
Lean porridge

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Lean porridge

A few days ago made skin egg lean porridge, but there are many people do not like skin eggs, then may wish to try this skinny egg lean porridge bar, summer to a bowl of porridge and then with a little meal, whether it is breakfast, or dinner is a good choice Oh

By Fang Jie loves food

Lean meat to taste

Rice to taste

Salt to taste

Ginger to taste

Green onion to taste

Lean porridge

1, lean meat washed, chopped, or with a meat grinder the more broken the better

Lean porridge

2: Wash and cut the ginger and green onion and set aside

Lean porridge

3: Add an appropriate amount of water to a casserole dish

Lean porridge

4, to the meat foam stirred, try to stir the meat to avoid boiling out of a lump

Lean porridge

5: Heat to a boil and skim off the floating debris

Lean porridge

6: Pour in the washed rice, add salt, ginger while cooking, stir at the same time, avoid sticking to the pan

Lean porridge

7: Sprinkle with green onions

Lean porridge

8. Remove from the pot

The meat is chopped as much as possible, the more broken the better, you can also use a wall breaker, and the meat grinder can be operated by a low fire throughout the process

Sweet and salty, flat nature, into the spleen, stomach, kidney meridians; tonify the kidneys and nourish the blood, nourish the yin and dryness; the main treatment of fever and injury, thirst and thinness, kidney weakness, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, nourishing yin, moisturizing, nourishing liver and yin, moisturizing the skin, benefiting the second stool and quenching thirst.

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