
Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

author:Sunny Vision

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of silver ear soup, women drink the skin color is tender, men drink strong sperm kidneys

Autumn in the north came so fast, yesterday it rained all day, the temperature dropped to 15 degrees at once, today the rain stopped, the wind is still very strong, a gust of autumn wind blows, feel the skin tightened, dry throat. At this time, in addition to drinking more water, we should also drink some soup water to moisturize and moisturize and prevent autumn dryness.

For example, white fungus, lotus seeds, lilies, autumn pears, red dates, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and other ingredients, they can nourish the yin and dryness, clear the fire and nourish the lungs, calm the mind, nourish the blood and nourish the face.

Now I will share a few soups based on white fungus. White fungus has the effect of strengthening the essence to tonify the kidneys, nourishing the yin and moisturizing the lungs, suppressing cough, replenishing qi and blood, replenishing the brain and refreshing the mind, and rejuvenating the skin and beauty. In particular, it is rich in natural plant-based colloids and its nourishing effect, and is recognized as a good product for protecting the skin.

1. Honey papaya silver ear soup

Ingredients: Papaya, dried white fungus


1. White fungus should be soaked beforehand. Remove the yellow head of the white fungus.

2. Put the white fungus into a pressure cooker, pour in the appropriate amount of water, and press for 10-15 minutes.

3. After the pressure cooker is uncompressed, open the lid and add the papaya that has been peeled and seeded and cut into pieces.

4. Boil again for a minute and a pot of papaya mushroom soup is ready.

5. Place in a bowl and wait until warm to add honey and enjoy.

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

2. Yellow peach silver ear soup

Papaya is replaced with yellow peach, and the practice is similar

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

3. Honey orange white fungus soup

Replaced by mandarin orange, it is mandarin white ear soup, which is a health and nutrition soup that clears the lungs and nourishes blood, nourishes yin and phlegm.

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

Fourth, silver ear tangerine peel ginger stewed pear

This bowl of sugar water is sweet and sweet, it can be used as a drink for self-cultivation and health, and it can also disperse cold and dampness, nourish the yin and moisturize the lungs, and treat colds and coughs.

Pear shengjin cough and lungs, white fungus has the effect of nourishing the yin and moisturizing the lungs, tangerine peel helps to expectorant, ginger has the effect of dispersing cold sweating, dissolving phlegm and cough.

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

Ingredients: Ginger, pear, honey, tangerine peel, foamed white fungus and soft goji berries

1. Cut the pear into small pieces, pat the ginger and chop it (pat it to release more of the ginger juice), and wash the tangerine peel.

2. Put all the ingredients other than goji berries and honey into the cooking pot and add cold water to the pot.

3. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for 40 minutes.

Then add the cleaned goji berries, see the water and then roll, you can turn off the heat (because the goji berries are not easy to cook for a long time).

4. Put it in a bowl and let the honey in warm to enjoy (because the honey is not hot).

5. Sweet potato and red date lotus seed silver ear soup

Ingredients: sweet potato, dates, lotus seeds, half a white ear fungus, goji berries, rock sugar


1. Cut off the boiled white fungus root, pick it into small flowers, put it in a pressure cooker, add water and press for 15 minutes.

2. Wait until the pressure cooker of boiling white fungus is uncompressed, then put the dates, lotus seeds and sweet potato cubes into the pot and continue to add pressure for 10 minutes.

3. After decompression, open the lid of the pot and add goji berries and some rock sugar, bring to a boil.

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

Subtle whispers:

1. First cook out the white fungus gelatin, and then add other ingredients to cook. Because the lotus seeds are rich in starch, it will affect the gelatinization of white fungus, and the dates, lotus seeds, and sweet potatoes do not need to be cooked for too long.

2. Goji berries are hot as soon as they are opened, and cooking for a long time will affect the taste and also affect the appearance.

6. White ear eight treasure porridge

If you want to make the white fungus better out of the glue, boil the white fungus eight treasure porridge can first cook the white fungus separately, after the white fungus is boiled out of the glue, and then put the other materials prepared into the pot and continue to cook. Because white fungus encounters starchy ingredients that are not easy to glue.

The ingredients for cooking Eight Treasure Porridge today are glutinous rice, black rice, brown rice, millet, barley and corn crumbles, lotus seeds, lilies, peanuts, black beans, mung beans, red beans and dates and goji berries.

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

7. Tangyuan silver ear sweet soup

First cook the white fungus soup, and then cook a few tangyuan to add to the white fungus soup, it is really good life, eating tangyuan can not be satisfied with just clear water tangyuan. Always add more ingredients to enrich its taste, but also add a lot of nutrients.

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

Ingredients: black sesame dumplings, white fungus, lotus seeds, lilies, goji berries 10 g, brown sugar

1. White fungus bubble open, cut off the yellow root, tear into small flowers.

2. Then wash the white fungus, lily and lotus seeds, put them in a pressure cooker, add the appropriate amount of water, set the pressure for 12 minutes.

3. After natural decompression, add a piece of brown sugar; start the electric pot again and boil until the brown sugar is completely melted.

Then add the goji berries and bring to a boil, and the white fungus soup is cooked.

4. Boil a pot of water, boil the rice balls, point water in the middle, all boiled and floated to cook.

5. Peel the kiwi fruit and cut into small squares.

6. Well, now you can put it in a bowl to enjoy, you can also add some fruits in the bowl, such as kiwifruit, mango, papaya, oranges and other soft fruits

Eating in this way is very enjoyable, many times more abundant than a single white fungus soup, or a single tangyuan, a single fruit, both in terms of taste and nutrition.

Autumn is dry and dry, 7 courses of white ear soup, women drink skin color and tender skin, men drink strong sperm tonic kidneys

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