
When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

author:Big Mouth Chef

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

Hello everyone, thank you for reading the article I shared, this time I want to say to you: "When stewing meat, directly under the pot is a big mistake, remember the key 3 steps, soft rotten and fragrant, not fishy and not greasy!""

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

Entering April, the weather is warm and cold, the climate is relatively dry, it is good to eat some meat appropriately, such as pork has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing, and nutrition is also very rich, which is beneficial to our body.

Spring should be nourished liver, suitable for eating meat such as pork, chicken, beef, are high-protein foods, suitable for all ages.

In a dry climate, the most suitable method for meat is to stew it. The method of stewing meat is simple, but many people are not stewing well, the meat has a great fishy smell, old and chai, the soup color is also black, and there is no appetite to look at. Many people think that it may be that the meat is not bought well, but in fact, it has a lot to do with the practice.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

The second uncle is the chef of the restaurant and has a lot of experience in making stews. Most people's approach is to wash the meat and put it directly into the pot to stew, which is extremely wrong, no wonder the meat is old and fishy, and the soup is not bright.

Here's how to share chef's stew tips, keeping in mind the 3 key steps to make whatever you stew.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

☀ The key 3 steps to stewing

1. Soak

No matter what kind of meat, pig, beef, mutton, or chicken and duck, or ribs, large bones, after cleaning can not be directly stewed, you need to soak it in water, at least 1 hour. Add a spoonful of salt to the water, stir well and then put in the meat, soak for 2 hours, you can soak the blood in the meat, reduce the fishy taste.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

2. Blanch the water

After the meat is soaked in bloody water, rinsed clean, it cannot be directly stewed, and it also needs to be blanched.

Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, put the meat pieces into the pot with cold water, add shallots, ginger slices, cooking wine, cook on high heat for 5 minutes, use a spoon to remove the boiled foam, and then rinse with water, which can effectively remove the smell of meat.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

3. Stir-fry

Blanch the meat pieces, drain them, put them in a pot and sauté. Pour the right amount of oil into the pot, put in the meat pieces and stir-fry on a low heat, not only can fry the aroma of the meat itself, but also can simmer the excess oil, stewed meat is more fragrant, not greasy.

After doing these 3 steps, you can add water to stew, different meat stew time is not the same, but the taste is very soft and rotten, delicious and not fishy.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

Recently the price of beef brisket in the supermarket has been reduced, 1 kilogram is only 27.9 yuan, quickly bought 2 kilograms, went home to make a pot of potato stew beef brisket, soft rotten and fragrant, the following and share my approach with you.

【Beef brisket stew with potatoes】

Prepare fresh beef brisket, potatoes, green onions, ginger, peppercorns, star anise, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking oil, etc.


First, rinse the brisket, cut into large pieces, soak in lightly salted water for 1 hour, remove and wash and drain.

Step 2: Pour some water into the wok, put the beef brisket in cold water, add the green onion and ginger, cooking wine, continue to cook for 5 minutes after boiling, skim off the gray foam on the surface, and rinse off with warm water.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

Step 3: Pour in the appropriate amount of oil in the wok, add peppercorns and star anise to stir-fry, pour in the brisket and stir-fry until the surface is golden brown, add soy sauce and old soy sauce and stir-fry to color the brisket.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

Step 4: Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water, stir well, pour into the pressure cooker, and press for 30 minutes after gas.

Step 5, after 30 minutes, pour the beef into the wok, add potato cubes, continue to simmer for 10 minutes, taste the saltiness and add the right amount of salt, collect the juice on high heat, and turn off the heat after the soup is thick.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

Delicious potato stew beef brisket is ready, beef brisket soft rotten taste, not fishy at all, this method in addition to beef stew, stewed chicken, stewed ribs and other meat is also applicable, like to eat friends quickly collect it.

When stewing meat, it is a big mistake to go directly to the pot, keep in mind the key 3 steps, soft and rotten, fragrant, not fishy and not greasy

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