
General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

author:Huaxia Kyushu Chronicle

Marriage, the feast of dusk, marriage, the way of marriage of women. The word marriage, the ancient meaning is to hold a wedding feast at dusk, and the woman finds a place to rely on. Marriage, at first, only means that one party is attached to the other, even if the women in the mansion are busy and the internal affairs are orderly, but marriage should not be just a dependency relationship, but should be equal and mutually supportive.

I have seen a sentence from the writer Su Su: "Marriage is a work of the world, in the time of flowing water, with chai rice oil and salt to light the fireworks of the world for decades, year after year, pay attention to two people in the same boat, sincere cooperation." ”

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Xu Haidong and Zhou Dongping have such a marriage in the same boat, accompanying each other in the same time of flowing water, respecting and loving each other.

Xu Haidong was the founding general of our country, Mao Zedong once praised him as "a man who made great contributions to the revolution", in the works of Edgar Snow, he was a well-known military leader, and there are also good stories about him, calling him "China's Xia Boyang".

Zhou Dongping is Xu Haidong's wife, and the two are related to the war-torn era and accompany each other for a lifetime.

In 1934, Chiang Kai-shek launched an "encirclement and suppression" campaign against the Communist Party of China, and all parts of the Red Army moved to various places, opened up base areas, and persisted in guerrilla warfare, of which Xu Haidong was the deputy commander of the Red Twenty-fifth Army.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

On November 16, Xu Haidong led the 25th Red Army and the Provincial Committee of Eyuwan of the Communist Party of China to hold high the banner of "the Second Advance Detachment of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to The North to Resist Japan" and began the Long March.

On the Long March Road, there were a total of seven female comrades in the team, which was particularly eye-catching, and was called "Seven Fairies", and among these 7 female comrades was Zhou Dongping, and Zhou Dongping at that time did not change his name, and was also called Zhou Shaolan.

The environment of the Long March was difficult and difficult, because the Kuomintang "encircled and suppressed", once the troops led by Liu Haidong were transferred, they had to rush forward, and there were obstructions in front of the troops and pursuit of soldiers in the back, which was very dangerous. The situation was urgent, and when it set off, the Military Political Department planned to let 7 female comrades stay in the base area.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

However, Zhou Dongping and the other six were reluctant to stay in the base area, and their hearts were anxious after hearing the news. Zhou Dongping was originally a child bride, but he did not want to accept such an identity, so he escaped and participated in the revolution, and wanted to stay in the base area, and when the Red Army was gone, he would continue to be a child bride when he returned.

Therefore, whether it was Zhou Dongping or the other six female comrades, they gritted their teeth and did not accept subsidies, did not stay in the base areas, and resolutely followed the long march of the troops, each talking about the reasons for joining the Red Army, and crying as they spoke.

Zhou Dongping's mother died when he was 7 years old, his father was seriously ill, and the family relied on Zhou Dongping to support him, but when Zhou Dongping was 13 years old, he was abducted by human traffickers, and fifty yuan was sold to a peasant family as a child bride, Zhou Dongping did not want to accept such a life, he escaped before marriage, and joined the Red Army to find a way to live.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

At that time, Xu Haidong was the commander of the regiment, and when he heard the cries, he came to check the situation, listened carefully to their descriptions of the causes and consequences, did not underestimate them because they were women, and said to the comrades who persuaded them to stay in the base area: "These girls have experienced the most arduous test, and since they have the determination, let's give them a chance to exercise." ”

Zhou Dongping couldn't help but laugh when he heard this, and promised that he would never drag the hind legs of the team, never be a deserter, and that he was "a person of the Red Army alive, and the soul of the Red Army when he died."

Insisting on staying in the army and marching with his companions, the independence and tenacity in Zhou Dongping's personality can be seen.

As the saying goes: "There is a reason to meet thousands of miles, and there is no reason not to meet on the other side." Xu Haidong and Zhou Dongping met for the first time.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

And Zhou Dongping really became Xu Haidong's barrier, or because Xu Haidong was injured on the battlefield.

When following the Long March of the Red Army, Zhou Dongping and six other sisters worked as nurses accompanying the army, helping to rescue and care for the wounded and sick, and at the same time acting as propagandists, performing programs in order to publicize the party's policies and ideas, singing and dancing, and acting in new plays, and now learning and selling.

Zhou Dongping did not have a good education, so he studied with his comrades in the hospital while trying his best to do some work that he would do.

When there was not enough medicine, they tried to buy medicines, even find folk remedies and collect medicinal herbs; the wounded did not have anyone to accompany them, so they took care of the sick day and night; the seriously injured could not swallow, so they took over the diet and cooking work of this part of the soldiers, bought noodles, and slowly fed the seriously wounded to eat. The day and night guards of 7 female Red Army soldiers saved many lives.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

At that time, the Propaganda Work of the Communist Party was very important, and in order to dispel rumors about the Communist Party's "Communist Wife" and "Plunder all property", Zhou Dongping did a lot of work with the propaganda team, and the propaganda also received very good results, and the masses loved to watch Zhou Dongping perform them.

During the Long March, Zhou Dongping studied in the rear while doing the tasks within his ability, Xu Haidong has been rushing to the front, and the intersection of the two has stayed at the beginning when Xu Haidong left the seven fairies.

On December 10, 1934, Xu Haidong received news that the enemy army was raiding the Red Army, so he immediately gathered the Red 223rd Regiment to counterattack, in this battle, Xu Haidong led the army to annihilate more than 700 enemy people, but his own casualties were also very large, Xu Haidong was seriously wounded, bullets entered from the left eye, came out from the back of the neck, and when he returned to the camp, he had fainted after losing too much blood.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Fortunately, after the doctor's rescue, the blood stopped, but Xu Haidong's throat was still difficult to breathe because of the blood phlegm blockage, Zhou Dongping assisted the doctor at that time, and proposed to try to use artificial respiration to suck out the blood sputum.

In the end, Xu Haidong was successfully rescued, but he was still in danger, and Zhou Dongping took care of Xu Haidong at all times, and his clothes were not untied.

When Xu Haidong woke up, the first thing he saw was Zhou Dongping's tired but happy face, at this time Zhou Dongping had been guarding Xu Haidong for four days and four nights, and when he saw Xu Haidong wake up, he couldn't help but cry with joy, and even shouted to the door, "Wake up, wake up."

Xu Haidong thought that he had only slept, and asked if it was time for the troops to leave. The doctor came to see xu Haidong in a very good state, and then looked at Zhou Dongping's tearful eyes, and then casually told Xu Haidong about the blood phlegm and four days of nursing care that Zhou Dongping had solved.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Xu Haidong recognized that this was the female soldier he left behind at that time, but she did not expect that she finally saved her own life, and she did not tire of taking care of herself, her eyes were hot, and the tears were about to flow.

Zhou Dongping hurriedly comforted Xu Haidong and said that this was what he should do, Xu Haidong's condition was improving, and he would definitely be able to fight on the battlefield in the future.

After that, Zhou Dongping was assigned to take special care of Xu Haidong's rehabilitation.

Zhou Dongping carefully changed Xu Haidong's medicine, drank water, fed food, comforted Xu Haidong, who could not stay in bed and wanted to go to the battlefield, and the atmosphere of love gradually appeared in the daily relationship between the two.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Xu Haidong would pretend to be angry when he was bedridden, reprimand the nurses around him, and let them let them go out to fight, but Zhou Dongping was not afraid, she looked at Xu Haidong who was breathing on the bed, knew that his mental state was good when he could be reprimanded, and slowly persuaded Xu Haidong.

During the recuperation period, looking at the busy Zhou Dongping, Xu Haidong read her original name "Shaolan" and solemnly said that she was his own barrier, that is, "Dongping". "Shaolan" is still taken from flowers and grasses, unlike a female warrior, she was still "Zhou Shaolan" at that time, so she resolutely changed her name and became "Zhou Dongping".

In the name of the son, the name of me, zhou Dongping's name is simple and romantic.

During Xu Haidong's recuperation, the two had feelings for each other, although they were limited by the conditions of the war and could not hold a wedding, but Xu Haidong had vowed to marry Zhou Dongping at the end of the Long March.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

"Dongping" is Xu Haidong's barrier, eliminating his pain, encouraging him, and supporting him to devote himself to the revolutionary cause, while Xu Haidong fully respects Zhou Dongping, and the two often study together.

Xu Haidong and Zhou Dongping did not read many books because of the turmoil of the times, one only learned how to fight wars and serve the country, and the other only learned to be a nurse in the team and take care of soldiers, but these were the most needed abilities in that era.

Before confessing, the two were very hesitant, feeling that they were not worthy of each other. Xu Haidong felt that Zhou Dongping was tenacious and had a strong ability to learn, and if he had not married himself and taken care of himself, he would have been able to do a greater revolutionary cause, but he was much older; and Zhou Dongping felt that Xu Haiping would fight, had a brain, was tall and handsome, and was still a deputy military commander, but he would not have much.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Balzac once said that the happiness of marriage is not based entirely on eminent status and possessions, but on mutual respect—the essence of this happiness is humble and simple.

In marriage, the difficulty is mutual respect, Xu Haidong and Zhou Dongping both feel that each other is better than themselves, this heartfelt admiration makes the two people also relatives and friends, no matter what happens, they can think from each other's point of view, like friends to give each other appropriate support.

In this way, in September 1935, the Long March of the Red Twenty-fifth Army finally arrived in northern Shaanxi, and the two held a wedding ceremony under the witness of their comrades-in-arms, and the two lovers who loved each other finally became dependents, and the two sheltered each other and formed a family.

After marriage, Zhou Dongping also followed his name and played the role of the guardian deity in his marriage to Xu Haidong.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Although he already had a family, Xu Haidong, as a military general, still needed to run around for the revolutionary cause, but Zhou Dongping not only took good care of his family, but also took care of the revolutionary tasks and led his children to follow the revolutionary team.

However, shortly after the marriage, Xu Haidong was injured again because of years of conquest. After the end of the Long March, Xu Haidong suffered from tuberculosis, and he coughed up blood during the command, frightening the people around him, and the Party Central Committee ordered him to go to Yan'an to recuperate for the sake of Xu Haidong's body, and could not stay on the battlefield and not leave.

So Zhou Dongping took care of Xu Haidong with his two children and went to Yan'an.

On the way to Yan'an, it was a cold winter, the road was far away, the cold wind was biting, which was even more unfavorable to Xu Haidong's recovery from lung disease, Xu Haidong was still delaying the trip when passing through the command headquarters, commanding the "anti-sweeping", Zhou Dongping watched Xu Haidong's condition deteriorate day by day, and his heart was anxious.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Later, for the sake of Xu Haidong, Zhou Dongping got the prescription of the old Chinese medicine doctor, but the medicinal materials were in short supply, so she risked her life to go up the mountain to collect medicine. At that time, the mountain was not like the current scenic spot, the mountain road was rugged and steep, sparsely populated, and if you were not careful, you might not be able to come back. Zhou Dongping knew the danger and did not want to drag others down, so he personally went up to the mountain to collect medicine.

Fortunately, he finally returned safely, and the prescription of the old Chinese medicine doctor also had a miraculous effect, and when Xu Haidong woke up, it seemed to repeat the scene after the first encounter between the two many years ago. Knowing everything Zhou Dongping had done for him, he looked at his wife speechless, leaving the same tears in his eyes as many years ago.

However, after Xu Haidong fell ill this time, he could not stand up, he lay on the bed for thirty years, and Zhou Dongping took care of him for thirty years, without complaint or regret. No matter whether Xu Haidong can stand up or not, whether he can continue to fight, Zhou Dongping will accompany her, and she will always remember that when she first met, she did not dislike the "Seven Fairies" who were weak and gave them the opportunity.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

In 1945, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Haidong was arranged to recuperate in Dalian, and invited expert doctors in the United States and military doctors of the Soviet Red Army to examine him, at this time he learned that most of his lung function was ineffective, and it was up to Zhou Dongping to seek prescriptions and take good care of him to persist to this day.

When the doctor knew the reason, he lamented this miracle one after another. Even if he was seriously ill, from 1940 to 1945, Xu Haidong was also a commander in the central China Battlefield, fighting guerrillas and insisting on contributing to the War of Resistance.

And his courage to fight outside came from Zhou Dongping—no matter what, he believed that his wife could pull him back from the brink of death, and he would struggle to return from the gate of the Yama King's Palace.

Xu Haidong once said to Zhou Dongping on a difficult day: "We got married too early, which affected you and could not make better progress." But when Zhou Dongping pulled Xu Haidong back from the door of the YanWang Palace again and again, looking at her husband who woke up, it was not another kind of happiness.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Bavary Nix once said that marriage is a book, the first chapter is written in psalms, and the rest is bland prose. In the lives of Xu Haidong and Zhou Dongping, there are both companionship when they are sick and ordinary daily routines of studying together.

Neither of them was too educated, so they studied together, read books together, and talked not only about their parents but also about revolutionary ideas in their leisure time.

During the war years, both of them needed to face the danger of the country, Zhou Dongping would not complain because Xu Haidong was selling his life for the country, Xu Haidong also knew the sacrifices and dedication of his wife, never underestimated his wife, and would not fail his wife.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, many young and educated female students also migrated, and some comrades joked with Xu Haidong, asking him if he wanted to reorganize, and if so, introduced Xu Haidong to beautiful female students. Xu Haidong scolded when he heard this, saying that it was not only insulting himself, but also insulting Dongping.

Zhou Dongping followed Xu Haidong's Long March, taking good care of him when he was sick, properly arranging family affairs when he could not take care of his family, and slowly comforting him when he was anxious because he could not go to the battlefield due to illness.

There will be no betrayal between the two of them, there will be no disagreement, because they know each other's love for themselves, and in the long flow of life, the two have built a trust that will not collapse.

General Xu Haidong and his wife: acquaintance due to war, love due to illness, bedridden for 30 years, his wife did not abandon the yin and yang, fate changed his name to Dongping, stayed with each other and respected each other, but also relatives and friends

Xu Haidong once left a poem for his wife Zhou Dongping: "Respect me and protect me carefully, raise children and raise children to work hard." Guests come to be gracious, good wives and good mothers. ”

You give me respect, I give you company; you give me a harbor, I give you protection, Xu Haidong and Zhou Dongping's marriage, there are ups and downs, but with each other's company of ups and downs, may be able to feel a little happiness after the experience.

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