
Grandparents are getting older and older, insisting on divorce, this is a big earthquake! The family was confused

author:The only sister I wanted

The second part of the trilogy of Japanese director Yoji Yamada's film "Family Suffering" is about the ordinary life of three generations of the Hirata Shuzo family living in the suburbs of Tokyo.

The seventy-something couple had to divorce and the whole family was miserable.

What are the past hurdles?

Why should an elderly couple divorce?

They have lived together for more than forty years, the old lady who has been busy with the family for half a lifetime, originally thought that the eldest daughter-in-law took over to take care of her and take care of the whole family, she finally unloaded the burden, the retired old man has time to accompany her, and the two of them enjoy and spend their old age together.

Unexpectedly, after the old man retired, there was no nine-to-five work busyness and family financial pressure, he played golf, drank, met friends, flirted outside all day. Today was his wife's birthday, but he forgot. He came home drunk in the middle of the night, and the old lady was waiting for him and asking him for a birthday present. He laughed at her as he undressed: "I want a gift at such an old age!" The old lady was still cleaning up his pants on the floor and the stinky socks he had thrown away. Then calmly and smilingly handed him a signed divorce agreement and said: As long as you sign it, it is the best birthday gift for me!

The old lady offered to divorce the old man, which was undoubtedly an earthquake. The wild old man's heart fluctuated, and it was difficult to accept the facts. Even the children were shocked to learn of it. The old lady understands that it is not easy for him to support his family, tolerates and accommodates everything, and strives to take care of him and the family for decades without complaint. Now she felt that he took all this care for granted, and she could no longer bear it.

The old lady has been a housewife for decades completely out of touch with society, no retirement salary, no income, how to live in the future? In such a situation, she insists on divorce, why is it?

If the elderly want to divorce, what should the children do?

The old man is accustomed to being domineering and hard-mouthed, deliberately publicizing to her children that she wants to divorce, hoping to keep her through her children. The rest of the family began a marriage campaign to save the elderly.

On weekends, families get together for family meetings to find out the real reason why their mother decided to divorce, and the children think that the mother is just blocking the moment, not really wanting to divorce. How did I live my mother's divorced life? What everyone did not expect was that the old lady said very frankly: her brother was a writer, died young, left a large amount of copyright fees for her, enough for her to live for a long time, and she herself participated in writing training, with achievements and income. There is a relatively stable life guarantee, do not rely on old men and children, and live a comfortable and elegant old age by yourself. The children and the old man were stunned!

She added, "I used to think he was farting and grunting. At some point some time ago, I started to hate these things and wanted to stay away from him. I told him countless times not to throw socks upside down on the ground, and he had never heard of it. "The children feel that this is not the main reason.

At the family meeting, the old man had a bad attitude, the son-in-law could not help but take out the private detective to take a photo, the old man was emotional and suddenly fainted, fortunately, the daughter-in-law was a nurse, and she was sent to the hospital for treatment in time, there was no big problem. His sudden illness, frightened by the old lady, himself, and his children, made everyone rethink a lot of questions.

After he was discharged from the hospital, the younger son moved to prepare for marriage, and on the way to meet him in the park where he was walking his dog, advising him not to divorce his mother, he was still stubborn and could not listen, thinking that he had done nothing wrong.

3) He understands what he should do

In the end, it was sympathetic, and the words of the clever little daughter-in-law made him wake up: Since your mother has made a request, then you must reply to her in sincere language in person. He still had a hard mouth, but when he went home, he signed his name on the divorce papers, and according to what his daughter-in-law said, he replied to his wife's appeal, apologized, and praised her decades of dedication to the family.

The wife was very surprised to see the signed divorce letter, and even more surprised to hear his apology, at the same time, the wife was also frightened by the sudden fainting of her husband, although she had let go of the obsession with divorce, she could not help but be surprised and said: You want to say so, I will never leave you, but I don't know who will go first!

He knew his problem, it was he who had slackened his love for her, it was he who was sorry for her. He signed and stamped the divorce application form. He took off his socks and put them neatly in order, and he expressed gratitude for the silent efforts she had been giving and decided to set her free. She tore up the agreement in front of him, and all she wanted was a thank you.

Two people, especially those who have reached the twilight, as long as they care for each other and appreciate each other's efforts, the husband will still throw away small things such as clothes and pants, just the seasoning and lubricating oil in life, there is no lack of something, and walking hand in hand through the days behind life is the most important.

In marriage, when one party is accustomed to the other's good and giving, or turns a blind eye to the other's giving, the relationship between the husband and wife is easy to lose balance.

In reality, we are not afraid to pay, but if we pay for a long time, we do not get the response and recognition of the other party, and the other party does not even cherish and be grateful, and slowly the heart will be full of complaints.

We often say that love is selfless. But selflessly dedicated love is also unwilling to be dismissive. We should cherish each other's goodness, not unbridled demand.

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