
Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit grower: Keep in mind the 3 points, pick one accurately

author:Foodie Fengzi

Introduction: Winter dates are hot on the market, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit farmer: Remember 3 points, pick one accurately, ensure crisp and sweet, do not spend money wrongly, learn to collect!

"The autumn wind rises, and the winter dates are fragrant. It is like a pearl at the beginning of the water, the color is like an agate frost", every october to November is the season of winter jujube ripening, a bunch of agate-like winter dates hanging on the branches, intoxicating jujube fragrance refreshing, mouth-watering. In the fields, the scene of a bumper harvest can be seen from the bottom of the field, and the peasant uncles are happy to close their mouths, tired and happy.

Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit grower: Keep in mind the 3 points, pick one accurately

As the saying goes: "South lychee, north winter jujube", the so-called winter jujube, not the winter ripening and listing of dates, but because its ripening period is relatively late, close to winter, so it is called "winter jujube". Don't underestimate this humble "little guy", it weighs 17.5 grams per fruit, like an apple, so it has the reputation of "little apple", the skin is ochre red and bright, the skin is thin and crisp, sweet and fragrant, and the edible rate is as high as 95%.

Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit grower: Keep in mind the 3 points, pick one accurately

Winter jujube is also known as frozen dates, apple dates, rock sugar dates, it can be seen that its sweetness is very high, and its vitamin C content is extremely high, is 80 times that of apples, 16 times of citrus, 8 times of kiwifruit, so it is called "living vitamin pills", and because it is rich in aspartic acid, threonine and other 19 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body, as well as a variety of trace elements and minerals, known as the "King of Hundred Fruits".

Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit grower: Keep in mind the 3 points, pick one accurately

Winter dates are watery, mostly used for fresh food, the winter dates that just came down in October, the taste and taste have been delicious enough, the biggest feature at this time is "crisp raw"; and the winter dates in November, after precipitation, although the taste is not as "crisp" as it just came down, but the sweetness will be higher, and the jujube flavor will become more and more intense. But when we buy winter dates, we will find that sometimes the dates we buy back are particularly sweet, and they will be a little sticky to the touch; sometimes the dates are quite large, but the sweetness is not enough. Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit farmer: Remember 3 points, one look, two touches and three tastes, one pick one accurate, let's take a look at it.

Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit grower: Keep in mind the 3 points, pick one accurately

First point: Look

The so-called look, first look at the size, shape, folds. Some people buy winter dates, only pick the large, it is a big mistake, we choose winter dates, to choose a uniform size, and the fruit is full, the skin is not wrinkled winter dates, such winter dates have high freshness and sweetness. The winter dates with wrinkles on the surface are either very long or soaked in potions, so try not to buy them, and the boss himself does not eat them.

Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit grower: Keep in mind the 3 points, pick one accurately

The so-called look, then look at the color. In the process of growing winter jujube, due to the different time of illumination, there will be a phenomenon of red and green on the surface of the jujube, which is a normal phenomenon. According to fruit farmers, normal ripe winter dates are red and green, and there is no complete boundary between red and green, but the more coloring will be better, the general fruit surface 2/3 red, 1/3 is green is the best state, high sugar, crisp and sweet. If you find that the whole winter jujube is red, then it should be noted that most of such winter dates have been soaked in sodium saccharin, and the red part of the jujube that has been soaked in sodium saccharin is obvious, just like dyed, such winter dates are recommended not to buy.

Second point: touch

The so-called touch, first touch the hardness. Pick up a winter date and gently pinch it, if it is easy to pinch soft, such a winter date placed for a long time, basically has been broken, it is recommended not to buy; and good winter dates, the surface is very hard, is not moving, such winter dates are full of moisture, sweet and crisp.

Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit grower: Keep in mind the 3 points, pick one accurately

The so-called touch. Touch the viscosity again. Fresh winter dates on the surface of dry and smooth, such winter dates must be good fruit, and if the surface is sticky, and a pinch, the epidermis is wrinkled and crispy, such winter dates must be soaked by sodium saccharin, it is not recommended to buy.

Third point: taste

The particularity of this product is that it can be tasted when purchased, which is also the most critical step in judging whether winter dates are good or bad. Naturally ripe winter dates taste sweet, crisp taste, and this sweetness is appropriate, from the inside to the outside are sweet, after eating will leave a lingering fragrance; if the sweetness is first sweet and then the taste is bitter, just like eating saccharin, and the taste is relatively soft, such winter dates must be soaked in sodium saccharin, it is recommended not to buy.

Buy winter dates, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit grower: Keep in mind the 3 points, pick one accurately

"Three dates a day, immortality", winter dates are definitely good things, but when buying, we must also pay attention to the fact that winter dates are hot on the market, how to distinguish whether to soak "saccharin sodium"? Fruit farmer: Remember 3 points, one look, two touches and three tastes, one pick one accurate, ensure crisp and sweet, do not spend money wrongly, learn to collect! I am Xiaofeng, I like the food shared by Xiaofeng, don't forget to pay attention to the foodie Fengzi!

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