
The restaurant "Su Cuisine" on the tip of the tongue - a delicacy that can not be disappointed

author:Restaurant on the tip of your tongue
The restaurant "Su Cuisine" on the tip of the tongue - a delicacy that can not be disappointed

Su cuisine, that is, Jiangsu cuisine, began in the Spring and Autumn Period and flourished in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Together with Lu cuisine, Sichuan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine, it is called the four major cuisines of China. It is also one of the eight major cuisines in China, with strict selection of ingredients, exquisite knife work, and accurate grasp of the heat, often attending the table of the state banquet. Bring us fresh and authentic taste, salty and sweet moderate, elegant shape of the food. It can be described as: full of color and fragrance.

Compared with other cuisines, Su cuisine's skill in knife work is even more breathtaking. Using exquisite knife work, we have created the vulva Vance tofu, which is a piece of tofu that is shredded like hair, and after cooking, it is spread out in the soup, and it is continuous. The key to the success or failure of the large boiled dried silk is also another test of the knife worker, which requires that the dried tofu be split horizontally into more than 24 thin slices, and then finely cut into silk. The knife in his hand falls, showing the wonderful beauty of su kitchen knife worker.

The knife work of Su cuisine is not only reflected in the outside, but also hidden inside the dish. For example, our common lion's head, the meat filling is the test of the chef's knife work, it is not as simple as we think to chop successfully, but need to use a knife to cut the whole piece of meat into soybean-sized particles, otherwise it will not reach the soft and tender taste and bumpy shape. Many famous dishes such as "three sets of ducks", "char siu mandarin fish", "three fresh boneless fish", "eight treasure ducks", "pigeon swallowing wings", "grilled whole pig head" and so on, although the knife work is not visible from the appearance, they actually use a superb bone removal knife method. At the same time, Su cuisine, as a delicacy that people cannot live up to, has extremely high requirements for the shape of dishes, and the presentation pursues fine elegance.

The place where Su cuisine flourishes is the place where Chinese literati and inkers gather, who believe that "every bean and every pot is precious", so in cooking, they strive to use the simplest materials to make the most exquisite dishes, just like painting and writing, and use slow work to achieve the elegant realm of pure fire. Ordinary ingredients such as tofu and pig's head have become the "beauty embryo" in the eyes of these people, and after repeated carving, they have been revitalized.

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