
Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

author:Quan's vlog

Su cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China and one of the four traditional cuisines in China, mainly composed of Jinling cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, Subang cuisine, Xuhai cuisine and other local dishes. So, what are the famous dishes of Su cuisine? What are the representative dishes of Su cuisine?

1. Duck blood vermicelli soup

Duck blood vermicelli soup is a traditional famous food in Nanjing, which belongs to Jinling cuisine and Jinling snacks, is an important representative of Jinling cuisine and Jinling snacks, and is one of the famous duck-featuring cuisines. Duck blood vermicelli soup is made by adding duck blood, duck intestines, duck liver, etc. to the duck soup and vermicelli. With its peaceful taste, fresh and smooth characteristics, as well as the taste characteristics of both north and south, it is popular all over the country. Nanjing likes to eat duck food since ancient times, and it is popular to make duck dishes, which has the reputation of "Jinling duck dishes in the world". Duck blood vermicelli soup is improved to cater to the dietary characteristics of various places, and when it is made, it is different from place to place, but whether it is the cooking of duck soup, or the production of duck blood, duck liver and duck intestines, it adopts the traditional method of making Jinling brine duck, which is an important representative of Jinling cuisine.

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

2. Sauce ribs

The sauce ribs are red in color, the meat is crispy, the bone is fragrant, the juice is thick and fresh, and the salt is sweet. Put the raw pork ribs in a pot and boil, skimming off the blood foam, oil slick and crumbs in the broth. After cooking, remove it, wash it with water and put it in the "pot pad" (a bamboo basket specially made for cooked meat products). And put the spices such as large ingredients and cinnamon into a cloth and place them at the bottom of the pot. Add water and old soup, the amount of soup is flush with the ribs in the pot, and add soy sauce, cooking wine and salt in order. Cover the pot and cook on low heat for about 1.5 hours, then simmer for 10 to 20 minutes, and when the soup becomes thicker, it will be annealed and spread out on a large plate, and placed in a ventilated place to cool.

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

3. Squirrel mandarin fish

Squirrel cinnamon fish, also known as squirrel mandarin fish, is a local traditional dish in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. When the fried mandarin fish (or cinnamon fish) is served, it is immediately poured with steaming marinade, and it squeaks and "barks", so named because it looks like a squirrel. The predecessor of the squirrel cinnamon fish is the squirrel fish. In the Qing Dynasty," it is recorded that: take the belly of the tuna, remove the bone, drag the yolk and fry the yellow, making a squirrel style. After this dish is cooked, it is shaped like a squirrel, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, orange in color, sweet and sour, and has a pine red flavor.

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

4. Pingqiao tofu

Pingqiao tofu belongs to the Huaiyang cuisine, is a famous dish in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, as the top work of Huaiyang cuisine, it has its own superiority. Choose the inner fat tofu, cut it into a consistent diamond-shaped small piece, with diced chicken, diced shiitake mushrooms, coriander foam, with crucian carp brain fresh, because when it is drizzled with a layer of clear oil does not seem to be hot, in fact, it is very hot, you must be careful to use slowly. Hirabashi tofu is economical, delicious and delicious, not greasy, and vegetarian into the lungs.

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

5. Vince tofu

Wensi tofu is a traditional famous dish in Jiangsu with a long history, originating in Yangzhou and Huai'an, and belongs to the Huaiyang cuisine and Su cuisine. It is extremely strict in selection, fine knife work, soft and tender and clear alcohol, melting in the mouth, and at the same time has the effect of conditioning malnutrition, supplementing the deficiency and nourishing the body, and is a good recipe for the elderly and children. Qing Ren Yu Fan's "Tea Fragrant Room Cong Banknote": "Wen Si Zi Xi Fu, Gong Shi, and good for tofu soup sweet pulp porridge." Those who have followed its example so far are called Wensi tofu. It is also called "assorted tofu soup" in the "Tuning Ding Collection".

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

6. Soft-pocketed long fish

Soft pocket long fish, also known as "soft pocket eel", is a traditional famous dish in Jiangsu, belongs to the most prestigious dish in Huaiyang cuisine, Huai'an people treat Chinese and foreign guests the most like this "tender and delicious unique" dish, so that guests can taste fresh, praise endlessly. Recipe effect: deficiency and body conditioning, qi and blood double supplement conditioning, malnutrition conditioning, postpartum recovery conditioning. According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, "The water of the lake is irrigated, and there are many eels in it." "The Jianghuai region is rich in eel, the meat is tender, delicious and nutritious, and the father and son of Tian Shumin, a famous chef in Huai'an, use eel as raw material to make 108 dishes, that is, the famous "whole eel table". The soft-hooded eel is the best of the eel seats. The word "pocket" refers to the fact that the eel was packed into a cloth pocket when the eel was left behind, and then refined.

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

7. Open the cabbage

Kaiyang pucai is a traditional dish made of cattail stems, which is a specialty of Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, and the main raw material is the rhizome of puddish. This dish is sweet, crisp and delicious, seems to have the taste of tender shoots, fresh and refreshing, and rich in nutrition. The history of Kaiyang Pucai can be traced back to the early Han Dynasty, and in the "Seven Hairs", the cloud is "the fat of the young cow, and the dish is bamboo shoot pu". Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, it has been a frequent song in the poetry of the literati. Ming Guda was an official in Shaanxi, and once composed "HometownSickness in Illness" Cloud "A Crisp Thought of Pu Cai Tender".

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

8: Cook dry shreds

Large boiled dried silk, also known as chicken juice boiled dried silk, traditional famous dish, belongs to the Huaiyang cuisine. Large boiled dried silk is a dish that is both refreshing and nutritious, and the beauty of its flavor has always been promoted as a delicious dish on the table, a housekeeper in Huaiyang cuisine. The raw materials are mainly Huaiyang Fang dry, the knife work requirements are extremely fine, the fresh flavor of a variety of condiments is cooked, compounded into dried tofu silk, eat refreshing and appetizing, exceptionally precious, not tired of food.

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

9. Chinong meat balls

Qingong meat balls are a traditional dish that belongs to the Huaiyang cuisine. It was once a famous "tribute" of the Qing Dynasty, so it was also known as Qingguan Meat Circle and Qing Tribute Meat Ball. It has a history of thousands of years, is one of the top ten famous dishes in Jiangsu Province, it is characterized by: smooth and tender, elastic, color white soup, delicious taste. There is a local folk song that praises: "The meat of the Qingong is round and round and light when it is picked up; it falls on the ground and jumps a few times, and it is tender and fragrant in the mouth." "Qinong meat balls are extremely rich in high-quality protein, a variety of essential trace elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, zinc, etc., as well as vitamins and niacin and other essential nutrients, often eat meatballs and fitness and beauty, tonic qi, improve immunity and other therapeutic effects."

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

10. Nanjing saltwater duck

Nanjing city across the river, north of the vast Jianghuai Plain, east of the rich Yangtze River Delta, Nanjing belongs to the northern subtropical humid climate, four distinct seasons, abundant rainfall. Saltwater duck is a famous specialty of Nanjing, belongs to Jinling cuisine, is one of the representatives of Jinling cuisine, also known as osmanthus duck, is a Chinese geographical indication product. Because Nanjing has the nickname of "Jinling", it is also called "Jinling Saltwater Duck", which has a long reputation and has a history of more than 2,500 years. Nanjing saltwater duck has a long history of production and has accumulated rich production experience. The white meat of brine duck skin produced is tender, fat but not greasy, fragrant and delicious, with the characteristics of fragrant, crisp and tender. Around the Mid-Autumn Festival, the brine duck made during the osmanthus blossom season has the best color and taste, and is called osmanthus duck.

Top 10 famous dishes of Su cuisine

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