
Onion quick comment 丨 "Knocking big sister" knocked on the door of the heart of the elderly living alone with a volunteer spirit

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Commentator Zhang Tailai

In the blacksmith camp community in Xuanwu District, Nanjing, there is a volunteer team composed of retired aunts, who are affectionately known as "Knocking Big Sisters" because they provide volunteer services for the elderly living alone every day. The team has been established for 8 years, and the first generation of "knocking big sisters" has reached the age of eighty, and some have become the objects of knocking on the door, accepting the care of the new generation of "knocking big sisters".

According to the data of the seventh census, there are 264.02 million people aged 60 and over in China, accounting for 18.70%, of which the population aged 65 and above is 190.64 million, accounting for 13.50%). The aging society is accelerating, and the number of elderly people living alone is also increasing. The physical function of the elderly is degraded, and the incidence of sudden illness, loneliness and other problems in the elderly living alone is much higher than that of young people. How to solve this difficult problem requires not only solving the practical difficulties encountered in their lives, but also paying attention to their inner spiritual world. To knock on the door of the elderly who live alone, it is even more necessary to knock on the door of their hearts. In this regard, the "Knocking Big Sister" team in Nanjing provides a good model.

People are social animals, in addition to the basic survival needs such as basic food, clothing, shelter and transportation, they also need to obtain spiritual satisfaction in social activities. For the elderly living alone, with the deterioration of physical function, they will indeed face some unexpected situations. Recently, a 66-year-old man in Hangzhou suddenly lost consciousness on his legs and was trapped in bed for two days without eating or drinking until he was rescued by firefighters. The older the elderly living alone, the more types of similar problems are increasing, and the probability of occurrence is getting higher and higher, which requires a mechanism to help the elderly living alone to be found in time when the problem occurs and rescued in time.

The existence of "knocking on the door sister" solves this problem very well, they come to the door every day to provide volunteer services for the elderly living alone, such a frequency can effectively avoid the sudden emergency situation of the elderly for a long time, not only can be found in time to eliminate emergency situations, but also in the daily communication in time to find the precursors of the problem, take measures in advance to prevent problems.

What is even more valuable is that the door of the "knocking big sister" also meets the social needs of the elderly, compared to helping the elderly call for help to solve sudden problems, they do more to chat with the elderly, play cards, and take a walk. It is this seemingly simple act that greatly relieves the loneliness of the elderly living alone, enriches their spiritual world, and makes them feel the warmth of society. It highlights the fine tradition of loving the elderly and respecting the elderly and the beautiful quality of watching out for each other among neighbors, which is the core value of "Knocking On the Door".

The problem of caring for the elderly living alone is a complex problem, and although smart devices can solve the problems of the lives of the elderly living alone, it is difficult to pay attention to their spiritual world, and to solve this problem, it is ultimately necessary to rely on "people".

Most of the participants in the "Knocking Big Sister" are retired aunts of about 60 years old, who are themselves the elderly, but choose to help the elderly within the scope of their ability, which is the greatness of volunteerism and the spirit of public welfare. In our society, there are many enthusiastic volunteers like Knocking Big Sister, and every city has a large number of volunteer and public welfare teams, which are valuable assets and provide possibilities for solving the problem of nursing difficulties for the elderly living alone.

Based on this, when considering the solution of the problem of nursing for the elderly living alone, all localities may wish to learn from the practices of the blacksmith camp community in Xuanwu District, Nanjing, pay attention to the strength of volunteers, not only the enthusiastic people in the community, college students, caring people of enterprises, etc., all of which are valuable assets of community governance, which is not only conducive to the solution of the nursing difficulties of the elderly living alone, but also greatly beneficial to the solution of other community problems.

Our society needs "knocking big sister", but also needs "knocking boy" and "knocking student", the more the better.

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Onion quick comment 丨 "Knocking big sister" knocked on the door of the heart of the elderly living alone with a volunteer spirit

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