
Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

For people with dull skin around the lips, it is indeed not easy to improve this type of problem, because the dull skin color around the lips is not caused by one reason, and it is difficult to try more skin care methods without finding the right cause of the dark skin around the lips.

If you blindly use a scrub product to rub the skin, it is likely to cause the skin around the lips to be sensitive and broken, and the state will become worse and worse.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

Acquired peristome skin dullness, largely due to daily wrong skin care caused, so if you want to brighten the skin color around the lips, the first thing to do is to stop the wrong skin care methods, and then take the corresponding skin care methods. Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These improved tips, you have to know!

Acne is prone to around the lips

Affected by factors such as hormones in the body or abnormal lifestyle, some people's skin around the lips is very prone to acne. Especially close to the lower lip and the position in the person, the frequent occurrence of acne is not easy to fade. It is also because of these acne that the skin around the lips looks darker than the skin in other locations.

To deal with such problems, it is very important to adjust the daily routine and rest, and if necessary, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time and adopt a more effective internal adjustment method to improve the problem from the root cause.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

In addition, some oily skin types may also be a disaster area for acne due to strong skin oil. In this case, our daily skin care should pay special attention to acne and oil control.

During the day, apply oil-controlled serums or creams daily to regulate your skin's oily performance. For evening skincare, stack the Soothing Fading Serum and acne removal products twice a week.

Insist on waiting for a period of time for the acne to fade, and then apply the whitening effect product locally, so that you can effectively solve the problem of dullness around the lips of the acne.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

The periphery is prone to sensitivity

This peri-lip dullness not only has obvious peri-mouth blackness, but also the skin close to the lip line often has symptoms of itching and desquamation, and the corners of the mouth are accompanied by dull dry cracks. This part of the skin will also be very prone to card powder when applying makeup.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

To deal with these problems, "special" care is required for the skin around the lips when it comes to daily skincare. All irritating skincare behaviors such as rubbing lips, frequent use of cleansing masks, scrubs and exfoliations, etc. should be stopped in time.

For the care of the skin around the lips, it is more important to do a good job of repair and moisturizing. For this part of the skin, you can apply a repairing cream product alone, and superimpose a repairing and moisturizing essence with panthenol, hyaluronic acid ingredients, etc.

During skin recovery, don't rush to try action-oriented skincare products. After waiting for the skin sensitivity to fade, the dullness problem will also be alleviated.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

Peri-lip makeup remains

People who wear makeup regularly are particularly susceptible to such skin problems. Peristal position, especially near the skin of the lips, sloppy makeup removal is very easy to cause makeup residue. This will not only lead to a dull skin around the lips, but also easily cause acne and acne on the skin.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

To improve this type of dull skin around the lips, it is very important to get rid of bad habits in the makeup removal process. Usually, try to use makeup remover oil or makeup remover to avoid rubbing the skin around the lips. In addition, when removing makeup, pay special attention to the cleaning of the lips, especially the chin and the corner of the mouth, and avoid the residue of foundation and lipstick.

Insist on removing makeup well, due to the dullness of the skin around the lips caused by makeup residue, the inner pigmentation of the skin will gradually be metabolized. You can also apply whitening serum to the skin around the lips to accelerate skin radiance while confirming that the skin is healthy and stable.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

Peristallum hairstyle

There are also some small hair follicles in the skin around our lips, and the hairs that grow out are very fine. They are different from beards, but it may be that some people have thick hair around the lips, which is likely to cause the skin around the lips to appear visually dark and dirty.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

Dealing with this problem is also very simple, that is, to remove the hair on the skin around the lips. Hair removal tools can be used to shave quickly, or hair follicles can be thoroughly removed.

In addition, in the daily skin care process, some skin is very sensitive to niacinamide ingredients. Although there are no studies that have confirmed that niacinamide promotes skin hair growth, the actual situation is that after someone uses niacinamide products, the skin hair becomes more pronounced. Therefore, for people with thick hair around the lips, apply skin care products containing niacinamide and try to avoid the skin around the lips.

Dark lips, black corners of the mouth, makeup can't cover up? These little tips for improvement, you have to know

The above four causes of dull skin around the lips have their own solutions. People with such skin problems must first find the root cause of the problem, and then take corresponding measures to solve it, so as to see the effect.

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