
From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

author:Pickpocket sister outside the circle

Are you tired of the gossip and lace of stars in the entertainment industry, fresh film reviews, and drama reviews?

Recently, there are always friends who let me talk about "different", and two of them have a relatively high voice: Wang Lin and "White Dragon King".

As long as the latter is written, the "half of the country" of Hong Kong's entertainment industry will be hooked up: Lin Jianyue, Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau, Liang Chaowei, Zeng Zhiwei, Chen Baixiang, Nicholas Tse...

The former also involves more stars: Jet Li, Li Bingbing, Zhao Wei, Li Shuangjiang... Even Ma Yun, who is not in the entertainment industry, has to be wrapped up.

Both of them will be very cumbersome and wordy, this article we still talk about the former - Wang Lin's magical life!

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

Talking about Wang Lin, we have to mention his autobiography, "Chinese".

In this book, which was priced at 1600 yuan at the time, Wang Lin once described his experience like this:

Yu left home at the age of seven and studied art with Taoist monks in Mount Emei. It took several years and the art went down the mountain. Later, he went to the Qianyan Temple in Shenyang and obtained the True Transmission of the Pure Light Master.

However, after later investigation, mount Emei did not have Daoist disciples, and there was no Qianyan Temple in Shenyang at all, let alone a pure light master.

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

But Wang Lin's imaginary experience was actually believed!

In this autobiography that has been printed three times and has a total of 367 pages, in addition to making himself a "master" image, Wang Lin uses almost 80% of the pages to post photos of himself and the big celebrities: there are many foreign high-ranking officials and political celebrities; there are many business leaders; more importantly, there are many superstars in the entertainment industry.

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

Wang Lin and Jet Li

In this way, Wang Lin's followers are even more!

According to his autobiography, he boasted that more than 50,000 people were treated in his "careers".

Now it seems that even Hua Tuo and Bian Que can't be revived.

But he Wang Lin "did it"!

How could such a "master" not have a decent mansion? Hundreds of millions of yuan were spent to build a "royal palace":

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

As for the means of transportation, why can't you ride a bicycle or an electric donkey?

Rolls-Royce, pay attention to "pure color" - according to incomplete statistics, Wang Lin has more than 10 million vehicles and dozens of vehicles!

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

As for designer watches, jewelry, bags, etc., there are countless.

Then some friends may ask: Where does so much money come from?

Worship fee!

On July 22, 2013, the Beijing News published an article titled "The Money Empire of the Hidden "Master" Wang Lin", which took the lead in exposing Wang Lin's way of making money.

Immediately after july 28, 2013, CCTV's "Focus Interview" carried a special report on "The True Face of the "Master of Divine Skills"".

Under the continuous follow-up reports of many media, Wang Lin's way of making money has gradually surfaced.

According to Wang Lin's land Zou Yong, Wang Lin has been collecting high fees for many years to collect wealth, and he paid 5 million yuan when he paid a teacher's fee, and he spent more than 10 million yuan before and after!

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

With the continuous deepening of many media reports, entertainment stars and business tycoons who intersect with Wang Lin have gradually surfaced.

Without further ado, go directly to the picture above:

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

This is only the part exposed in Wang Lin's autobiography, in fact, many stars who do not want to show their faces are more!

In this autobiography, there are several photos of Ma Yun and Wang Lin.

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

"Little Swallow" Zhao Wei has taken as many as a dozen photos with Wang Lin, spanning a particularly large time, and there are also Zhao Wei's children and family in the photos.

In the group photo with Li Xiang, the note reads "private secretary".

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

Wang Lin and Li Xiang

Under the group photo with Li Bingbing, there is a note of "righteous daughter".

Li Bingbing recognizes him as a dry father!

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

Wang Lin and Li Bingbing

Take another big group photo!

There are not enough coffee spots, and it is estimated that people are too lazy to even take a group photo.

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

If there is no such information and pictures to support it, do you think that the pickpocket sister is talking about it?

These are only part of it, if you post them all, you will find that the "half of the country" in the entertainment industry is there.

Regarding this experience, only Ma Yun responded to the impression of the pickpocket sister:

Friends often accuse me of visiting "non-scientific" births. Exploring, appreciating and curious about the unknown is my hobby, even with magic, the mystery behind the challenge is endlessly joyful. Curiosity benefits – it's easy for humans to judge the world self-righteously with their limited scientific knowledge. Science is not the truth, science is used to prove the truth. Excessive indulgence in faith and lost faith are superstitions, and today we are the latter. Forever curious!
From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

The Son is silent: strange, powerful, chaotic, God!

Wang Lin was born in Pingxiang, Jiangxi, and when he was young, he was brave and fierce, and he once "went in".

As a result, he was not well transformed inside, and "ran out" and then "went in".

Inside, he was beaten to the ground by his inmates.

But it is such a person who comes out and becomes a "master".

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

Looking back at his circle of friends, all of them are big guys, how did he do it?

First of all, this must be inseparable from his sharp teeth and honey belly sword; secondly, the stars of the entertainment industry at that time could not match the spiritual needs with the substantial growth of income; then, the standing of various well-known figures in turn bred Wang Lin's "fame and prestige"; finally, the background of the times (at that time, it was greatly developing "qi gong fever").

The times have made heroes, and they have also created bears.

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

On July 29, 2013, the Luxi County Health Bureau in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, claimed to have investigated Wang Lin's "illegal practice of medicine"; on August 4, 2017, the Luxi County Public Security Bureau in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, launched an investigation into Wang Lin's case of "illegal possession of firearms"; on July 15, 2015, Wang Lin was arrested for "suspected kidnapping and murder", and the victim of the case was his "apprentice" Zou Yong; at 16:17 on February 10, 2017, Wang Lin became ill and died in the hospital after rescue was ineffective...

In this regard, the magical life of "master" Wang Lin came to an end.

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

There are no ghosts in the world as mentioned in the past stories, but there are many things similar to ghosts in the world.

The spiritual deficit after the collapse of faith is a top-down absence.

If one Wang Lin went, there might be more "Wang Lin" coming out.

Try to be a "full of spirit" person and don't let the "snake" wrap around your neck.


From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

If this one can pass the review, the next pickpocket sister will come to talk to you about the "White Dragon King".

See here, like, pay attention, comment, forward and then go, after all, the little cute fingers move, the pickpocket sister will be happy for half a day!

From the magical life of "master" Wang Lin, how did he know Ma Yun, Zhao Wei, and Li Xiang? 5 million yuan of sky-high worshipper Ferma Yun came to visit, Li Bingbing recognized him as the magic life of the "master" Wang Lin at the bottom of the dry father

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