
12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

author:Chinese fast food JyGl little assistant

Eight treasure rice

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful


1. Prepare the ingredients and soak overnight in advance. Glutinous rice and black beans, red beans are steamed in a pot, and beans are steamed more. Black glutinous rice and millet on a pot steamed steamed glutinous rice while hot with lard, sugar, salt and mix well. Mix the black glutinous rice with lard, sugar and salt. Mix the millet with lard, sugar and salt. 2. Slice the sweet sausage, cut the dates in half and pitted. Place the ingredients in a bowl and set well. One layer of white glutinous rice and one layer of black glutinous rice are paved. Another layer of millet, a layer of white glutinous rice paved. Steam for about 30 minutes

Watermelon chicken

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Put the chicken in the wok, add the chicken broth, put it on the high heat, bring it to a boil and skim off the foam, and continue to cook for 5 minutes; Remove from low heat and burn until eight ripe, remove and place in a soup bowl;

2. Add fine salt and rice wine to the original soup pot and boil, skim off the foam, pour into the soup bowl containing chicken, put the green onion knots and ginger slices, cover the bowl with a round dish, steam for about 30 minutes on high heat until it is crispy, take it out, pick off the green onion and ginger. While steaming the chicken, remove the upper part with a knife as a melon lid; Dig out the melon and blanch it in boiling water for about 2 minutes until the skin changes color and place it in a bowl; 3. Put the chicken into the watermelon and pour in the original soup of the boiled chicken; Slices of ham, bamboo shoots and mushrooms are neatly arranged on the breast of the chicken; Cover the watermelon lid, basket and steam for 5 minutes on high heat to remove.

Crab powder lion head

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Crabs peel their shells to take meat. The lean pork is cut into small cubes and minced. Cut the pork fat into small fine grains. Cut the green onion and ginger into strips and soak in water for more than 10 minutes, squeeze by hand, and add the cut pork in parts.

2. Soak the rapeseed in light salt water for half an hour and set aside. Take only the leaves of the rapeseed flattened bottom of the pot. The stirred meat filling is divided into 6 large meatballs, each of which is fully beaten between the hands several times before being put in.

3. Pour water along the edge of the pot, without meatballs, add a little broth essence to taste. Bring the pot to a boil over high heat, add salt and simmer over low heat. Simmer for about two hours and turn off the heat.

4. Spread the vegetable leaves that have been slightly blanched in hot water in advance at the bottom of the bowl, add the meatballs, and then sprinkle some crab yellow on top to eat.

Large boiled dried shreds

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Shredded green vegetables, small radish cut into small thick slices, small shrimp skin soaked in water for 2 minutes and then fished out dry. The tofu skin is stacked several times and cut into a circle of about 2mm. After the cut tofu skin is shaken, it becomes a fine shredded. Bring the water to a boil in the pot and blanch the tofu skin for half a minute.

2. Blanch the shredded tofu and remove the dried water for later. Pour 3 bowls of water and a few slices of ginger into the pot, bring to a boil, add the soup and cook until melted. Pour in the shredded tofu, carrot slices and shrimp skin. Bring to a boil, pour in the shredded greens and cook for two or three seconds to turn off the heat.

Crystal meat

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Scrape and wash the pig's trotters, cut them open with a knife one by one, can not be deflected, remove the bones, put the skin down on the cutting board, poke some holes in the lean meat with bamboo sticks, and then sprinkle the salt water evenly.

2. Pickling, star anise, cinnamon, pepper into a gauze bag, ginger slices and green onion white section into another gauze bag, respectively, the bag mouth tied tightly into the pot, add green onion knots, ginger slices, rice wine, peppercorns, star anise and old brine submerged meat noodles prevail.

3. After boiling over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours, turn the hoof meat upside down, simmer for 1 hour on low heat, until the crisp is removed, the skin is placed in the basin, a small amount of marinade is scooped out, poured on the hooves, and after it is cold, it becomes a dish. When serving, slice and pot, followed by two small plates of ginger shredded and balsamic vinegar.

Beef pot stickers

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Beat the eggs, remove from the pan and stir with chopsticks until cooked. Wash and peel the carrots, rub the carrots into thin strips with a rub, and then chop them.

2. Blanch more than half of the flour into dough with hot water, and knead the rest into a dough. Cover with a damp cloth and let it sit aside for 30 minutes. Stir in the filling with dark soy sauce, very fresh flavor, chopped green onion, salt, sugar, cooking wine, peanut oil, sesame oil, allspice powder and white pepper. Chop carrots and crushed eggs and mix well.

3. Knead the dough well. Roll the dough into strips, add a mixture and roll out the dough. Wrap in the filling. Heat a non-stick pan with a little cooking oil. Add to the raw cup. Over low heat, add water starch. Over low heat, turn the pan to heat evenly and fry until the water dries out.

Squirrel cinnamon fish

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Wash the cinnamon fish and drain and dry. Peel and wash. Fry the slices and smiley cakes until golden brown and place them on a plate lined with blotting paper.

2. Cut the cinnamon fish into a chrysanthemum shape, which requires a certain amount of knife work. Fry the cut osmanthus evenly in flour and fry in oil. Fry until golden brown and remove.

3. Decorate the bottom of the plate with vegetable leaves, arrange the cinnamon fish and smiley cake, and squeeze some tomato sauce on the cinnamon fish. Sprinkle slices, squeeze salad dressings on smiley cakes, and you're done.

Honey syrup

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Wash the glutinous rice and soak it in cold water for 30 minutes. Dry clean the guiyuan and soak in cold water for 30 minutes. Glutinous rice, along with water soaked in glutinous rice, is poured into the inner tank of the rice cooker.

2. Cinnamon balls, along with the water soaked in cinnamon balls, pour into the inner tank of the rice cooker. Add an appropriate amount of water and put the inner tank into the rice cooker to energize the cooker. Peel and wash the lotus root. After 20 minutes, cut the lotus root into slices and put into a rice cooker.

3. Simmer until the lotus root is soft and sticky, add brown sugar and cut off the power. Stir until the brown sugar melts and serve.

Anchovy shrimp

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Remove the head and shell of the shrimp, leave the tail shell, put the water to wash off the red tendons, when the shrimp meat is white, take out the drained water and put it in a bowl.

2. Add egg white, a little salt, dry starch and stir well

3. Put the pot on the high heat, scoop in the cooked duck oil, cook until it is 50% hot, put the shrimp in, use the hand spoon to continuously push, until the shrimp meat is white, the tail shell becomes bright red, pour into the colander to drain the oil;

4. Brush the pot and put it on high heat, add 10 grams of duck oil, add green onion and peas and stir-fry a few times

5. Scoop in 50 grams of chicken broth, add a little salt, rice wine, monosodium glutamate, hook with water starch and gently stir with a hand spoon;

6. After cooking into a milky white juice, pour the shrimp in, turn the pot over, pour 15 grams of cooked duck oil on the other side, and then turn the pot a few times and put it on the plate.

Back to the brine dried tofu

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. A small non-stick pan with oil tofu, fennel, red pepper cut into two pieces and braised sauce. Add a cup of water about 250ml) to the heat and stir the ingredients slightly.

2. Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce heat. After 14 minutes, the juice has been basically drained, turn the heat to high, add white sesame seeds, stop evenly, collect all the juices, turn off the heat. At this point, 15 minutes is enough.

Sake stuffed tangyuan

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. Pour the sake into the pot and roll it. Pour the boiled, blanched rice balls into the pot and also pour the red dates. Add sugar. Roll it out and pour the beaten frangipani into the pot and add the goji berries. , then you can turn off the heat.

Duck blood vermicelli soup

12 su dishes on the tip of the tongue, taste and mellow, fresh and flavorful

1. One serving of mung bean vermicelli, one box of duck blood, one handful of small rapeseed, two coriander, duck intestines, duck liver, tofu bubbles and dried tofu.

2. Soak the vermicelli in cold water for about 5 minutes, the surface of the duck blood is flushed and cut into thin strips or small pieces, the tofu is cut in the middle, the dried tofu is cut into small pieces of duck intestines, the duck liver is sliced, and the small rape and coriander are washed and set aside. 3. Prepare the duck soup that has been stewed in advance. Pour the duck broth into a pot and bring to a boil over medium heat. When the pot is boiled, add the prepared duck blood. Then put the tofu bubbles and dried tofu in the pot. After the pan is boiled, roll on two rolls and add the small rapeseed

4. Put the soaked vermicelli into a pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Add salt and white pepper. Turn off the heat and put it in a bowl, add duck intestines, duck liver and garnish with coriander, add garlic juice, vinegar and chili oil.

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