
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

author:Play the art of cooking

Winter is the time to nibble chestnuts, in addition to the sugar fried chestnuts eaten by snacks, it is to arrange chestnuts in a variety of meat dishes, which shows that this is the chestnut control of a "squirrel", haha.

The chestnut is soft and sticky, but it is not advisable to eat more at one time, if you are not eating "half a month" physique, please skip. When I knew that 5 chestnuts were equal to a bowl of rice, I had already slammed the brakes on its obsession and instead did what I could, not one-size-fits-all. Good food does not conflict with a healthy body.

Chestnut roast pork is cooked in a variety of ways, dry, wet or stewed. Before the most common practice, are with more soup, try today, add Fuzhou "lychee meat" cooking method, will produce a wonderful taste.

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

Lychee meat is also made of pork to "carve" a shell similar to lychee, in addition to looking good, it is also easy to taste. So pork slices have to be cut with a flower knife. The sweet and sour taste is imitated by the taste of lychee. It also has a degreasing effect.

The chestnuts are soft and sticky, but after being fried, the taste is even higher, and it is very different from the fruit lychee in the lychee meat, one is soft with crisp and the other is the water spirit, which is the difference between them parting ways.

Borrowing is not necessarily a total acceptance, but also to retain your own personality, right? I don't know if the friends in the north understand the sweet and sour taste of adding this dish to Fuzhou characteristics. Sincerely invite you to give it a try.

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

The swaying banana leaves in the breeze and the emerald green color at the bottom set off the squeamishness of chestnut roast pork, and the appetite is naturally stirred up from the visual and taste senses.

The soup of this dish is not much, hidden in almost every piece of meat, and the chestnut surface around it is also there. Seemingly dry, bite a bite of meat slices, crispy inside the juice, sure enough it absorbs the essence, the chestnut skin is a little crispy, bite into the mouth, a familiar sweet taste ushered in, counting the number, clinging to look at it, sharing is also a kind of happiness.

Like me, I am worried about excessive starch intake, so it is not recommended to accompany rice!

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

〔Material Purchase〕

1/2 pound of chestnuts, 200 grams of pork tenderloin, red pepper, a little coriander, sweet potato powder to taste, a banana leaf (no)

Marinated meat ingredients: 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tbsp pepper, a pinch of cooking wine

Sauce seasoning: 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce, 1/2 tbsp tomato sauce, 1 tbsp aged vinegar, 1 tbsp sugar

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Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

〔Specific Method〕

Step 1

Slice the pork and cut into diamond-shaped flower knives. Cut meat slices rolled up with a very obvious pattern can oh?

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

Step 2

After the slices are rinsed, wipe off the surface moisture, add the cured seasoning, grasp and marinate for 5 minutes, and let stand for 10 minutes.

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

Step 3

Wash the chestnuts, add a little salt and water and steam for 5 minutes. Remove the peeled chestnut shell.

* Remember to ask the boss to cut the chestnut after buying the chestnut, otherwise you will have to cut it and steam it yourself when you go home, so that you can get out of the shell.

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

Step 5

After patting the pickled meat slices with sweet potato flour (not sweet potato starch), after patting the sweet potato powder, you can also gently pinch it with your hand to prevent the powder from falling.

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

Step 6

Fry the crispy chestnuts in the pan and remove them. Fry the pork until crispy and remove the oil.

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

Step 7

Stir-fry coriander root and add sauce seasoning to a boil, add chestnuts and pork together until the juice is harvested, and finally add red pepper and coriander minced Titian to get out of the pot.

*The banana leaves of the pad should be washed beforehand and rinsed with warm water.

*The sauce is properly controlled, there is no need to hook, and it is enough to use sweet potato powder wrapped in pork slices.

Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor
Chestnut roast pork, cooked with lychee meat, has a unique flavor

#Life has temperature##Fuzhou headlines ##冬日生活打卡季 #

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