
Why was Wen Tingjun, a famous gunner of the Tang Dynasty, always unlucky?

author:Fool Leli 1

At the age of 65, Wen Tingjun finally mixed into the Guozi Prison.

Why was Wen Tingjun, a famous gunner of the Tang Dynasty, always unlucky?

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In the past, it was someone else who tested him, but now it is his turn to test others. In addition to the happiness of the judgment papers, he put on the list of the examination papers that he thought were good. The examination papers posted are all written by some "angry youth", either to pinpoint current events or to ridicule the powerful.

This annoyed the current imperial magnates, and soon Wen Tingjun was kicked out of the capital. Before leaving, many lifters spontaneously sent him off. After a lifetime of dislike, there is finally a humane ending.

Wen Tingjun's life is very similar to the Song Dynasty's Qinglou great lyricist Liu Yong Liu Sanchang, but his literary achievements are far above Liu Yong. His poems are on a par with Li Shangyin, known as "Wen Li"; his words are on a par with Wei Zhuang, known as "Wen Wei". He also has an elegant name, called "Wen Eight Insertions", that is, when answering the examination paper to write rhymes, one intervention can become one rhyme, and eight times of intervention in eight rhymes will complete the manuscript, which is much more bullish than Cao Zhi's "seven steps into poetry" in the Three Kingdoms era. There is an important genre in the Tang and Song dynasties, Huajian Words, and it is said that Wen Tingjun is the grandfather of this school.

Wen Tingjun's hometown was originally in Changze Village, Pingyao County, Shanxi.

When he was young, he ran to a guest house in the Jianghuai area and met Yao Xun, a historian who was then the history of In 826, Wen Tingjun was at a brothel in Yangzhou and was very close to a prostitute surnamed Chen, who was also good friends with Yao Xun. Lord Yao is also true, a good Changzhou does not stay, but to run to Yangzhou to find flowers and ask willows. This is good, the road is narrow, the eyes are extremely red, roll up the sleeves and start fighting. Wen Tingjun was a commoner, alone, yao Xun was a magistrate, with a group of retinues, and it was needless to say who suffered losses after this fight. The serious consequences were that Wen Tingjun was not only beaten by the group, but also deprived of the right of residence in Changzhou by Lord Yao and expelled back to his hometown.

In the fourth year of Emperor Wenzong's reign (839), Wen Tingjun began to take the official selection examination at the age of nearly 40, and only took the examination in Jingzhao Province, and even failed to participate in the provincial examination. The reason for this is probably the victim of political struggle in the palace. At that time, Wen Tingjun was a disciple of Prince Zhuang Ke, and because of Yang Xianfei's slander, dozens of disciples around Prince Zhuang Ke were either killed or expelled, and then Prince Zhuang Ke died suddenly and inexplicably. The reason why Wen Tingjun was able to be spared was related to the fact that the prostitutes were beaten by the group, and who still expected zhongjinshi?

A group of officials who supported Yang Xianfei in attacking Prince Zhuang Ke also met Wen Tingjun in a brothel. That time was not because of jealousy, but because of partisan struggle. The competition for the top prostitute is just an external manifestation.

I have seen rogues fight and seldom seen literati fighting. The historical records are also unclear. According to Zhao Yan's analysis, the group fight must have occurred, and Wen Tingjun also suffered a big loss. After that, he lived for two years on the outskirts of Yan (present-day Hu County, Shaanxi), in his own words, "for two years he was ill and did not go to the township to recommend a test for a division." Whether he was really sick or could not afford to be beaten up, I don't know.

The third time he was beaten by the group was in the fourth year of Xiantong (863), when Wen Tingjun was already 63 years old and extremely poor. Originally, in Xiangyang Jiedushi, Xu Shang was made an inspector (equivalent to a staff officer), eating, drinking, and having fun, but two years ago, Xu Shang "commanded to go to Que", wen Tingjun lost his rice bowl, and had to go to Jiangdong. The following winter, he returned to Huainan, where he had been beaten for the first time.

The history books say: "(Wen Tingjun) was forced to beg in the Yangtze Courtyard and was drunk at night", but he was slapped by the patrolling creeps, and even his teeth were knocked out. After the Middle And Tang Dynasties, there was a "night ban" method in Beijing and important cities around the world, and pedestrians were not allowed on the streets. In other words, if you are entertaining in a brothel, you can only play all night, and you can only go home at dawn, and it is illegal to go home in the middle of the night and walk on the street.

At that time, Ling Fox was sent out of the town of Huainan by the prime minister, and this Ling Fox prime minister also had a festival with Wen Tingjun. He once asked Wen Tingjun to write poems on his behalf to please the emperor, and asked Wen Tingjun to keep it a secret for him.

However, Wen Tingjun went around showing off that he had served as a gunman for the prime minister, which greatly damaged the face of the fox prime minister. Another time, Tang Xuanzong gave a poem, the previous sentence has "Jin Bu Shake", failed to correct, let wei Di Jinshi right, Wen Tingjun with "jade stripe" to it, Xuanzong was very happy, rewarded. Ling Fox did not know the origin of the "jade stripe" allusion, so he asked Wen Tingjun. Wen Tingjun told him that he was from the "South China Classic", and said: "The South China Classic" is not a secluded book, and you should also read some books in the leisure of the country's official duties. The implication is that the fox does not read. Therefore, the fox hated him and gritted his teeth.

Wen Tingjun was beaten by the small soldiers patrolling the streets, and he was so angry that he went to ling fox to complain. The two sides confronted the court, and the soldiers said that Wen Tingjun was "narrow and evil", which made the fox laugh when he heard the whiskers, and did not dispose of the soldiers who beat people. The news that Wen Tingjun had beaten herself and lost her teeth reached the Capital Division, causing a storm in the city. Wen Tingjun had no choice but to go to Chang'an in person and write to the secretary of state that he had been wronged for himself.

From time to time, pei cheng, a son of a high-ranking official, linghujiao, and others were witnesses to Wen Tingjun's beating, and seeing that Ling Huyun had declared a personal vendetta, Wen Tingjun was so embarrassed that he was very angry, so he jointly wrote to the imperial court and said good things for Wen Tingjun. In the sixth year of Xiantong (865), in order to appease Wen Tingjun, the emperor ordered him to serve as an assistant teacher of the Guozi Prison, but unfortunately the good times did not last long, and the following year he was demoted to Fang Chengwei and died on the way to his post.

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