for the Use of Food Additives" (gb2760-2014) stipulates that sodium saccharin (in terms of saccharin) shall not be used in catering food, and shall not exceed 0.15g/kg in compound seasonings, and the actual allowable amount shall be calculated according to the principle of substitution.

The eggs purchased by Fuzhou Sanjiang International Hotel Co., Ltd. (batch number: 2021-07-16), after initial inspection and re-inspection, the measured value of florfenicol reached 3.9μg/kg, and should not be detected according to regulations. Florfenicol, also known as flumethamycin, is an animal-specific antibacterial drug approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, mainly used for bacterial diseases of pigs, chickens and fish caused by sensitive bacteria. Long-term consumption of food with excess florfenicol residues has a certain impact on human health. The National Standard for Food Safety Maximum Residue Limit of Veterinary Drugs in Food (gb31650-2019) stipulates that florfenicol is prohibited during the egg laying period of poultry.

The flower clams purchased by Fuzhou Sanjiang International Hotel Co., Ltd. (batch number 2021-07-16), after initial inspection and re-inspection, the measured value of chloramphenicol reached 2.8 μg/kg, and it should not be detected according to regulations. Chloramphenicol is a fungicide and a highly effective broad-spectrum antibiotic that has a good inhibitory effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Long-term consumption of foods with excessive residual chloramphenicol may cause intestinal dysbiosis, resulting in health hazards such as digestive disorders. The List of Drugs and Compounds Prohibited for Use in Food Animals (Announcement No. 250 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs) lists chloramphenicol as a drug and other compounds prohibited from use in food animals and shall not be detected in food animals.

The Fuzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has asked the local market supervision department to investigate and deal with unqualified food producers and traders, investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law, and urge food producers and traders to perform their statutory obligations to prevent and control food safety risks.

【Source: China Consumption Network】

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